Corporatist Media Reports on Far-Right Anti-Vaxxer Conspiracy Theorists Protesting in China…
…Oh Wait (*checks notes*) Sorry, Wrong Script
And Other Radical Reactions Plus the Radical Podcast Episode 13
1) Radical Podcast Episode 13
At the top of this newszine Resistance Radio presents the podcast version of The Radical Show episode 13: ‘On Where Do Rebels Go’. In this episode we speak to Vikki Spit (banned from Twitter), the partner and bandmate to Zion - who the coroner ruled died due to taking his AstraZeneca vaccine. Then we meet The Freds, two brothers and musicians who have been challenging vaccine mandates openly. This podcast is for full members of Radical Media. Basic members may upgrade here:
The rest of this newszine is free. Do read on.
2) China and Anti-Lockdown Protests
Recently, corporatist media has been enthusiastically covering widespread anti-lockdown protests in China. The hypocrisy of the moment is not lost on us.

A brief survey of news headlines from 2020, as compared to 2022, reveal this hypocrisy quite starkly.
From the New York Times:
From CNN:
From Sky News:
From AP:
You get the gist.
We have compiled all of this into a short and shareable video clip set to some music via Instagram Reels:
3) Balenciaga and Child Sexual Exploitation
Recently, fashion house Balenciaga has been hit by such global condemnation that they have voluntarily deleted all their social media accounts. The controversy revolves around their photoshoots blatantly glorifying child sexual exploitation.
Initially, Balenciaga tried to curb the global outrage by blaming and then dismissing the photographer. Though the photographer is not absolved and should have simply walked away, his dismissal has widely been received as an attempted scapegoat. Photographers are known not to be involved in set design.
Instead, online sleuths have compiled a series of threads to focus attention on who might really be behind the decision to feature these depraved photographs featuring children in highly sexually suggestive sadomasochist contexts.

Do not absolve Adidas either:

Nor the rest of them, led by this specimen (warning: graphic photo)

4) Canada is Surely Fallen
Radicals will recall that one of our previous Radical Reactions from September questioned why Canada is euthanising the poor. We reproduce the section here.
Radical Media reports 20th September 2022:
Why is Canada Euthanising the Poor?
“…when the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, a sweeping euthanasia law which repealed the ‘reasonably foreseeable’ requirement – and the requirement that the condition should be ‘terminal’. Now, as long as someone is suffering from an illness or disability which ‘cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable’, they can take advantage of what is now known euphemistically as ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAID for short) for free.
Soon enough, Canadians from across the country discovered that although they would otherwise prefer to live, they were too poor to improve their conditions to a degree which was acceptable.”
Since then, this story has developed. And Canada is surely fallen.

More from Canada, where it appears that those who refuse the Covid jab are to be given prescription psychiatric medication in order to convince them to comply:

5) More Crypto Founders Found Dead
After Radical Media reported that crypto founder Nikolai Mushegian died in suspicious circumstances, two more Crypto founders have been found dead, also in suspicious circumstances.
Once, may be an accident. Twice, might be a coincidence. But three times?
The Radical Dispatch 15th November 2022 reports:
To highlight how these illusions are sustained by power further, note how the establishment receives Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX compared to those who fall foul of their accepted narratives.
Recently, the co-founder of MakerDAO Nikolai Mushegian was found dead in Puerto Rico.
5tBelow were among Mushegian’s final tweets (they remain up on twitter, and clicking on the image will take you to the links)
And yet authorities concluded that Mushegian’s death was not suspicious, despite those tweets.
As introduced above, what has happened since then is that two more crypto tycoons have been found dead.
The Daily Mail reports on 29th November 2022 that crypto tycoon Vyacheslav Taran died in a helicopter crash:
The Daily Mail reports on 28th November 2022 that crypto founder Tiantian Kullander was found dead in his sleep.
Is someone cleaning house?
6) Being in the Shadows
Here at Radical Media we work at some personal expense to keep you informed. Whereas this might be appreciated by you. It is resisted by those who fear what we have to say.

Do not be fooled. The bird is not free.

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