President Biden Appoints Disinformation Tsar Who Promotes Disinformation
The Ministry of Truth is Finally Here
"‘Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,’ repeated Winston obediently.” George Orwell, “1984”
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1) Tony Stark Does it Again
So Elon Musk bought twitter for $43 billion. The world’s richest man now owns an electric care plant, a space rocket company and one of the most powerful communication platforms ever invented by which to promote them.
He has some good ideas.

And though such news is a welcome respite from twitter’s recent and dangerous turn as the media enforcement arm of government, it should nevertheless be received with cautious optimism.

This is because Elon Musk also wants to implant microchips into human brains.
And he can be somewhat unpredictable.
So when he says that by buying twitter he will try to remove all bots and…
It can only be hoped that he does not mean to do away with the anonymity that political dissidents rely on, or to use twitter as a stepping stone to bring us closer to mandatory digital identification.
Regardless, the White House didn’t like Elon Musk’s latest move one bit.

2) Biden Appoints Disinformation Tsar Nina Jankowicz Who Posts Disinformation
Almost as revenge against Musk, within days the White House announced the appointment of Nina Jankowicz, from none other than the Department for Homeland Security, as Biden’s new ‘Disinformation Tsar’. The Ministry of Truth is finally here.
US government employee Nina Jankowicz will now apparently arbitrate between true and false. Regardless of whether Musk was part of this plan, or is truly out of favour with them, the globalist elites were ready. They had already lined up their response, as if they already knew.

Worryingly, Biden’s new Disinformation Tsar Nina Jankowicz has form posting disinformation herself. This does not bode well for the rest of us.
i) Hunter Biden’s Laptop
Here she is posting disinformation about Hunter Biden’s laptop during the time of the last US election.

Since that time, and despite a fierce propaganda campaign launched by corporatist media in unison in order to “fortify” the election for Biden, even the New York Times has belatedly confirmed the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop (two years too late).
With much vindication the New York Post reports:
At the time, Biden’s new Disinformation Tsar Nina Jankowicz repeated the now discredited lie put out by a group of 51 retired Intelligence Community (IC) members, blaming the Hunter Biden laptop story on Russian disinformation.

Oh dear. It turns out that they all lied.
This is a big deal. Let’s not forget that at the time - during an election - this true story was even banned by Twitter. And so it is that Biden’s new Disinformation Tsar Nina Jankowicz herself participated in spreading major disinformation that probably helped her boss win an election.
ii) The Steele Dossier Hoax
If Nina Jankowicz’s disinformation was a one-off, maybe people would be more forgiving. But here she is posting more disinformation, this time about the Steele dossier that claimed Trump was under the nefarious influence of Russians.

In reality, the Steele dossier was a fraud. This year Hilary Clinton and the DNC were fined $113,000 for financing the research that eventually became known as the infamous Steele dossier, without declaring it as a campaign expense.
US News carrying an Associated Press report states:
“Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier..But the dossier has been largely discredited since its publication, with core aspects of the material exposed as unsupported and unproven rumors. A special counsel assigned to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia probe charged one of Steele’s sources with lying to the FBI and charged a cybersecurity lawyer who worked for Clinton’s campaign with lying to the FBI during a 2016 meeting in which he relayed concerns about the Russia-based Alfa Bank.”
iii) On Covid
And here is Nina Jankowicz on Covid:

Considering this, it’s not hard to imagine how terrible Nina Jankowicz would have been at policing “Covid disinformation” on masks, lockdowns and vaccines - if she were in this role, and we had still been under state mandates.
iv) Ukraine
As if that was not enough, how do you think she will perform on Ukraine?
Considering her other biased stances and past role advising the Ukrainian government, it feels quite assured that she would use her new powers to try and shut down those who highlight that we are funding and training Azov Nazis who formally serve in the Ukrainian National Guard. Perhaps she would also consider it disinformation to question why we broke our historic promise not to expand Nato eastward towards Russia, or why we used Department of Defence funds to finance bio-labs on Russia’s border inside Ukraine. Maybe demonstrating that globalist elites seek to use Ukraine to facilitate their New World Order would be deemed disinformation by her too.
3) The Globalists Were Ready
For a while you have been hearing talk by politicians about controlling the internet in the name of policing hate speech. In the weeks leading up to Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, such talk increased.
i) The USA
For a task as vital as this the globalists rolled out none other than their star performer, Barack Obama.
And so he was dispatched to undermine our view on the importance of preserving free speech online. Obama even went so far as to declare a war on disinformation against people like Putin “and Steve Bannon for that matter”.

As is usual for globalists, hyperbolic language about existential threats to democracy is used to shroud their real intent.

If democracy were their real concern, some consistency would be evident. It is noticeable though, only by its absence.
As the Washington Examiner notes :
“Obama, like others in the Democratic Party and in establishment media circles, is targeting some types of disinformation while remaining strikingly silent about others. There is disinformation that he finds deeply threatening, and there is disinformation he doesn't seem to notice at all.”
This is the same Obama who, when president, was awarded Politifact Lie of the Year award, for lying to Americans about a healthcare pledge.
In fact, Obama has some form on disinformation. As president he actually signed into US law a change that lifted the domestic prohibition on government-made propaganda targeting foreign nations, which meant that such media could now be broadcast to American citizens.
The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, contained within the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year 2013, eased existing restrictions so that government media targeting foreign nations produced by the US Agency for Global Media could be disseminated at home. Prior to its passage, such media was banned from being distributed to an American audience because it was considered propaganda.
“For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government's mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts. So what just happened?”
Buzzfeed reports from 2012:
“An amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on American audiences is being inserted into the latest defense authorization bill..the amendment would “strike the current ban on domestic dissemination” of propaganda material produced by the State Department and the independent Broadcasting Board of Governors, according to the summary of the law at the House Rules Committee's official website..Critics of the bill say there are ways to keep America safe without turning the massive information operations apparatus within the federal government against American citizens..The new law would give sweeping powers to the government to push television, radio, newspaper, and social media onto the U.S. public..”
And as the US Agency for Global Media has stated on its own website, it would not be guilty of spreading propaganda within the US after Obama passed this act, because the US law prohibiting such propaganda “does not apply to the Defense Department”.
So despite the deception of infamously biased opinions issued by Orwellian “fact” check organisations that seek to muddy the waters while admitting to the truth in their small print, this meme is actually correct.

As the Daily Beast reports, Tucker Carlson reacted to Obama’s intervention with frustration.

“So this guy’s not just “liberal”, in fact he’s not liberal at all, he’s a full blown fascist, he hates you and wants to keep you from talking, or else. He wants censorship of anyone who disagrees with him and now he just comes out and says it… so ‘me and my friends at the Aspen Institute need to be in complete control of every word uttered otherwise it’s not democracy’, that’s the case he’s making, that’s the case they’re all making…”
But when all else fails, they will just tell us that we’re “killing grandma” again.
ii) The UK Online Safety Bill
Government appointments and legislative measures - as desperate as they seem - are not restricted to the US. In the UK former Foreign Secretary William Hague recently made his view clear on what he thinks of the average pleb’s right to have an opinion.

“The uninformed, ignorant, instant opinion is ranked equally alongside considered opinion or debated opinion, that’s deeply unhealthy for democracy” former UK Foreign Secretary William Hague.
Let me get this straight, treating people’s opinions with respect and dignity is “unhealthy for democracy”, but legislating away free speech isn’t, apparently.
The UK’s civil liberties organisation Big Brother Watch reports:
“The Online Safety Bill is a disaster for our rights and threatens both free speech and the right to privacy..The Bill grants the Government vast powers to force the censorship of lawful expression, encourages IDs for the internet and criminalises speech which is deemed to be “distressing”. It continues to live up to its name as the censor’s charter.”
iii) The EU
Not to be outshone by Obama, Hilary Clinton has also weighed in by urging the EU to introduce even tougher online laws.

Hilary Clinton is still married to a man who took at least 26 trips on the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet.
“Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights..”
And unlike her friend Melinda, who divorced her other friend Bill Gates over far less than this, Hilary stands by her man.

As has already been done successfully with the Hunter Biden laptop story and the fake Steele dossier, perhaps this is the sort of “disinformation” that Hilary Clinton would seek to shut down in advance, given a chance.
Regardless, the message is being heard:

Not that Elon Musk is bothered.

4) The End Game
The globalists are rapidly losing their grip on power. The narrative is escaping from them faster than they care for, and as this happens raw power is usually the only option remaining. With this is mind, we are probably entering a phase of the end game. In this period increasing numbers of people will begin to see though the duplicity promoted by those such as Biden, Clinton and Obama, and will suffer for it as the former seek to retain their receding power.
How depressing it is that even a one-party tyranny such as China’s is able to score points against the US on disinformation, while the only accurate response remaining is not to accuse them of lying, but rather to remind them that they too live in a glass-house.

As China demonstrates, Orwell’s “1984” ends depressingly, with the story’s hero Winston Smith being simply overwhelmed by totalitarianism’s insidious ability to infect everyone and everything. But one thing Winston Smith did not have in the novel was access to a decentralised internet. If we can preserve that, we may just be able to preserve our liberty. For where there is hope, there is life.