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P. Diddy Arrest Exposes Mossad's Global Blackmail Operation for WWIII as Second Trump Shooter Has Ukraine & CIA Links

Plus WARRIOR CREED podcast

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At the top of this post, Resistance Radio presents our WARRIOR CREED video/audio podcast from Tuesday 17th September 2024, with a transcript provided - P. Diddy Arrest Exposes Mossad's Global Blackmail Operation for WWIII as Second Trump Shooter Has Ukraine & CIA Links.

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P. Diddy Arrest Exposes Mossad's Global Blackmail Operation for WWIII as Second Trump Shooter Has Ukraine & CIA Links

- A Radical Dispatch

1) The Diddler is going down

The arrest of P. Diddy in a Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations (RICO) case is major news.

This development marks the beginning of the end for the US entertainment establishment. As Weinstein did for Hollywood, and Epstein for politics, this RICO case against P. Diddy will do the same for the music industry.

P. Diddy stands accused of using his combined wealth, fame and business empire to further the interests of an organised criminal operation that involved capturing on camera various public figures in compromised sexual encounters - in many cases with minors - so that they could be blackmailed to serve his criminal purposes.

The Times reports 17th September 2024:

He also allegedly used “sensitive, embarrassing and incriminating” video recordings to ensure they remained silent...Combs, allegedly working with a coterie of security staff, personal assistants and “close associates”, would use extreme violence, threats and blackmail to ensure his accusers’ silence, the indictment says.”

Radical Media had already forecasted this a full month before the federal raids on Sean Diddy Comb’s home, and six months before Diddy’s arrest.

Check the date.

In April this year, Radical Media published details from the RICO lawsuit that was filed about who else has been implicated in this federal trafficking case.

Below are relevant extracts from that Radical Dispatch.

Radical Media reports 3rd April 2024, extract:

The reality is that - as the Epstein case demonstrates - powerful positions and institutions in our society have been infiltrated by people who have been severely compromised through blackmail. As such, they proceed to run these positions and institutions not in the interests of their own nation, but at the behest of the blackmailing party. This is why Western policy has seemed for years to be working against its own people.

To cast light on who is doing the blackmailing and how deep the rot goes, follow the known cases. From Prince Andrew to these latest media revelations, they all point in one direction: the British Crown having been compromised by Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, Mossad. Read on.

Among those named in last April’s original RICO lawsuit as co-defendants alongside P. Diddy is his boss, the CEO of Universal Music Sir Lucian Grange.

Radical Media reports 3rd April 2024, extract:

Sir Lucian Grainge is the CEO and Chairman of Universal Media Group. As such, he is Sean “Puffy” Combes’ boss. Here he is being knighted by Prince William.

Universal Music Chairman and CEO Sir Lucian Grainge is mentioned 174 times as a co-defendant in the lawsuit against Sean “Puffy” Combes. Grainge is accused of facilitating and attending parties where underage girls were drugged and sex-trafficked. Here is a sample page naming Sir Lucian in the lawsuit.

And here is the full 73 page sex-trafficking/RICO lawsuit filed by Rodney ‘Lil Rod’ Jones against Sean “Puffy” Combes and associates.

Sir Lucian is a knight of the realm, currently serving King Charles and his Privy Council. More on the Crown’s links to sex-trafficking pedophiles shortly.

The fact that Universal Music CEO Sir Lucian Grainge was knighted by Prince William should alarm readers.

As with the P. Diddy case, too many Epstein associates are also traceable back to the British Crown.

Radical Media reports 3rd April 2024, extract:

Why is the British Crown connected to so many allegations of pedophilia?

Readers will recall the Radical Dispatch report from January on some names unsealed by the judge in the Epstein case…

Among these names was ex-cabinet member and senior advisor to PM Tony Blair, Lord Peter Mandelson. As an ex-cabinet member Lord Mandelson also sits on the king’s Privy Council.

The relationship between Mandelson and Epstein is of particular significance, considering Mandelson currently serves as advisor to the UK’s PM-in-waiting Sir Keir Starmer. As Leader of the Opposition, Sir Keir is also a member of the king’s Privy Council.

Lord Mandelson visited Epstein island, travelled to Paris with Epstein for his birthday after the latter had already been convicted for trafficking, and was due to stay at Epstein’s New York townhouse while Epstein was in jail. As has been thoroughly reported in this Radical Dispatch.

Despite knowing all of this, PM-in-waiting Sir Keir has refused to end Mandelson’s advisory role with him.

This is the same Keir Starmer who served as the head of the British Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) when they chose not to prosecute deceased serial pedophile Sir Jimmy Savile.

Jimmy Savile was not just Britain’s Epstein. He had been knighted, also serving the Crown and Privy Council, he was a close confidant and advisor to the king, then Crown Prince Charles.

Sir Lucian Grainge, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, Lord Mandelson and Sir Jimmy Savile, all are associated in one way or another to high profile global sex trafficking cases, with Labour Leader and PM-in-waiting Sir Keir Starmer being too close for comfort.

All of these men are also either peers or knights of the realm, and members of the king’s Privy Council.

Why does the British monarchy have such a problem with associations among so many known and suspected underage sex-traffickers?

The answer to the above question is no riddle. It was also provided in the same Radical Dispatch.

Radical Media reports 3rd April 2024, extract:

Mossad, Kompromat and blackmail.

There is no polite way to say this. Epstein’s entire global VIP pedophile ring, being exposed in real time, and connected to royalty as it is, has been one large Mossad blackmail operation in order to entrap royalty and those who serve them into pursuing the foreign policy aims of Israel.

The Daily Mail reports 4th January 2024:

The Jeffrey Epstein list of associates unsealed by a US judge has reignited suspicions the pedophile financier was an asset for Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency. Israel's former prime minister Ehud Barak was identified in the bombshell dossiers Wednesday night. He served as PM from 1991 to 2001 after serving in the IDF for 35 years, rising to Chief of the General Staff.

Imagine the security clearances needed to be able to privately meet the Prime Minister of Israel no less than 36 times. It is no longer in much doubt that Epstein’s entire operation was a Mossad honeytrap designed to capture compromising material on senior figures and leverage this Kompromat so as to pursue Israel’s foreign policy aims.

The Daily Mail reports 5th December 2019:

As to the purpose of this blackmail, the Radical Dispatch reports 11th January 2024:

This may be why, despite all common sense dictating otherwise, so many politicians in the UK and US seem powerless to stop our countries’ facilitation of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

The Observer (Sunday Guardian) reports 30th March 2024:

The British government has received advice from its own lawyers stating that Israel has breached international humanitarian law in Gaza but has failed to make it public, according to a leaked recording obtained by the Observer…

..In a session of the foreign affairs select committee in January, Cameron was asked directly by Kearns whether “you have never had a piece of paper put in front of you by a Foreign Office lawyer that says that Israel is in breach of its international humanitarian commitments under international humanitarian law”.

Cameron stated that “I cannot recall every single bit of paper that has been put in front of me … I don’t want to answer that question.

In the case of Sean “Puffy” Combs, his calling for a race war if Trump wins typifies the sort of influence that can be gained over a public figure who has been compromised in such a way.

Click to play:

Sean “Puffy” Combes: “We’re not standing by no more and getting killed. We’re not scared of anybody standing up and standing by, we’re on the verge of a race war.. white men like trump need to be banished. That way of thinking is real dangerous.. when you look at it, we don’t have no choice, ya know what I’m saying, you can say what you want about Biden, I can’t say I love to pick either but hey, we gotta get him in office, and then we gotta hold him accountable.

Frankly, and as a result of all of the above, the below conclusion is unavoidable.

2) The power of controlling the controllers

Now with the above conclusion in mind, imagine the power those who control this compromising information - or Kompromat - would wield over those they are blackmailing. Imagine people such as Hilary Clinton or former president Bill Clinton - a confirmed Epstein guest - and their cabal of globalists were to control the editorial messaging of an entire social media app.

The Guardian reports 27th August 2024:

 “The Meta boss, Mark Zuckerberg, has said he regrets bowing to what he claims was pressure from the US government to censor posts about Covid on Facebook and Instagram during the pandemic.

Zuckerberg said senior White House officials in Joe Biden’s administration “repeatedly pressured” Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, to “censor certain Covid-19 content” during the pandemic.”

The owners of any social media are able to emotionally manipulation users via targeted algorithmic content. Even now, JD Vance’s financial backer Peter Theil and his company Palantir are able to use AI in order to micro target messaging to synchronise the public’s perceptions of the world with any given military objective. Palantir is already accused of providing their AI software to the Israeli military’s IDF to kill people in Gaza.

This is every tyrant’s dream. To be able to psychologically nudge humanity towards this, you need to own human voices that you control and place in high positions. How you do that is by getting Kompromat on them and then by controlling them through blackmail.

Surveillance - gathering Kompromat - is the process of gaining this control over humans. The owners of the data are the controllers. It is they who have the whip hand, via the Kompromat.

Epstein was an owner of Kompromat

P Diddy is an owner of Kompromat

The music world is about to be hit by what Hollywood got hit by under Weinstein and by politics got hit by with Epstein. Diddy sits on many names. He may be forced to cut a deal.

Radical Media reports 3rd April 2024, extract:

Blackmail only works if the Kompromat is not yet public. It is the threat of making such Kompromat public that provides leverage to the blackmailer. If the information is already out there, the blackmailer has lost all power because there is no leverage. This is why the latest Wired investigation becomes so important.

Wired magazine reports 28th March 2024:

NEARLY 200 MOBILE devices of people who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “pedophile island” in the years prior to his death left an invisible trail of data pointing back to their own homes and offices. Maps of these visitations generated by a troubled international data broker with defense industry ties, discovered last week by WIRED, document the numerous trips of wealthy and influential individuals seemingly undeterred by Epstein’s status as a convicted sex offender.”

The Times of London reports 29th March 2024:

..another and potentially more comprehensive view of all who visited Epstein’s domain in the US Virgin Islands has been revealed in mobile phone location data collected and mapped by a data intelligence firm called Near Intelligence.

The data pinpointed the location of more than 200 phones belonging to people who visited Little St James, according to Wired magazine, which said it found the maps while searching through reports produced by one of the company’s intelligence platforms.

More than 10,000 co-ordinates formed trails to the island from 80 cities in the United States, the magazine reported. They indicated people making their way there from homes on the well-heeled island of Martha’s Vineyard, or from Nantucket, from gated communities in Michigan and Florida and from a pavement on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, across the road from Trump Tower. The trails also led to Epstein’s mansion in Palm Beach, and his enormous ranch in New Mexico. The intelligence firm could infer, from the data, 166 locations where visitors to the island probably lived or worked, it said.

The names of these 200 visitors to Epstein’s island must be publicised, not least so that they can no longer be blackmailed to serve foreign interests. Publicising these names destroys the blackmailer’s leverage.

In that vein, Trump still publicly says that he supports the release of Epstein’s entire client list.

Click to play:

President Trump: “A lot of big people went to that island. But fortunately, I was not one of them.

Broadcaster: “It's just very strange for a lot of people that the list of clients that went to the island has not been made public.

President Trump: “Yeah, it's very interesting, isn't it? Probably will be, by the way.”

Broadcaster: “So if you were able to, you would be...”

Trump: “I'd certainly take a look at it. Now, Kennedy's interesting because it's so many years ago. You know, they do that for danger too, because, you know, it endangers certain people, et cetera, et cetera. So Kennedy is very different from the Epstein thing. But yeah, I'd be inclined to do the Epstein. I'd have no problem with it.

The above fact could be why certain parties desperately want Trump out of the way.

And why these efforts seem to be multiplying.

The Daily Mail reports 18th September 2024:

Police reportedly found 'explosives' in car near former President Donald Trump's rally site on Long Island ahead of his speech Wednesday evening.

If it is confirmed, it would be the latest shocking security breach and comes just three days after a would-be assassin was arrested after stalking the former president with a rifle as he golfed at his Palm Beach golf club.

3) The second Trump shooter was most likely a CIA asset

Trump has come to represent a version of opposition to the globalist cabal who use Kompromat and blackmail to coerce the world into compliance. It would suit these parties if Kamala Harris were to win the presidency. Repeated coercive action against Trump may be motivated by this fact. And as the aim of those who want Trump out of the way is war, they can also be relied upon to blame their enemies for any of their own attempts on Trump’s life. This has already begun.

We fact-checked the above attempt to blame the second would-be Trump assassin on Iran:

And by way of evidence, we provided the below:

Here is the Azov Nazi propaganda video from Ukraine that the suspect in the second reported attack on Trump has featured in.

Click to play:

Widely read political blog Zerohedge provided further details.

ZeroHedge reports 17th September 2024:

Perhaps the most interesting angle to attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh's recent history in his Ukraine connection…Among the more bizarre aspects to his campaigning on behalf of the Ukrainian military's foreign legion were his efforts to recruit US-trained Afghan special soldiers to go to Ukraine's front lines. The initiative appeared so large in scale (given Routh was seeking to transfer hundreds, or even thousands, of Afghan fighters - according to his words) - that one commentator questions in light of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump: "Who was he working with in the US government that was allowing him to do this?"

In a 2023 interview with the NY Times Routh openly displayed his proclivity toward violent acts by threatening to shoot his critics, and the Times featured the quote almost as if lionizing his commitment to defending Ukraine..Surely visibility like this put him on the federal government's radar... or given Washington's pro-Ukraine euphoria US officials were possibly even helping him in some way.

The US State Department in June of this year announced that it finally lifted a longtime ban on giving weapons and training to the notorious group. All the while, Azov's members have never been shy about sporting Nazi-inspired patches.”

Below is a video that features Trump’s second suspected assassin Ryan Routh recruiting former US special forces and others as mercenaries to fight in Ukraine.

Click to play:

He’s compiled a list of 6000 other US trained afghan troops many of whom he claims are also interested in aiding Ukraine's war effort.

‘All people work with US special forces, US Rangers, US army, is willing to spend alot of money on these people.’

The problem? Officials in Kyiv simply aren't interested in recruiting them.

‘Ukraine is reluctant to be cooperative’. That's Ryan Roof, a US citizen who set up the International Volunteer Center in Ukraine to help connect foreigners to Ukrainian military units.

I'm talking to over 100 soldiers every day, and pretty much everybody, all of my contacts in Ukraine, they were adamant and pretty much yelled at me every time that I suggested that we bring in Afghans’.

The Ukrainian government didn't respond to our requests for comment, but a source close to the officials in Kiev told Semaphore that their top concern is the question of loyalty in the thick fog of war.

‘The biggest thing is spies. They're afraid that anybody and everybody is a Russian spy’.

Those concerns aren't completely unfounded. Russia's notorious private military group, Wagner, has reportedly begun recruiting Afghan commandos.

And it also appears that Trump’s would-be second assassin suspect Ryan Routh posted a Ukrainian government military authorisation on his personal facebook page.

If globalists are unable to prevent Trump from returning to office, then at the very least they seek to use these assassination attempts to blame Iran and spark a wider war.

4) Globalists are using their compromised assets to push for World War III

It is in this light that their eagerness to provoke war by launching Nato supplied long-range missiles into Russia from Ukraine should be seen. The writing is on the wall. Globalists know their time is up. Only a world war can now prevent their fall. This is why they are tirelessly pushing for WWIII.

The Times reports 14th September 2024:

Five former defence secretaries and an ex-prime minister have urged Sir Keir Starmer to allow Ukraine to use its long-range Storm Shadow missiles to strike inside Russia — even without US backing.

Grant Shapps, Ben Wallace, Gavin Williamson, Penny Mordaunt, Liam Fox and Boris Johnson warned the prime minister that any further delay would embolden President Putin.”

And this is why both with globalist run Ukraine and Israel they and their cabal allies are provoking more and more reckless escalation.

The Times reports 18th September 2024:

Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia group was left reeling on Tuesday after thousands of pagers used by its members exploded almost simultaneously, causing carnage across the country. At least nine people were killed and 2,800 were injured as the devices blew up in an apparently synchronised attack that the group blamed on its arch-enemy, Israel.

While dismissing any senior person who happens to be calling for a ceasefire agreement.

The Times reports 18th September 2024:

“…Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, is poised to sack his defence minister, Yoav Gallant, the most vocal government minister pushing for a ceasefire agreement to free the hostages.”

Globalists are united across the world in their desire to go to war. Canada’s Trudeau has also indicated his willingness.

Click to play:

Broadcaster: “Russia will be at war with NATO if Ukraine uses long-range missiles deep into Russia. How far into Russia do you think Ukraine should be able to strike?”

PM Trudeau: “...yes, Canada fully supports Ukraine using long range weaponry to prevent and interdict Russia's continued ability to degrade Ukrainian civilian infrastructure and mostly to kill innocent civilians in their unjust war.”

Meanwhile, as if more evidence for a unified globalist purpose was needed, 200 Republican party neo-con warhawks have publicly backed not their own party’s candidate but Democratic party candidate Kamala Harris for president.

VP Harris seems to think this is a good thing.

Click to play:

VP Kamala Harris: “America is ready for a new way forward. We are ready for a new generation of leadership that is optimistic about what we can do together. That is why Democrats, Republicans, and Independents are supporting our campaign. Over 200 people who worked for President George H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney have endorsed me for president. Former Vice President Dick Cheney and Congresswoman Liz Cheney are supporting me as well.

Such is the globalist panic surrounding Trump that Hillary Clinton has not relented from publicly demonising him, going so far as to make the below remarks only one day after Trump’s would-be shooter Ryan Routh had been discovered.

Click to play:

Broadcaster: “He’s still being taught, especially by the media, that the more offensive he is, the more he can dominate the media space entirely. And I feel like you've been a good diagnoser of that, not only from when you were up against him, but from what others have done. So do you have an antidote for that or a way that people can talk themselves out of taking that bait?

Hillary Clinton: “I think that's really a critical question. And I think there's a couple of things going on here. You mentioned the press. And sadly, the press is still not able to cover Trump the way that they should. They careen from one outrage to the next. What was outrageous three days ago is no longer on the front pages, even though it threatens the physical safety of so many people. Particularly, as you point out, immigrants that he and Vance have decided to demonise. And I don't understand why it's so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is.

You know, the late great journalist Harry Evans, you know, one time said that, you know, journalists should, you know, really try to achieve objectivity. And by that he said, I mean, they should cover the object. Well, the object in this case is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world, and stick with it.

They were merciless about what they saw as President Biden's problems in the debate and calling for him to withdraw, I believe, Donald Trump has disqualified himself over and over and over again to be a presidential candidate, let alone a president.

The second thing, though, is that part of what Trump is counting on is for people to get desensitised. I mean, oh, my gosh, did you hear what he said yesterday? Did you hear who he attacked? Did you hear the viciousness? And it just like with a shrug, OK, fine, we're moving on.

Well, Americans need to understand that they have to take Trump both seriously and literally. He has said what he wants to do. He and his allies with Project 2025, his desire to be a dictator at least on day one, all of that is in the public record. And I believe that more Americans have to be willing to endure what frankly is discomforting and to some extent kind of painful to take him at his word and to be outraged by what he represents.

And then finally, the hopeful side of this is that I do think more and more Americans are rejecting the kind of chaos that he represents. We can't go back. That's what the Harris campaign says all the time. We're not going back. We're not going back to what he failed to do to protect American lives during COVID. We're not going back to the romance with dictators that puts innocent lives at risk and America's security in danger. We can't go back and give this very dangerous man another chance to do harm to our country and the world.

This self-evident globalist panic might be explained by the fact that Trump has already promised trials for those who betrayed the nation in 2020.

This is election year. Just as the last US election in 2020 brought with it revelations of the Hunter Biden laptop story as its October surprise, readers should expect further revelations from the downfall and arrest of P. Diddy to help shape the October surprise for 2024.

5) Russell Brand hosts Radical Media’s Maajid Nawaz on Stay Free

As part of our initiative to combat the division that is deliberately being sown, this Friday 20th September at 5pm UK time (12pm ET) Maajid Nawaz will feature on Russell Brand’s show Stay Free, which can be found via his Rumble page here.

Brand has posted the below trailer for our conversation on his socials.

Click to play:

Maajid Nawaz: “What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today, what does it mean to integrate? Integrate into what?

Russell Brand: “What we're getting into is some pretty existential and essential areas that transcend cultural arguments.”

Maajid Nawaz: “Globalist corporate power has every incentive to keep our communities divided, right? Because that's divide and conquer.

Russell Brand: “We're under attack from top down, from both state bureaucracy, but also global corporatism.

Maajid Nawaz: “There's a lot of potential there in terms of what Muslims have in common with Christians. Begin with what we share and what we have in common rather than define ourselves by how we're different..every value that I think you and I could agree on that we'd want this word integration to apply to, free speech, individual liberties, spiritual values, I think we'd also agree that they've almost universally all come under attack recently. I too was jabbed against my will in an Egyptian torture facility and prison.

And in light of recent communal riots in Britain, he also posted the below short clip from our exchange.

Click to play:

Maajid Nawaz: “There are certain vested interests that basically benefit from sowing the seeds of distrust and from exaggerating the points of difference, so despite me saying to you that there’s an entire chapter in the Qur’an named after Mary, and it’s the most honoured woman in Islam, I could go on and on about this, I’m married to a Catholic woman, who went to Catholic school, I could go on about this, and someone can come along and say, ‘yeah but you don’t believe Jesus is god, you don’t believe Jesus is the son of god. So there’s a way to have this conversation where we focus on the negative, or there’s a way to have this conversation where we’re like: look at everything we share, right? And that’s where I think we’ve been going wrong.“

The full show will be available to the public this Friday 20th September at 5pm UK time (12pm ET) which can be found via his Rumble page here. We encourage everyone to tune in.

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