Nuclear Pakistan is in REVOLT against Globalists
How the "regime change" in Pakistan against Imran Khan relates to Ukraine's "colour revolution" Maidan coup, Canadian truckers, the WEF, the WHO pandemic treaty and Bill Gates
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Nuclear Pakistan is in REVOLT against Globalists, right NOW
How the "regime change" in Pakistan against Imran Khan relates to Ukraine's "colour revolution" Maidan coup, Canadian truckers, the WEF, the WHO pandemic treaty and Bill Gates
1) What is The Latest?
Ousted-by-globalists, former Pakistani PM Imran Khan and his huge protest convoy have entered the Punjab on their way to the capital city, Islamabad.

These rallies for Imran Khan have more support than any I have ever seen in Pakistan, and I have been politically active all of my life.

As happened in Canada, the convoys stretch as far as the eye can see:

And people are staying through night and day:

2) Why is This Happening?
The current government that ousted Khan was not elected, but appointed from within after a ‘no-confidence’ motion that was set up in collaboration with the US State Department. Khan has specifically named Donald Lu, who serves as the Assistant Under-Secretary of South and Central Asia, as the main culprit behind this State Department instigated coup. The allegation of a US coup plot are eerily reminiscent of what happened in Ukraine at the Maidan.
CNN’s Becky Anderson has the scoop, with Imran Khan’s first international interview since his ousting:
Khan: “ an official meeting with note taking on both sides, he (Donald Lu) tells the (Pakistani) ambassador that unless you get rid of your Prime Minister Imran Khan in a vote of no confidence - which by the way hadn’t been tabled as yet, but he seemed to know about it - he said..Pakistan will suffer consequences, and then goes on to say of course if you get rid of him through the vote of no confidence all will be forgiven. Such arrogance..Imagine telling a country.. of 220million people that you can get rid of your Prime Minister… this was a blatant intervention in the internal affairs of Pakistan, a regime change.. before this meeting with Donald Lu and our ambassador, the US embassy was calling members of my party - who were some of the backbenchers who were not happy - they were having meetings with the US embassy.. and they were the first ones who then jumped ship, and they were the ones who then offered $1 million each to buy my other members of Parliament who actually jumped ship later on. Why would the US embassy be interested in back benchers of my party?..
..we all call it an imported government but the worse thing is, they’re a bunch of criminals, for 30 years these guys have been plundering the country, 60% of the cabinet is on many regime changes..when unpopular governments are foisted on a people, the resentment goes against the US..”
Pakistan’s Geo News reports:

3) What Do the Pakistani People Want?
Khan’s Pakistani Tehriki Insaf party (PTI) are simply demanding national elections. This request is too much for the globalists. They would rather install corrupt thieving criminals who have looted the country (as revealed in the Panama and Pandora leaks, explained here) than tolerate any leader who put’s their own country first.
When PTI members of Khan’s own party were allegedly offered $1 million USD each to vote in a ‘no-confidence’ motion against their own Prime Minister in Pakistan’s parliament, Khan resigned and called a national election. Instead of accepting this obviously optimum solution, fearing that he would win, the opposition took Khan to the Supreme Court to have him reinstated just so that they could vote him out again.
That worked. The Supreme Court reinstated the by-now-resigned Prime Minster, so that the opposition could pass their ‘no confidence’ motion against him. This allowed them to avoid the need for a new election and appoint their own man as Prime Minister instead. This is how Pakistan’s current government became to be unelected.
The US has of course denied any involvement.

This comes though, after President Biden already announced a New World Order:

4) What’s the Background?
Pakistan, a Muslim-majority nuclear powered country, is in revolt against the globalists. Regular readers of the Radical Dispatch will have known this was coming. Last month, we explained why and forecasted this precise situation here.
When time came for Pakistan to vote on a motion critical of Russia at the UN, Pakistan under Imran Khan abstained. Pakistan’s former allies among Western nations were disturbed at this development. They expressed a highly unusual level of criticism at Pakistan’s sovereign foreign policy decisions in this regard.
In a rare display of public pressure, the heads of 22 diplomatic missions in Islamabad issued an open letter urging Pakistan to condemn Russia at the UN. Imran Khan lashed out, demanding to know why Pakistanis are expected to act as Western “slaves”.
The Times reports:
Note how all three South Asian countries that took a neutral position towards Russia at the UN appear to have been on the receiving end of fierce US State Department pressure.
The Times of London reports:
As forecasted by the Radical Dispatch last month, Sri Lanka’s government has already collapsed.
Once Khan returned from Moscow, a very strange event occurred. Bill Gates took his first ever trip to Pakistan. One is left to wonder why Gates chose this particularly strained time to visit, when he had never visited before. There he was met by none other than the President of the country.
“Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on Tuesday wrote a letter to President Dr Arif Alvi wherein he thanked him for the warm welcome during his first visit to Pakistan in February, saying his foundation is keen to deepen the existing ties on issues of shared interests.”

To be fair, and considering what happened before and after this visit, and particularly due to his now known role in the global Great Reset agenda, Bill Gates’ first visit to Pakistan is rather questioningly timed.
The above diplomatic difficulties come in the context of Pakistan under Khan already having refused point blank to allow the CIA to set up bases in order to launch attacks from that country into Afghanistan.
In 2021 a reporter for Axios asked Imran Khan:
“Will you allow the American government to have CIA here in Pakistan to conduct cross-border, counter-terrorism missions against al-Qaeda, ISIS or the Taliban?”
PM Imran Khan replies: “Absolutely not”
Reporter: “Seriously?”
Imran Khan: “There’s no way we’re going to allow any bases, any sort of action from Pakistani territory into Afghanistan, absolutely not.”

Was it something he said?…
The culmination of the above perceived insults by Pakistan to the United States of America has led to what Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakhrova has deemed as a decision to “punish” Pakistan.
“The further development of the situation leaves no doubt that the United States decided to punish the ‘disobedient’ Imran Khan,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on April 4, citing the PTI members’ “sudden” decision to join the opposition.
"This is another attempt at shameless interference by the U.S. in the internal affairs of an independent state for its own selfish purposes. The above facts eloquently testify to this. The Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan himself has repeatedly stated that the conspiracy against him is inspired and financed from abroad.”
5) What Happens Next?
Khan intends to “take his country back” form the globalists. And the Pakistani people are clearly with him.

I reflected on this issue last night in my GETTR livestream video. One suspects that, like Trump in America, the deposed Khan will maintain very high levels of support among his own people while seeking to build his party from the ground up with those who are loyal to its anti-corruption aims. Khan’s ability to mobilise the public will remain, and mass demonstrations will serve as a prelude to the next election campaign wherein he will hope to sweep Parliament.
Globalists wish to see the back of him so that their client regime and installed (bought and paid for) politicians can work against the people and help to usher in global governance via the failing WHO pandemic treaty, and other means.
The order of events, with Khan’s refusal to allow CIA bases in Pakistan, his visit to Moscow on the eve of Ukraine’s invasion, his country’s abstention in the vote against Russia at the UN, Bill Gates’ strangely timed first visit to Pakistan after all of this unfolded, and the existence of this diplomatic cable purporting to show senior US State Department official Donald Lu threatening the country for defying America, will no doubt galvanise huge public anger towards the United States of America.
Keep watching.
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