Parasites, Predators & the Global Pandemic Treaty
Labs, Covid, Lyme Disease, Monkeypox, WHO and Bio-Warfare
“Chung-sook: What? Fumigation? / Ki-taek: They still do that kind of thing? / Ki-woo: Guess so. / Ki-jeong: Shut the window. / Ki-taek: Leave it open. We'll get free extermination. Kill the stink bugs.”
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Parasites, Predators & the Global Pandemic Treaty
Labs, Covid, Lyme Disease, Monkeypox, WHO and Bio-Warfare
1) The Globalist Pandemic Treaty
Since the abysmal failure of the Covid narrative, the World Health Organisation has been busy. From when Biden declared that the US would seek to lead and impose a New World Order while he chillingly talked of 60 million deaths, coupled with the false-prophet Yuval Noah Hariri’s increasingly alarming pronouncements on how he sees the world once his friends at the WEF take over, the WHO have been muttering about rising global pandemics and their need for more global power in order to curtail such pandemics.
Such global power cannot be handed over to the WHO without first manufacturing alarm among citizens in democratic countries so that they demand urgent action in the name of public health. The urgent action demanded would include granting more powers to distant opaque centralised global institutions like the UN, WEF and the WHO so that future rounds of lockdowns, mandates, food and energy rations may proceed with a semblance of legitimacy. The WHO’s much touted Global Pandemic Treaty is one such measure that could facilitate this global transfer of power.

But head of the WHO Tedros has admitted that they are facing fierce pushback in this regard from the Resistance:

2) Lyme Disease Was Named After Lyme Connecticut - Which Sits Across the Water from US Bio-Lab 257, the Plum Island Animal Disease Center
The above is the context in which we are now seeing various diseases being raised with more frequency in corporatist media. One such example is Lyme disease.
Worthy of note in this piece is the paragraph near the end that points to what corporatist media executives hope to achieve through such reporting:
“Federal regulators made a Lyme disease vaccine called LYMErix available to people older than 15 in the 1990s. The vaccine, which required multiple injections and was linked to harmful side effects, was pulled from the market in 2002.
Valneva, a French biotech company, and Pfizer are collaborating to develop a new vaccine for the disease, dubbed VLA15.
The Food and Drug Administration in 2017 granted the product fast-track status. The companies announced in April that they plan to begin a phase 3 trial of the vaccine later this year, including with pediatric participants.” (emphasis mine).
It’s all there in plain sight, for those who care to see.
Standing on its own, this article would only raise the sort of alarm that you, our regular Radical Dispatchers, would by now be accustomed to with regards to “fast-tracking” new vaccines for testing on “pediatric participants”.
But that article does not stand alone. They never do.

July 2019: “The US House of Representatives has ordered an investigation into whether the Department of Defense experimented with ticks and other insects as biological weapons.
In an amendment passed last week, the House calls for the Defense Department's Inspector General to look at whether any such experiments were done between the years 1950 and 1975.
The amendment was introduced by New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith who said he was inspired to write it by ‘a number of books and articles suggesting that significant research had been done at US government facilities including Fort Detrick, Maryland, and Plum Island, New York, to turn ticks and other insects into bioweapons’…
..The most common disease spread by ticks is Lyme disease, which can cause multiple symptoms including fever, muscle aches, joint pain, rash and facial paralysis…
..If the Pentagon's investigation finds that the Defense department weaponized Lyme disease in ticks, the amendment calls for a report on the scope of the experiment and whether the insects used were ‘released outside of any laboratory by accident or experiment design’…
..During the amendment's debate, Smith said Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases were ‘exploding’ in the US and that ‘Americans have a right to know whether any of this is true.’”
Newsweek elaborates here:
July 2019:
“One of the books that Smith refers to—called Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons—was published earlier this year, authored by Stanford University science writer and former Lyme suffer Kris Newby. It features interviews with late Swiss-born scientist Willy Burgdorfer—the man credited with discovering the bacterial pathogen that causes Lyme disease—who once worked for the DoD as a bioweapons specialist.
"Those interviews combined with access to Dr. Burgdorfer's lab files suggest that he and other bioweapons specialists stuffed ticks with pathogens to cause severe disability, disease—even death—to potential enemies," Smith said during the debate on the House floor.
According to Smith, the investigation into the claims should attempt to address several questions:
"What were the parameters of the program? Who ordered it? Was there ever any accidental release anywhere or at any time of any diseased ticks? Were any ticks released by design? Did the program contribute to the disease burden? Can any of this information help current-day researchers find a way to mitigate these diseases?"
Despite the passing of the recent bill by the House, the American Lyme Disease Foundation's (ALDF) Phillip Baker says Smith's claims are unfounded.
"I think that Rep. Chris Smith is terribly misinformed by the Lyme disease activists and by the false and misleading information," Baker told Newsweek. "He would be well advised to check the facts by consulting the experts on Lyme disease at the National Institutes of Health or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] for accurate and reliable information before proposing such legislation"…
..."The bacterium that causes Lyme disease is not such an agent. If one were to prioritize a list of agents to be considered for use as biowarfare agents, the organisms that cause smallpox, plague, Ebola and anthrax would be at the top of the list. Only a fool would ever consider adding Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, to such a list. If it ever was given any consideration, and I have no knowledge that it ever was, it would not have been for more than a nanosecond!" (emphasis mine)
More on smallpox below. But Mr Phillip Baker’s objections above, albeit worthy journalism, do feel somewhat strained and defensive.
As well as in Fort Detrick, Maryland, and New York, the fact is that a shoddily kept yet highly dangerous bio-weapons lab did exist on Plum Island across the water from Lyme, Connecticut. It was called Lab 257.
CNN reports in 2004:
“…Michael Carroll's thoroughly nerve-wracking book, "Lab 257" (William Morrow), about the federal germ facility on Plum Island. The island sits off the eastern tip of Long Island's North Fork and it's home to some of the deadliest microbes festering on the planet.
According to Carroll's book, the island -- and laboratory -- are also home to slipshod construction, poor safeguards, and lax security. "Lab 257" claims errors at the facility caused Lyme disease outbreaks and health problems for the local population -- claims disputed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which ran the facility until recently.” (emphasis mine)
In addition to the book by Michael Carroll referred in the CNN report above called “Lab 257”, there is also the well sourced book carrying the testimony of the late DoD whistleblower Willy Burgdorfer cited above by Newsweek: Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons. Its author Kris Newby is a Stanford university science writer, and importantly a sufferer of Lyme disease himself.
Surely, considering everything we now know, this should all warrant an open and transparent investigation.
3) Allergies to Natural Food Products
A large number of Lyme disease sufferers develop an autoimmune disorder.
If, and I emphasise if, Lyme disease was enhanced in a lab via Gain of Function research, like we now know Covid was:
If so, then Lyme’s connection to allergies as a possible side effect, must be researched.
A Huffington Post contributor comments:
“In short, the bacteria that cause Lyme disease also have been shown to trigger dysfunctional mast cell activation, and mast cell activation causes inflammation that can then bring about a great number of characteristic mild to life-threatening symptoms.”
Many have reported becoming allergic to red meat and gluten after having contracted Lyme disease:
This of course is all very convenient for one man who seems permanently involved in every bio-medical controversy these days:
4) Pfizer, Monkeypox and Lyme
We promised to return to Monkeypox. None of the concerns about Lyme raised above seem unreasonable at all, as the history of monkeypox demonstrates perfectly adequately.
Health teacher Dr John Campbell has recently revealed that the very same Wuhan Institute of Virology published on monkeypox research 3 months ago. Fauci’s National Institute for Health (NIH) also have been researching monkeypox treatment.
Alarm is warranted by the fact that Pfizer is once again ready to swoop in with their purported treatment of a vaccine for Lyme disease. If the history of smallpox, monkeypox, and recently Covid teaches anything at all, it should be that we must remain skeptical of Defence and Big Pharma denials of involvement in biological experimentation, with their victims usually being humans.
And as Pfizer’s data releases are beginning to reveal, they did exactly the same with Covid after that virus was also revealed to have most likely been developed in the Wuhan lab in China.
Remember, Pfizer is not your friend.

June 2022: “The trial..will span over 13 months and require patients to take two shots two months apart. In March, the patients will need to take a booster shot before the next summer’s tick season…about 100 people starting at age 5 and up will participate in the trial.”
Skepticism and transparency are the only reasonable way forward. As the track record of disease, government agencies, Big Pharma and innocent but voiceless people has an entire history riddled with abuse.

It is with all this in mind that demands for a powerful Global Pandemic Treaty that would remove our civil liberties and grant arbitrary health powers to distant and opaque centralised institutions must be resisted. Many of the diseases the WHO claims it needs these powers to eradicate appear to be a by-product of Big Pharma meddling in the first instance. Again, the case of Monkeypox serves us well here.
Very alarmingly, Off-Guardian reports:
“A few days ago the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) edited their Monkeypox page to alter the narrative in a few key ways.
Firstly, they removed a paragraph from the “How do you get Monkeypox?” section.
Up until a few days ago, according to archived links, the Monkeypox page said this, regarding person-to-person transmission [emphasis added]:
‘It’s very uncommon to get monkeypox from a person with the infection because it does not spread easily between people.’
…this has now been totally removed.
Secondly, they’ve removed this paragraph, which was present up until at least November of 2021 (and maybe much more recently, there are no archives between November and May) [emphasis added]:
‘[Monkeypox] is usually a mild illness that will get better on its own without treatment. Some people can develop more serious symptoms, so patients with monkeypox in the UK are cared for in specialist hospitals.’
The new “treatment” paragraph reads [again, emphasis added]…
‘Treatment for monkeypox aims to relieve symptoms. The illness is usually mild and most people recover in 2 to 4 weeks […] You may need to stay in a specialist hospital, so your symptoms can be treated and to prevent the infection spreading to other people’.
So, they remove that it will “get better on its own”, and again reinforce the idea of spreading the disease despite this being described as “very uncommon” as recently as last week.
They even add a line about self-isolating, which was never mentioned before:
‘as monkeypox can spread if there is close contact, you will need to be isolated if you’re diagnosed with it.’
Finally, they now include a warning you can get Monkeypox by eating undercooked meat, which will doubtless feed into the anti-meat narrative too (oh, wait, it already is).”
Covid, Monkeypox and Lyme, all three undoubtedly have a too-close-for-comfort connection to bio-labs, increased gain of function potency, shameless Big Pharma experimentation and profit, and vaccines linked to allergic side-effects in human victims.
By now there should be little doubt remaining for Radical Dispatchers that diseases are fast in danger of becoming a trojan horse used by the global industrial-health complex in what is a truly global power grab.
Indeed, these outbreaks might have been caused by the very people now demanding a global Pandemic Treaty to eradicate them. Conveniently, manufacturing such demand by using the very symptoms and side-effects that were caused by their meddling in the first instance would be a perfect way to usher in that brave, New World Order that Biden seemed so keen on, right after he mentioned 60 million deaths.