Corporatist Media Finally Confirms British Army's 77th Brigade Was Spying On Lockdown Critics
And Time Is Vindicating
Corporatist Media Finally Confirms British Army's 77th Brigade Was Spying On Lockdown Critics
And Time Is Vindicating
- A Radical Dispatch
The corporatist media has finally confirmed what we originally revealed on Joe Rogan’s show over a year ago, that the British government was using military-grade psychological operations against the British public in order to gaslight, and mentally and emotionally abuse us all into Covid compliance.

Here is the original clip from that Rogan episode in which the British Military’s 77th Brigade is specifically named and those working for them are explicitly identified.

Such was the abuse of power that it has since been confirmed that the military’s 77th Brigade had infiltrated social media and was controlling and thereby enforcing state narratives for undisputedly erroneous Covid mandates, against their own public.

But they never stopped.

Until you were on your knees.

So they could treat your views how they treated terrorist group ISIS.
And so they could place you on lists.

Here is the free original interview with Joe Rogan from over a year ago. It is worth a recap, merely for the vindication alone.
Try it. Take notes and test it line by line. Every single claim made therein has come true.

But you would never know this from today’s media reports. Because this author has been entirely written out of the story for exposing it all.
Keep watching.

And spread word.

Because time is vindicating.
They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, no matter how much the Conceited ones detest it.
Holy Quran, al-Saf 61:8