Are we the Baddies?
Was the US illegally developing bio-weapons in the now confirmed labs that exist on Russia's border with Ukraine?
The Radical Dispatch
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Are we the Baddies?
Was the US illegally developing bio-weapons in the now confirmed labs that exist on Russia's border with Ukraine?
1) The Caveat:
It should be assumed throughout this article that the existence of biological weapons laboratories inside Ukraine should not be read as telegraphing a stance in favour of Russia’s invasion. Rather it provides horrifying context, an insight into what could happen next, and with that a chance for deescalation.
2) The Allegation
On the 24th February 2022, the very day of Russia’s invasion, some of us were already worried about the prospect of biological weapons laboratories existing in Ukraine. My below warning, citing my words from the 26th January 2022 on the Joe Rogan show, highlighted that such actions would push Russia further into China's arms.

The existence of bio-weapons labs on Ukraine’s border with Russia has since been confirmed by both Russia and the US (I say both because the Ukrainian government is essentially serving as a US proxy). The only remaining question is around what we were doing in those laboratories.
It is no longer in doubt that we funded bio-weapons research in the Wuhan lab in China, from where it is now believed that Covid most likely leaked from.

So were we doing the same in Ukraine too? Russia has certainly made the allegation.
As Op India asks:
And Newsweek reports:
Like all things Covid, the existence of these labs was initially and transparently labelled by the usual suspects as ‘conspiracy theory’ and “Russian propaganda”.
But by now, such forceful denials have increasingly become a sure sign that it might be a good idea to keep digging. And then, in a fashion typical to the porous digital age we find ourselves in, Russia decided to hold a press conference announcing that they had uncovered proof.

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov stated "In the course of a special military operation, the facts of an emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, were uncovered."
With this, he released this document drop alleging (for anyone who can read it) that these papers substantiated their case.
If Russia’s allegations hold up, the US and her proxy Ukrainian regime would be in violation of the first article of the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons.
3) The Admission
Russia’s announcement appears to have forced America’s hand to admit that such bio labs do indeed exist. US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland framed this admission by stating that these labs were for defensive research only.

Under Secretary Nuland however continued to make the case that such labs would be dangerous if they fell into Russian hands, without apparently noticing the contradiction inherent in her position that such labs are only dangerous because they can be weaponised.
The Grayzone reports:
And it is precisely because they can be weaponised that some Ukrainians had already petitioned President Zelensky in 2021 to close these labs. This petition had been uploaded to the Ukrainian government website by Isaev Mykola Vsisovich, stating:
“In connection with the above, I ASK the President of Ukraine, who, according to Article 102 of the Constitution of Ukraine, is the Guarantor of the observance of the Constitution, rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine:
1. IMMEDIATELY CLOSE American bio-laboratories on the territory of Ukraine;
2. ENSURE the investigation of the activities of American bio-laboratories on the territory of Ukraine;
3. ENSURE VERIFICATION of the possible participation of Ukrainian scientists and Ukrainian medical organizations in the creation of coronavirus, as reported in the Petition No. 22/091370-ep on the website of the President of Ukraine.”
4) The Denial
Despite what is by now obvious - especially after the Coronavirus outbreak somewhere around that lab in Wuhan - that defensive biological labs have dual purpose and can also be used as an offensive weapon, the US State department took to social media to present a denial of this obvious conclusion, as “fact”.
Such has been the desire to correct the record on Ukrainian bio labs in fact that - just as occurred with Covid and the lab leak hypothesis - the ‘Ministry of Truth’ inspired “fact” checkers were once again duly rolled out to loudly shout ‘conspiracy theory’, as if anybody still takes such opinion-columns-masquerading-as-fact-checkers seriously anymore:
Here was USA Today dutifully obliging the narrative:
And Foreign Policy:
Let’s not forget the “fact”-checkers themselves:
OK. Sure. So why exactly was the below on the US State Department website?
And why was this on the website of the US embassy in Ukraine?
Such a feeble defence is the equivalent of denying that Einstein’s discovery of splitting the atom to generate energy is not also something that could be used to make nuclear weapons. After the Covid outbreak, the notion that bio labs can be weaponised should simply be presumed as a rule.
The Telegraph reports:
5) The Reveal
The Ukrainian-American program for studying dangerous biological pathogens is run by the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). According to the project’s Acting Deputy, Joseph Pennington, Ukraine received more than $200 million from the Pentagon to create a network of fifteen biological laboratories across the country.
The National Post reports that a deleted web article reveals that former President Obama spearheaded the project leading to the construction of these bio labs handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine. The deleted but archived webpage from 18th June 2010 states:
“U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine, this week, announcing that it will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists”
The original article was also included in Issue No. 818 of the US Air Force (USAF) Counterproliferation Centre’s Outreach Journal.
“Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then-Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials.”
Here it is in full:
A 2011 report from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Anticipating Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories explained that the Odessa-based laboratory “is responsible for the identification of especially dangerous biological pathogens.”
“This laboratory was reconstructed and technically updated up to the BSL-3 level through a cooperative agreement between the United States Department of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine that started in 2005. The collaboration focuses on preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens, and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons”
By now it should be obvious, such defensive labs can just as easily be turned into offensive weapons. Among the many times Russia and China expressed such concerns was on 8th October 2021.
This is probably why the World Health Organisation has now advised Ukraine to destroy these pathogens.
6) The Culprit?
Take your minds back to - the since established as true - Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell New York Post story.
Remember the allegations that Hunter Biden served on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma for $83,333 per month, despite no experience?
Well, Hunter Biden also runs an investment company called Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners. This company was a lead financial backer of Metabiota, a pandemic tracking and response firm that has partnered with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance (of Wuhan lab Coronavirus-leak fame) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Suspicion falls on the Hunter Biden funded firm Metabiota for being behind similar research that was eventually exposed as having been conducted in Wuhan, but this time in Ukraine.

7) The Response:
Matching Russian precision strikes to a map of bio lab locations inside Ukraine certainly does suggest that Putin’s “special military operation” appears to be targeting some of these dangerous labs.
8) The Sleight?
The Telegraph reports:
Of course, with the population primed during Covid by military grade psychological operations - or war propaganda - if these dangerous pathogens were to leak again we could always just blame Russia.

The below video collage begins by depicting Senator Rubio questioning Under Secretary Nuland on whether she believes a biological attack is imminent in Ukraine.

Senator Marco Rubio asks, “if there is a biological or chemical weapon incident or attack inside of Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100% it would be the Russians that would be behind it?”
Under Secretary Nuland replies, “there is no doubt in my mind Senator and it is classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves”
From this same video collage, you will see President Biden and his staff alleging that Russia is planning a ‘false flag’ attack. The collage ends with an image of Bill Gates and his then wife Melinda smirking together on camera, while Bill utters the below sentence.
“The idea of a bio-terrorist attack is kind of the nightmare scenario, now the good news is.. that most of the work we’re gonna do to be ready for pandemic two - I call this pandemic one - most of the work we’ll do to be ready for that, are also the things we need to do to minimise the threat of bio terrorism... we’ll have to prepare for the next one, that will get attention this time”.
The man behind Bill Gates in the below photograph is Jens Stoltenberg. Between 2002-2005 he served as the director for the Gates funded Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI). Stoltenberg has been an advocate for having all the world's children vaccinated against infectious diseases. This very same Jens Stoltenberg is currently serving as the Secretary General of NATO.
Considering all of the above, was ensuring that a “next pandemic” doesn’t occur by taking out these bio labs, what Putin had in mind by his phrase “special military operation”?
Tucker Carslon asks Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard “Without even going into what they told us was Russian disinformation is actually true, how concerned are you that Victoria Nuland who is overseeing this war has just admitted there are unsecured dangerous bio-agents in Ukraine?”
Congresswoman Gabbard’s reply is as telling as it is revealing.
“I’m extremely concerned as should be every American and everyone in the world… we have these pathogens in the midst of a war zone, not just in one location but between twenty and thirty labs.. her response to Senator Rubio was immediately to start pointing fingers, we’re gonna preemptively start the blame game should anything happen to these pathogens and who knows what is going on in these labs, before anything bad happens just say ‘you know what, it’s the bad guys who are responsible for this’. It is the height of irresponsibility, their response to this, the fact that they’re covering it up, the fact that they aren’t doing really what needs to be done.. unless this war in Ukraine ends right now… we face a very real certainty that one or more of these labs will be compromised, and it won’t just be the people of Ukraine who are impacted, we could face another global crisis when you look at a pathogen that could be released, we just went through this with Covid, we can’t have forgotten this already.”
Unfortunately, Congresswoman Gabbard’s plea that the war be brought to an immediate end has fallen on deaf ears.
The best guarantee we have that neither side releases any pathogens in Ukraine, while blaming the other side for a “false flag” as the US is already hinting at, is if all sides immediately accept a full, open and internationally led investigation by non-aligned parties.
Good luck with the chances of that happening.
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