Who's Actually Dying With Covid? The Obese.
Why do even the most educated experts pretend to not know?
Who's Actually Dying With Covid? The Obese.
Why do even the most educated experts pretend to not know?
We must have an accurate grasp of reality if we are to make major policy decisions with wide-ranging societal ramifications. Throughout the pandemic, governments in the West have recklessly shut down schools, closed businesses, and promoted experimental vaccines with formerly warned against — and now rightly acknowledged as alarming — adverse effects.
And all for what?
Because Covid was deemed such a monstrous threat to the well-being of the public that a mass experiment with billions of participants could be justified and economic deterioration normalised.
I’ve previously written about the infection fatality rate. The now-peer-reviewed pre-vaccination Covid infection fatality analysis from Stanford epidemiologist Dr. John Ionnadis finds a median infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.035% for those aged 0-59, who represent 86% of the global population.
The age-stratified risks are as follows:
Ages 0-19: fatality rate 0.0003%; survival rate 99.9997%
Ages 20-29: fatality rate 0.003%; survival rate 99.997%
Ages 30-39: fatality rate 0.011%; survival rate 99.989%
Ages 40-49: fatality rate 0.035%; survival rate 99.965%
These rates are extremely low, but even they can inflate the real risk of Covid for the vast majority of individuals.
The crucial question is, who is in that fractional subset of 0.035% who died of Covid before vaccines became available?
What kind of individuals comprise the 0.011% of people in their 30s who died of Covid?
There appears to be a strange level of confusion surrounding this issue, as evidenced by umpteen data-oriented, scientific thinkers who have pushed disastrous policy measures in attempts to thwart such a high risk. For example, the multiple times I’ve poked pro-vaccine scientist Dr. Peter Hotez, he warns me of the serious risk of death in my age cohort:

Other rational thinkers such as Sam Harris have deemed the risk of Covid to be so high, vaccine hesitancy from anyone above the age of adolescence is considered deranged and conspiratorial.
In a podcast episode from the summer of 2021, Harris demonized the unvaccinated young, male waiters at a restaurant he was sitting at (waiters who were visibly masked were unvaccinated, as he was informed) as foolish followers of dangerous misinformation.
Since the risk of Covid death and hospitalization in a cohort of younger (and likely healthy) men is deemed to be so high in the view of Harris, their decision not to get vaccinated is nonsensical by all metrics.
But is that risk so high? Who exactly faces this frighteningly high risk?
According to an in-depth Italian study published last year, over two-thirds of deceased Covid patients had three or more comorbidities. Another 18% had two comorbidities. A mere 3% of deceased Covid patients had no underlying health conditions. What percentage of those in the three-precent minority were incidental (i.e died of other causes but tested positive for Covid) remains unknown.
As per the CDC’s own data, just over 5% of U.S Covid deaths had no other cause listed on the death certificate. For the overwhelming majority of deaths where other health conditions were a major contributor, there were an average of 4 comorbidities.
In terms of hospitalisations, the data is similar: another CDC study showed 95% of those hospitalised with Covid had at least one pre-existing health condition.
So if relatively low-risk, healthy people comprise the majority of the population, why were hospitals so overwhelmed with patients suffering from Covid (on top of other conditions) throughout the pandemic?
Well, in the United States — where sensationalist Covid media coverage was most amplified — poor health is a norm more than ever and obesity, the leading risk factor for severe Covid, is rampant.
The obesity rate in the United States is a whopping 42%. What’s more, just under 10% of the population is estimated to have “severe obesity” — people who are so obese, they are physically disabled, have a difficult time getting up and moving, and are suffering from a host of other conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and coronary artery disease.
Right there, that’s 32 million.
Yes, 32 million Americans who are severely obese and physically ill in many other ways. That is no small number.
Specific data on obesity and Covid risk illustrates the robust connection. In March of 2021, the CDC reported 78% of people hospitalized with Covid were obese or overweight.
And this is not even to mention the elderly population — obese or not — who are also at a relatively high risk of Covid death. To illustrate the disproportionate risk the elderly face, consider the following fact: the average age of Covid death is higher than the life expectancy in many countries (example: UK data).
As Alex Berenson’s recent investigation into Covid death certificates in Milwaukee shows, finding cases of young, healthy people dying of Covid is nearly impossible. It almost never happens.
The average age of Covid death is higher than the life expectancy in many countries.
The problem is not young people dropping dead of Covid, but people with poor health conditions for whom Covid could be a tipping point towards even more serious illness and possibly death.
Yet, public health authorities failed to convey such a message to the public when mass-administering a highly experimental product whose efficacy and safety was not properly understood at the time.
Some say mRNA vaccines should have never been administered to anyone under 65, but the government could at the very least have been honest that most people had little to gain and could suffer unknown consequences in the future (at the time).
As risks surrounding lowered sperm counts, menstrual irregularities, heart inflammation, and blood clotting become vividly clear, the more we realize the government and public health bureaucracy have utterly failed the public.
As risks surrounding lowered sperm counts, menstrual irregularities, heart inflammation, and blood clotting become vividly clear, the more we realize the government and public health bureaucracy have utterly failed the public.
Though what is perhaps most concerning is all the previously rational, intelligent thinkers — not beholden to government dictates — who suddenly became captured by the vaccine hysteria and morally shamed those who refused to take part in an extremely low-benefit experiment.
Time has naturally vindicated those who kept their principles — and ironically now shamed those who followed along in complicity.