My Episode, Joe Rogan & the Streisand Effect
What the White House, the Obamas and the Sussexes have in common
The Radical Dispatch
My Episode, Joe Rogan & the Streisand Effect
- What the White House, the Obamas and the Sussexes have in common
Apologies for the slight gap in broadcasting. Here at Resistance Radio I have been battling high winds. Since my return from Austin in Texas, where I completed a 3 hour interview with Joe Rogan’s show the JRE a storm as been brewing. On a more positive note, I have also been distracted moving into a position to be able to launch whatever I do next (more on that another time).
It appears that despite Joe Rogan’s peacemaking overtures toward those who would see him censored (a key extract is pasted via my tweet below, and the full video is available here) were insufficient.

Despite Spotify agreeing to whack a trigger warning on any future JRE episode that addresses Covid issues, censorious “liberals” remain unsatisfied and the campaign to have Rogan cancelled has gained momentum. This campaign has seen blood in the water and is now demanding more. What started with relatively has-been musicians such as Neil Young and Joni Mitchell has grown - in ways typical to an orchestrated and coordinated smear campaign - to include a sinister call from the actual White House that Spotify “do more” to contain Rogan going against the acceptable narrative around Covid.
Subsequently, Rogan was late releasing any episode this week. When he did finally release an episode, it was not the one in-queue that he had recorded with me, but a probably subsequent, and certainly less controversial one. This points to a potential issue with releasing my episode. Though at this stage it may not mean more than a slight delay until the waters calm. To be fair to Joe, he did warn me this would happen and said he would need a week before releasing mine. I have therefore been patiently waiting.
That week expires today.
However, what has happened since the White House intervened can probably be described as an escalation, not a deescalation. The Obamas have waded in, also adding to the pressure for censorship.
This was already after the Sussexes decided that the world was interested in their opinion on the matter.
After this cliched mess of an intervention, the BBC’s infamous opinion column masquerading as a “fact” check ploughed in with all the subtlety of a student union vice-president debating why ‘Churchill was as bad as Hitler’.
It is correct to assume that what you are witnessing here is censorious, globalist “liberal royalty” - I include in that statement the Obamas, not just the Sussexes - and the White House, being rolled out to silence a popular martial artist and comedian whose main selling point is that he talks to anyone candidly, as if he is in your living room.
None of this would bother me too much, because I believe that Rogan can weather this storm, if not for the fact that it seems that the only show that touches on Covid issues remaining unreleased is my one, and everyone knows this as I announced it over a month ago. See the quoted update below from after I returned from Texas, below:

This is not to say that the White House, the Obama’s and the Sussexes are specifically seeking to silence me after I have already had my previous talk show mysteriously ended. But such is certainly the net effect of their actions, regardless of whether or not I am the target. So much for the virtue-signal of supporting “marginalised ethnic-minority voices”.
Jordan Peterson was Joe Rogan’s guest immediately prior to my interview, and his show was released. The show that appears to have been recorded after mine has now also been released. Mine remains unpublished.
A previous episode of Resistance Radio had already addressed concerns around the BBC’s opinion column acting as a “fact” check service. And here is Dr Peterson addressing the major errors made in those who deign to “fact” check Rogan’s previous guests on Covid.

At this stage, it is important to remember that the guests that have apparently kicked up a storm on Covid for Rogan’s show are the most published physician in his field in history, Dr Peter McCullough, and a main inventor of mRNA technology used in the vaccine, the former DoD scientist Dr Robert Malone. Such guests are actually in a position to fact check everyone else, not be “fact” checked. This is especially the case when the person “fact” checking them is some minor jobsworth journalist at the BBC’s previously discussed and erroneously named “Reality” check - which is an opinion column disguised as an authoritative science journal.
Here is the rebuttal from the above article posted by Dr Peterson, in response to the BBC’s “fact” check opinion column:
“Fact-check 1: Are young people more likely to get myocarditis from the vaccine or COVID-19?
The BBC analyzes the notion that “for young people, the health risks from the vaccine are greater than from Covid” — but Joe Rogan made no such claim. Rogan actually said, “I don’t think it’s true there’s an increased risk of myocarditis from people catching COVID-19 that are young, versus the risk from the vaccine.” (Emphasis added.)
The BBC claims that “research has shown” that myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart “which can lead to shortness of breath, chest pain and in very rare cases to heart failure, is considerably more common after a Covid infection than after vaccination.” But the BBC ignores the fact that Rogan spoke about “young” people, not all members of society as a whole.
The study the BBC cites actually found that people under the age of 40 had a 50% higher chance of developing myocarditis after being fully vaccinated than after contracting COVID-19:
The findings show the risks of myocarditis associated with the two mRNA vaccines to be slightly higher in people aged under 40 and particularly after the second Moderna vaccine. For these people, the study estimated that there were an extra 10 myocarditis events per million people following a positive SARS-CoV-2 test and an extra 15 per million following a second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna) vaccine.
Numerous governments — including the U.S., Sweden, Finland, Norway, Demark, and Belgium — have identified myocarditis as a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccination for young males. Yet vaccine companies are testing a vaccine on children as young as six months old.
Fact-check 2: People who are vaccinated after recovering from COVID-19 are at greater risk of developing side effects
The BBC notes, “One of Mr Rogan’s most controversial guests has been the virologist Robert Malone,” adding that Malone appeared on Rogan’s show soon after being banned from Twitter in December.
“Among the misleading claims made in this podcast episode was one suggesting people who are vaccinated after having Covid-19 are at greater risk of adverse side effects,” the BBC fact-check said.
The BBC then verifies the accuracy of that claim. “In one UK study, researchers found that vaccine after effects were more common in those who already had Covid,” the BBC notes, although it says the study “only looked at mild after effects, such as fatigue, chills and headaches.” The BBC offers no additional refutation.
Numerous studies agree with Malone’s reported claim:
Johns Hopkins University states, “If you had COVID-19 before being vaccinated, the first injection may cause more noticeable side effects than for people who have not had the coronavirus”;
A British study says that “people who have had a previous COVID-19 infection are almost twice as likely to experience one or more mild whole body (systemic) after effects compared to people who didn’t have COVID-19 (33% vs 19%) from a Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine dose”;
A U.S. study has found, “Vaccine recipients with pre-existing immunity experience systemic side effects with a significantly higher frequency” than those who had not contracted COVID before vaccination; and
Another study states that the occurrence of certain side effects after vaccination could indicate that the individual had recovered from COVID-19.
The bottom line: In one case, the BBC created a strawman argument; in another, it verified the claim made on Rogan’s podcast.
Considering the calibre of guests that triggered this storm, and considering that my own conversation pulled no punches - as I hope you’d expect, I am left with the inevitable conclusion that the above interventions to censor the JRE, whoever they are targeted at, are naked political attempts by the authorities to punish and silence Rogan for interviewing two world leading experts who sought to hold powerful politicians to account for their misdeeds in what is probably the largest and most widespread scandal of abuse and corruption in history.
That the epitome of power, the White House, a former president and a former English prince and his Hollywood wife, had to get involved in attempts to silence a popular podcast host should tell subscribers more than they need to know about what is being hidden here, and what power has to fear from losing control of the narrative. Such voices are also spearheading an attempted move from Spotify to their fellow “liberal” friend and billionaire Jeff Bezos’ platform Amazon.
As for me, I will wait to speak with Rogan before taking any further action, because he has been generous and kind to me. But if my episode becomes the only episode ever to be silenced on the Joe Rogan show, when he has previously even hosted and published the likes of Alex Jones, then one hopes that the Streisand Effect takes over.
As I mentioned to Rogan on this now missing episode, even before mysteriously losing my previous show on LBC I have had to weather such storms. Whether it be the Southern Poverty Law Center who listed me as an “anti-Muslim extremist”, or the Thompson-Reuters World Check database that listed me at the same time and entirely oppositely under a category-red Muslim “terrorism” designation, I do seem to attract those from across the political aisle who will stop at little to smear and silence my voice. But I fight back.
For now, I ask Rogan to be as Boba Fett with the warrior Sandpeople by seeking to understand who the misunderstood group here really are, and where the true corrupting power really lies. What is it that I have said that could be that dangerous?
When and if the time comes to take further steps, I will humbly lean on all of you to help me get to the truth out about what is really going on. It may be that it becomes my fate to be the only episode ever to have been censored on the JRE, after already having being removed from your airwaves in Britain. But worry not, I have seen far worse and this is not my first rodeo. I will update. For now, standby and keep watching.