The Radical Dispatch
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The Canadian Revolt
- Trudeau, Truckers and the Troubles Ahead
And yes, that really is PM Trudeau being presented with “halal socks”.
1) The Revolt
As the Toronto Sun reports, thousands upon thousands of Canadians have taken to the open road in revolt against Prime Minister Trudeau’s increasingly extreme vaccine mandates and pronouncements. They are headed to Ottawa and aim to stay there until Trudeau lifts his unscientific, illogical, discriminatory and despised vaccine mandates in Canada.
As Rebel News’ ConvoyReports.Com relates, scenes of trucker convoys joined by everyday citizens in cars and pick up trucks, as well as bystanders cheering them on along Canada’s roads, have gone viral.
2) Vaccine Mandates and Racism
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is clearly rattled. He has issued a video dismissing the protesting truckers as “fringe”, and as “holding unacceptable views that they’re expressing”.
Trudeau has form demonising everyday Canadian’s for opposing vaccine mandates. Here he is labelling them as “racists” and “misogynists”.

This is despite the fact that new research suggests that a disproportionate number of visible ethnic minority Canadian’s are vaccine hesitant. Only 56.6 per cent of Black Canadians surveyed were very or somewhat willing to get vaccinated, with only 68 per cent of Arab Canadians and 66 per cent of Latin Americans saying they’d get a shot.
In Trudeau’s world, these ethnic minority vaccine-hesitant Canadian’s might apparently be racist against themselves. In fact, as usual Trudeau and his Big Pharma acolytes have got the debate upside down. The Lancet published research by Dr Alex de Figueiredo from the prestigious London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine showing that vaccine passports will result in groups in society being indirectly discriminated against.
Related Tangent: readers will need to read on ignoring the fact that researcher at the prestigious London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Dr Alex de Figueiredo’s twitter account was mysteriously suspended when he revealed that he too was unvaccinated.

The Resistance has preserved a downloadable PDF copy of his statement explaining why he chose to remain unvaccinated. Screen-grabs of his statement in full are also available below.

Readers will also need to read on ignoring the fact that the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine was in receipt of a large grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

And that England’s Chief Medical Officer, the newly ennobled Dr Chris Whitty, appears to have held a clinical research post at the School too.

But we digress. Back to the issue at hand, here is Dr Alex de Figueiredo (prior to his Twitter account vanishing) being interviewed by me (prior to my previous job vanishing too) on why his research suggested that vaccine passports would result in further systemic discrimination.

Indeed, as Professor of African History at King’s College London Dr Toby Green asks here on Unherd, it is in fact vaccine mandates that will lead to racial discrimination, so why are “liberals” so blind to their own hypocrisy?
3) Trudeau and Blackface
But for Trudeau, it is racist to question any of this. Meanwhile, it is decidedly not racist for Trudeau to wear blackface. In fact, so avowedly non-racist is he, that there are photos - and even a very non-racist video - of Trudeau in blackface.
Do remember, it’s those pesky ethnic minority “anti-vaxxers” that are racist, against themselves, and not Prime Minister Trudeau who cannot even recall how many times he wore blackface.
4) Inspiring a Global Truckers’ Revolution
But no matter Trudeau’s labelling hard working everyday Canadian truckers as a racist “fringe” holding “unacceptable views”, it appears that the truckers have immense public support. To the extent that a GoFund Me page for the truckers that was organised by Tamara Lich and B.J. Dichter has raised $7.3 million, which is already an increase of nearly $2 million and counting since I reported on it two days ago below:
And whatever we think of the fact that Elon Musk and the world’s ten richest doubled their wealth during the pandemic while 99% of humanity is worse off, his tweeting support for the Canadian truckers to over 70 million of his followers is perhaps the best rebuttal to Trudeau’s attempt at marginalising protestors as “fringe”, while they are already struggling to have their voices heard in the MSM.
And they seem to have inspired Russell Brand to a new level of activism.

It even appears that Canadian truckers may have inspired a new truckers movement across Europe.

As well as in the US.

And in (the obviously “very racist”) Brazil.

5) The Truckers Will Not be Televised
But don’t expect to see any of this on your media. Remember, “the very racist” revolution will not be televised. As one Canadian parliamentarian Pierre Poilievre put it:
“You know what I think is interesting is that when there’s a left wing protest on Parliament Hill, we don’t see the liberal media going through every single name of the people who attend to try and find one person that they can disparage the whole group with… CBC for example has been accused by its employees of systemic racism, and yet we don’t see the media here generalise that everyone who works at the CBC is a racist. Whenever you have 5 or 10,000 people who are part of any group you’re bound to have a number who have or say unacceptable things, and they should be individually responsible for the things they say and do, but that doesn’t mean we disparage the thousands of hard working, and law abiding peaceful truckers, who quite frankly have kept all of you alive the last two years by filling your grocery shelves with the food you eat and filling your homes with the products that you rely upon..”
Is it any wonder that triple-vaccinated Trudeau has gone into isolation and withdrawn from public duties after merely “coming into contact” with someone who tested positive for Covid, while testing negative himself.

Keep watching. The truckers have confirmed over CB radio (a medium that cannot be censored by government) that they will keep going until they all converge on Ottawa:
“I can’t even see an open road, there are so many trucks here…”

Poetic. Readers may recall that our motto here at Resistance Radio is radio killed the video star.