Blame Canada - Before Somebody Thinks of Blaming Us
Trudeau Enforces a State of Emergency to Clamp Down on Freedom Protestors
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Blame Canada - Before Somebody Thinks of Blaming Us
Trudeau Enforces a State of Emergency to Clamp Down on Freedom Protestors
1) Momentum for Freedom is Building
As many Western liberal democracies begin desperately retreating from their draconian Covid mandates and crimes against humanity, bastions of corporatist media are finally attempting to release the pressure valve by given air to views that they had previously been decrying as conspiracy theories.
The Guardian ran a column helping to explain to their woefully captured audience the very logical objections that “anti-vaxxers” may have to the Covid vaccine, after doing what almost all corporatist press did by demonising them for two years.

Toby Young reports good news today that Austria has preformed a huge u-turn on vaccine passports.

And Denmark went further by actively pushing back against the manipulation of Covid data to further spread fear and cause panic.

As England’s politicians failed to implement their much demanded vaccine mandates for the NHS and soon after announced that England would be completely free of Covid mandates, other countries that had not staked their entire reputations on ‘Build Back Better’ began to follow suit.
2) The Double Downers - Canada, France, Australia and New Zealand
But some nations had already gone too far. Those countries that had crossed red lines in attempt to lead this Great Reset (a Global Palace Coup) had no choice but to double down, or face the political, legal and moral consequences of their actions. And so it was that New Zealand failed to read the writing on the wall.

But then, what to expect from a Prime Minister who has already dictated the terms of the conversation, stipulating the New Zealand state as the “only source of truth”?

Meanwhile, Australia’s police confirmed that they did indeed use directed energy weapons at the Canberra protest, stipulating that they had apparently only used the weapon to make public announcements only, for now. Rebel News reports:
However, of all the Double-Down countries it is Canada that has attracted the most attention this week. This is primarily because PM Trudeau had also gone too far. So by the time he faced the now globally famous truckers’ Freedom Convoy that has been blockading Ottawa for nearly 3 weeks as they demand an end to Trudeau’s draconian Covid mandates, he had no choice but to do-or-die.
At first, the Prime Minister went into hiding. Then, he suspended democracy, declared a state emergency and turned Canada into a dictatorship. The Times of London reports:
All this, to protect the vaccine mandates that everybody else has started to dump. Think about it: why didn’t Trudeau just do what others have done and ditch the blasted things? Everybody knows the mandates do not work? What is he so keen to hide by holding onto power at all costs? Why is his state media so desperate that even the word Freedom is now deemed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to be a far-right fetish?
3) A Domestic Palace Coup in Aid of the Global Palace Coup
It is always easier to remove liberty when a usurper has the convenience of an emergency to manipulate. Covid-19 provided the perfect setting for Trudeau to start by calling on everyone to ‘wash your hands’ and end by declaring an indefinite state of emergency. This is tyranny 101.
But why?
As I explained on my censored and never released episode of the Joe Rogan show three weeks ago, Trudeau has mounted a domestic palace coup to serve the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) global palace coup. This, while Biden has been distracting everyone in Ukraine.
In a clip that I had played live on the Joe Rogan’s Experience (please sign the petition here to help - mine is the only ever show that has never been released) as far back as 2017 WEF head Klaus Schwab was proudly declaring that his WEF Young Global Leaders programme had “penetrated” the cabinets of governments around the world. In this boast, Schwab singled out Macron and Trudeau for praise, even going as far as to state that his network dominated half of Canada’s cabinet.

This brief clip explains to whom Trudeau owes his political ascension. Klaus Schwab openly admits to using his Young Global Leaders programme to “penetrate” cabinets.
To what end?
Think of this like Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Which superpower benefits - in terms of soft & economic power - without firing a shot, when Western nations erase liberty & replace it with technocracy?
Trudeau himself has explained:
“A level of admiration I actually have for China. Because their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime..there is a flexibility that I know..Harper must dream about, having a dictatorship where he could do everything he wanted”
Upon this analysis, such headlines in countries that tried to enforce covid mandates should by now be rather unsurprising:

4) The Chinese Social Credit System Comes to Canada
Three days ago Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau announced a never before implemented State of Emergency. Reuters reports:
Then the threats came:

Such moves were met with disdain by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

But the outrage did not stop Trudeau’s regime from moving at speed towards the Chinese Social credit system, a system in which access to basic societal amenities is contingent upon behaviour deemed “good” by the state. Rather than simply remove vaccine mandates, Trudeau chose to freeze the bank accounts of his political opponents.
As his Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland explained, they began with the truckers themselves:
"If your truck is being used in these illegal blockades your corporate accounts will be frozen, the insurance on your vehicle will be suspended”

You will not be surprised to see Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland profiled on the WEF website either:

After this, Trudeau’s Justice Minister weighed in. Now they were moving in on freezing the accounts of all those who donated to the truckers:

Escalating to compiling lists of political opponents, protestors and donors in collaboration with the Canadian police (RCMP).

Note: non-custodial crypto wallets cannot be frozen.
Just imagine if Trump had done any of this.

Not satisfied with the above, they pushed even further. First threatening to remove the protestors’ children:

And then to euthanise their pets. Animal cruelty invariably leads to human cruelty.

Finally, the arrests came. Convoy organiser Chris Barber was arrested:

As was convoy organiser Tamara Lich:
This was organiser Tamara Lich’s tearful last speech the day before her arrest, in which she stated that it was inevitable she would be detained:

5) Waking Up, with Justin Trudeau
A tyranny has been born under our very eyes yet ‘polite’ society had been busy blaming those who tried to raise the alarm, because the usurper came smiling. Thankfully, the above extreme and never before implemented measures in Canada has woken up some politicians in Canada, as well as stirring some commentators internationally.
The Canadian opposition has finally begun decrying Trudeau’s overreach. The ice has cracked. The premiere of Ontario Doug Ford has declared that everyone everywhere is “done” with Covid mandates.

The Independent reports that Ottawa’s Police Chief resigned.
And so unease among the demoralised Canadian police rank and file at what has become of Canada, was to be expected:
Beyond Canada, the UK’s Conservative MP for Yeovil & South Somerset Marcus Fysh has made representations to the UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, while the writer Douglas Murray has called for broader, further action.

Sadly, it may just have taken this for the world to see that what many of us had been warning about for two years. Rounded upon and ridiculed by friends and colleagues alike for being “dangerous conspiracy theorists”, many people will still take a while to swallow the bitter pill of knowing what happens to the human condition when the state is allowed to suspend basic civil liberties, by giving in to panic and fear.

Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan already summed up their goal for us nicely:

When the stakes are so high, and the future of humanity has arrived at the crossroads between human liberty and technocratic tyranny, resistance becomes a duty for those who are still human.