The Truth About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis: Part 2
The latest devastating research and an exclusive interview with a vaccine-injured citizen
The Truth About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis: Part 2
The latest devastating research and an exclusive interview with a vaccine-injured citizen
New Radical Media columnist Rav Arora investigates the taboo subject of adverse events following the Covid shots.
Author’s Note: Like other pieces of mine, the essay I am sharing with you below should be published in a mainstream newspaper — yet despite effort it is not. I raise this not to cry victim or elicit pity, but to show how captured the journalistic industry has become. It is taboo to even broach the issue of vaccine injuries, let alone interview someone who almost their life as I have done below.
Since the publication of my first major essay “The Truth about Vaccine-induced Myocarditis,” my critics (such as Mark Cuban) have vigorously attacked it as “misinformation.” Meanwhile, the mainstream media and the public health establishment have turned a blind eye to what I view as one of the gravest harms ever done to a generation of young and healthy people.
Contrary to popular perception, over the past couple of months more robust scientific evidence has emerged confirming the known risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis, making any reflexive dismissal and governmental coercion more unethical and, dare I say, criminal than ever before.
As has been long-established, the greatest known risk associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is myocarditis (swelling of the heart muscle). This risk predominantly affects men under the age of 40. According to an Oxford paper from December, this demographic has higher rates of vaccine-induced myocarditis than myocarditis from COVID-19 (specifically from Moderna doses 1 and 2 and Pfizer doses 2 and 3).
A recent paper published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation synthesises the current body of research on the cardiac risk of vaccinating children and young adults. The authors conducted a rigorous risk-benefit analysis of child vaccination using data on co-morbidities, myocarditis, infection, and hospitalisation rates in children. They found COVID-19 vaccination to be favourable (the benefits outweigh the risks) in only a select few demographics.
For girls (ages 12–17), double-vaccination is generally favourable in those who are non-immune and have a comorbidity. Girls with natural immunity and girls without immunity who don’t have an underlying health condition are at greater risk than benefit from double-vaccination. Note: the first scenario of non-immune girls is increasingly nonexistent. A recent study showed 75 percent of kids have had COVID-19 infection.
Now onto the risk-benefit profile for boys with varying health factors.
According to the paper, the only case in which the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks in young males is the following:
1) No history of prior COVID-19 infection.
2) One vaccine dose.
For boys who aren’t in both of these categories, vaccination is uniformly more dangerous.
As the authors write: “In boys with prior infection and no co-morbidities, even one dose carried more risk than benefit according to international estimates. In the setting of omicron, one dose may be protective in non-immune children, but dose two does not appear to confer additional benefit at a population level.”
As study author Dr. Tracy Høeg further expanded on Twitter:

“If vaccines don’t reliably preventing transmission & there is not significant detectable benefit against severe disease at population level for 5-11 year olds + some risk & if benefits of vaccination have not been demonstrated in previously infected, child mandates are not rational or ethical.”
Most broadly, this exhaustive risk-benefit analysis highlights the importance of individualised vaccine decisions. The all-or-nothing approach of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Canadian public health authorities has muddied the waters and created a crisis of institutional trust and integrity.
When one even dares to explore the motives and profit incentives motivating these unscientific pushes to uniformly vaccinate all children, one is derailed as a right-wing conspiracy theorist. Such has been the fate for known left-leaning podcasters such as Russell Brand and Joe Rogan.
Even more damning than Dr. Høeg and colleagues’ analysis of existing research is a new large-scale Nordic study published in April evaluating the risk of post-vaccination myocarditis in 23 million Scandinavian residents. Researchers studied the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis in the 28-day risk period after administration of the vaccine.
As expected, males aged 16 to 24 have the highest rates of vaccine-induced myocarditis. The authors’ findings are stunning. First, the authors established a 13.7 per million rate of infection-induced myocarditis.
Below is a summary (pdf) of vaccine-induced myocarditis rates for various doses (approximately):
Post Pfizer dose one: 1 in 66,000
Post Pfizer dose two: 1 in 18,000
Post Moderna dose one: 1 in 58,000
Post Moderna dose two: 1 in 5,400
As an example, for every roughly 5,400 second doses of the Moderna vaccine given, one male (in the age range 16–24) will suffer from vaccine-induced myocarditis. One million second doses of the second Moderna shot alone yields 200 vaccine-injured young men. Given the immeasurably low risk of serious COVID-19 disease in healthy men of that age category, this is a relatively high risk compared to a modest reward at best.
Notice even a single dose of the vaccine poses a higher threat of myocarditis than COVID-19 does. The average risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis from the second dose is more than eight times higher than that from infection.
It gets worse.
The study also finds vaccine-induced myocarditis to be a higher risk than COVID-induced myocarditis in men aged 25–39 for two doses of Moderna or Moderna-Pfizer combination.
For several months, the media and public health bureaucrats have been peddling dangerous misinformation about COVID-19 posing a higher risk to young men than the vaccine. Instead of examining individualised risk-benefit ratios, they look at the aggregate data and find a general benefit to justify their “everyone should get vaccinated!” campaign.
A few of umpteen examples:
CNBC: “Myocarditis risk higher after Covid infection than Pfizer or Moderna vaccination, CDC finds”
Reuters: “Higher risk of heart complications from COVID-19 than vaccines -study”
CNN: “Pediatric cardiologists explain myocarditis and why your teen should still get a Covid-19 vaccine”
The Conversation: “Myocarditis: COVID-19 is a much bigger risk to the heart than vaccination”
Real Victims
While the data on vaccine-induced myocarditis is compelling, it doesn’t capture stories of real human lives victimised by a profit-driven system that forces individuals into compliance, regardless of risk.
I spoke to one such 38-year-old South Asian law enforcement member (who I will name “Desh”) in my city.
“My life plans have completely changed. I was going to get married, buy a new house, move cities. It’s all on hold now as I recover,” he said.
As a healthy male with a strict exercise regimen (and prior infection), Desh didn’t personally feel inclined to get the vaccine. However, working at a government agency he was mandated to get it. Losing his job was not even an option to consider.
Against his will, he got his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine (which has significantly lower rates of myocarditis) on Oct. 29. That night he experienced intense heart palpitations, but they entirely subsided by the next day. He didn’t think of linking it to the vaccine.
Thirty days later Desh got his second dose with no immediate side effects.
Then on the night of Dec. 11 he came within an hour or so of dying from heart failure.
Heart palpitations suddenly took over him when he was lying in bed, and he got up to vomit several times, making him think the cause was food poisoning or some common respiratory illness like the flu. However, he started to have a hard time breathing, only being able to take shallow breaths. Being naturally quite resilient and “never having called 911 in [his] life,” he was inclined to just bear the pain.
Thankfully, his girlfriend called 911 and an ambulance arrived.
When the paramedic measured his heart rate and it said 210 beats per minute, the paramedic couldn’t believe that he was still alive. They had to then shock his heart with a defibrillator into a normal rhythm. Compounded by all the anxiety from the situation and the worsening pain in his chest, he was convinced he was about to die.
“I thought I’m never going to see my girlfriend and family again,” he said. “Scariest time of my life.”
A few hours after arriving at the hospital, his doctor said, “You’re really lucky. If you had waited any longer, you would’ve died.”
Fortunately, the hospital he was at had a specialised cardiology unit that was able to swiftly diagnose and treat his life-threatening condition. The doctor definitively diagnosed him with vaccine-induced myocarditis causing high-risk arrhythmia, ventricular tachycardia, and cardiac myopathy.
In layman’s terms, Desh developed a dangerously abnormal and erratic heart rhythm that made it very difficult for his heart chambers to pump oxygenated blood to the rest of his body.
After spending six days in the ICU and being prescribed five separate medications for his heart, doctors said he couldn’t drive for 60 days or return to normal physical activity and work for several months.
Five months since this near-death experience, Desh is still recovering from vaccine-induced myocarditis. As someone for whom exercising at the gym was a regular activity, he says it has taken a massive toll on his mental health.
“Working out of the gym helped clear my mind and establish discipline in my life,” he said. “I can’t jog, go for a hike, play tennis, or do any of the things for both my mind and body.”
His condition is improving and he plans on returning to work in September, but only in a modified office role unlike his previous position at the law enforcement agency.
Perhaps the most damning insight from this young man’s story is the alarming frequency at which others like him have suffered. The doctor at the hospital said he was his third vaccine-induced myocarditis patient in a month-and-a-half; meanwhile, his cardiologist said he was his fourth patient at his clinic in recent weeks.
Three vaccine-induced myocarditis patients in (roughly) 60 days in a single hospital—out of 139 total major hospitals in British Columbia—suggests this problem is prevalent enough to warrant not only an end to draconian government mandates but also the halt of the administration of the vaccine in young healthy men (until more studies are conducted).
Other countries have taken much more scientifically informed vaccine measures. The Moderna vaccine—associated with much higher rates of myocarditis—was suspended in Finland, Denmark, Sweden, and Iceland for use in young people.
The young man I interviewed mentioned the story of his close friend’s male relative who suddenly collapsed and died from heart failure while feeding his infant child. A week-and-a-half prior he had taken his second vaccine dose.
While feeling incredible gratitude for his family and health, Desh’s anger towards a system that forced him into submission can’t be exaggerated.
“I’m living with the consequences of what the government made me do, not what I chose to do,” he said.
“If you don’t get the vaccine, you’re an outlaw,” he added. “And you must be vanished to some other place in society.”
Even more concerning, his prompt vaccine-induced myocarditis diagnosis may be highly unusual due to perverse hospital incentives.
“One of my friends who is a doctor at another hospital says clear vaccine-induced myocarditis cases are rarely attributed to the vaccine,” he said. “Often these patients have to fight with doctors to get a proper diagnosis. I’m not sure what’s exactly going on, but there are some incentives in place to prevent the vaccine from looking dangerous in any way.”
When learning about such agonising tragedies it is important to remain sober-minded and grounded in rationality. Otherwise, the abhorrent actions of one police officer result in “abolish the police” or isolated school shootings result in “take away all the guns.”
A careful-cost benefit analysis must be conducted to make the best decision. This is why — despite umpteen horrifying car accidents every year — our society depends on individual car transportation. It’s a net positive.
However, in the case of Desh — and tens of millions of young healthy men (and women) around the world — the benefits of vaccination are slim, especially given the prevalence of natural immunity.
As Stanford Public Health Policy professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya said about Desh’s vaccine injury in an email interview:
“Every medicine and even vaccine can cause side effects, and it’s sad to learn the story of this young man and what he has gone through. The story is doubly sad because — given his young age and otherwise good health — the marginal benefit to him from vaccination was small. The mandate violated his right to informed consent by coercing him into taking a treatment he didn’t want or truly need.”
Tragic stories of such vaccine injuries do not warrant a total suspension of vaccine administration, but they repudiate the one-size-fits-all “vaccines are safe and effective” religious dogma.
The risk-reward proposition for vaccinating a healthy 35-year-old man is very different from a 65-year-old diabetic with multiple co-morbidities. Yet the mandates and coercive propaganda campaigns fail to make such distinctions.
The overzealous push to vaccinate everyone has reached such preposterous heights that everyone “5 and older” should get boosted (no warning labels):
Desh's near-death vaccine story illustrates the grave blind-spots of our public health authorities dictated by the Canadian Liberal government. While the federal government announced the suspension of the originally unconstitutional, draconian vaccine mandates last week, the damage has already been done.
Millions of young men have gotten double-vaccinated without the requisite medical information and acknowledgement of risks. Given the 1 in 2,000 myocarditis risk ratio in young males, 1 million administrations of the vaccine alone have likely resulted in around 500 cases of myocarditis. Indeed a small fraction, but when compared with the near-zero serious risk of Covid in this age group, it is a medical disaster.
What does Justin Trudeau have to say for Desh and others suffering from vaccine injuries?
Will the public health authorities own the grave harm they've committed?
The government is directly complicit in inflicting severe cardiac damage on citizens like Desh — not to mention a host of other side effects. A national apology ought to be made to even attempt to make amends.
Canada’s overzealous vaccination campaign has gotten sickeningly propagandistic. The government has devoted $600,000 to paying “online influencers” to promote vaccines (as if the most vulnerable, geriatric populations are spending time on TikTok).
Meanwhile, a few days hardly go by without exposure to government-sponsored advertisements on YouTube and Twitter to vaccinate children "to prevent severe disease."
Vaccines have not been carefully tested and distributed as a vital and life-saving preventive measure for those at risk, but as a perverse pledge of citizenship and virtue for everyone regardless of their age, health, and other risk factors.
Over the past 12 months, those who opted out of this experimental citizenship test have been stripped of their ability to work and contribute to our plunging economy, exercise at a gym, travel freely within their own country, and socially and financially thrive in our society.
And many of those who complied are now facing life-deranging side effects with unknown future health ramifications. Such are the consequences when the state rules over your body — a monstrous precedent that has been set over the course of the Covid pandemic.
So much for the “true, north, strong and free” liberal democracy.