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Globalists Seek to "Jan 6" Nigel Farage Over UK Riots


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At the top of this post, Resistance Radio presents our WARRIOR CREED video/audio podcast from Tuesday 13th August 2024, with a transcript provided - Globalists Seek to "Jan 6" Nigel Farage Over UK Riots.

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Globalists Seek to "Jan 6" Nigel Farage Over UK Riots

- A Radical Dispatch

1) The trap has delivered

Instead of seizing the moment to assess causes and explore solutions for why the UK suddenly ruptured into unprecedented national communal rioting during the first week of August - and just as we forecasted would happen in last week’s Radical Dispatch - much of British corporate media decided instead to lay the blame at the feet of anti-globalist politician Nigel Farage and his Reform Party.

The entire debacle was used as a trap to ensnare Nigel Farage in a British version of “Jan 6”, when protestors were let into the Capitol building by police in order to set up President Trump in a supposed insurrection. The idea being to prevent Farage’s anticipated rise to becoming Prime Minister of the UK just as Trump had been prevented from resuming office in the US 2020 elections.

Alongside that tedious and predictable talk radio hack James O’Brien of Global’s LBC, former counter-terrorism police chief Neil Basu specifically named Farage as a key instigator.

The Guardian reports 31st July 2024:

A former counter-terrorism police chief has accused Nigel Farage of helping incite violence that broke out in Southport after the killing of three children in a knife attack this week. Farage drew criticism from across the political spectrum for remarks he made in a video on Tuesday in which he questioned “whether the truth is being withheld from us” after the attack on Monday.

This is unhelpful and inaccurate, to say the least.

Unlike Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (stage name: Tommy Robinson) and his cabal of neo-fascists such as the former actor Laurence Fox and his ‘Peter the Lector’ sidekick Calvin Robinson, at no stage had Nigel Farage posted the fake name of Ali al-Shakati alleging that the Southport child killer was a Syrian Muslim refugee. Farage had asked on air whether or not the attacker was already known to British security services. Multiple previous jihadist terror attackers in Britain were indeed already on the radar of British security services. As such, this seems like a perfectly legitimate question to ask. Beyond that, Farage’s crime appears to have been to want to continue talking about immigration and integration in Britain.

As outlined last week, if such grievances remain unheard the potential for further radicalisation of Britain’s white working classes by externally motivated foreign interests only grows. There must remain a political vehicle for the expression of populist right wing, anti-globalist views. This necessarily entails the right to speak freely about immigration, asylum, integration, and British identity. Nigel Farage may represent many things to many different people, but he does not preach violence and street politics.

But then, the state’s response was less about solving the problem at hand than it was about availing the opportunity to enforce overreaching tyrannical powers against its own people. And so it was that arrests for social media posts began in earnest.

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Sky News broadcaster: “Breaking news now, and a woman has been arrested by Cheshire police in relation to an inaccurate information on social media about the attacker in the Southport murders. It says a 55 year old woman from near Cheshire was arrested earlier today Thursday the 8th, of course on suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred and false communications she is currently being held police custody. Chief Superintendent Alison Ross has also made a statement saying that this is in relation to a post which has been fuelled by malicious and.. the protest rather has been fuelled by malicious and inaccurate communications online. It is a stark reminder of the dangers of posting information on social media platforms without checking the accuracy. It's also a warning that we are all accountable for our actions.”

As of yesterday, number of arrests have surpassed 1000.

Many of these would be for violence, or indeed for incitement to direct violence. Fair enough. But it is those that were arrested under the category of disinformation that provide the greatest cause for concern. Here we compare two cases by way of an example. The woman Sky News reported above who was arrested has been revealed as Bernadette Spofforth.

Spofforth was arrested for doing precisely what the neo-fascist Laurence Fox did - who we named in last week’s Dispatch as being a paid agitator - posting the fake name Ali al-Shakati.

Here is Laurence Fox’s post.

And here is Bernadette Spofforth’s.

This misinformation led neo-fascist rioters to claim that the triple child killer of Southport was a Syrian Muslim refugee. That information was false. He was neither Syrian, nor Muslim, nor a refugee. But by the time this news was confirmed as being false, a lynch mob had already attacked a mosque. Unlike Fox who expressed no remorse, Spofforth had deleted her post within an hour of posting it, but was arrested regardless.

Compare the case of Spofforth with another paid agitator who we also named last week but this time on the left, Nick Lowles.

Like Spofforth, Nick Lowles swiftly deleted his post that neo-fascists were throwing acid in Muslim women’s faces after police intervened to clarify that they had received no such report.

But again, unlike Spofforth, Nick Lowles was not arrested even though Muslim Blackshirts had engaged in violence against who they perceived to be neo-fascists soon after his post.

The difference in the case of Spofforth with that of the neo-fascist Laurence Fox and the ‘anti-racism industry’ insider Nick Lowles, is that Bernadette Spofforth appears not to be a paid agitator. In other words, ordinary people suffer consequences while the political assets who provoke them face none.

In addition to the arrests made, PM Starmer’s Labour party also took the opportunity to threaten adopting a much stricter definition of “Islamophobia” that could be prosecuted under hate speech laws.

The Telegraph reports 8th August 2024:

Labour is considering adopting a controversial definition of Islamophobia – despite warnings it could harm free speech, The Telegraph can reveal. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner, his deputy, are weighing up a “range of views” about whether to introduce an agreed description of anti-Muslim prejudice. A definition of Islamophobia would not be legally binding but organisations would be urged to adopt in a similar way to the anti-Semitism definition accepted under Theresa May in 2016.

Labour’s globalist PM Keir Starmer is no friend to Muslims, who should not be fooled by his attempts to use British Muslims against non-Muslim Brits in order to further divide and conquer. As these recent events highlight, anti-Muslim hatred (Muslimphobia) is obviously real, but Labour’s plan to use the catch all term “Islamophobia” thereby adopting yet more restrictive speech laws that remove all of our rights including that of Muslims, should be resisted.

This from LBC - before they cancelled this writer opposing every single tyrannical Covid mandate - needs updating, but it sufficiently explains the way in which Labour’s identity-politicking causes civil conflict.

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Maajid Nawaz: “Islamophobia is one of the biggest misnomers eveer to have come about in recent years. Islamophobia includes within it hatred of Muslims as a people and criticising and scrutinising Islam as a religion, which is the right of every free-thinking human being anywhere in the world. So if I turned around and said that Islam today has a disproportionate problem with homophobia, with anti-freedom of religion stances, and so on and so forth, whatever, chopping the hand of the thief, that's not Islamophobic. That's talking about the doctrine of a religion that needs reform, like we've been talking about Christianity over the course of this hour, and the doctrine of confession. That's not Islamophobic and therefore let's change the word let's stop using the word Islamophobia which lends itself to accusations of blasphemy when in fact everyone should have the right to blaspheme, and yes let's use instead the word Muslimphobia which is more accurate. Because it's wrong to hate Muslims as a people or individual Muslims as persons, but it's perfectly legitimate to scrutinise Islam as a doctrine. And that's the problem with the word Islamophobia. When Charlie Hebdo did what they did and scrutinised Islam as a religion, and they were murdered for it in their offices. That is their right to do so. There should never be a blasphemy law anywhere in Europe. And the word Islamophobia is used as a shield to reintroduce blasphemy as law through the back door. And that's my problem with the word, and in that, UK's most prominent Muslimphobia watchdog group, Tell Mama, supports me in this stance. Tell Mama UK, which monitors anti-Muslim hatred across the country, has also come out very publicly to state that the word Islamophobia is indeed a misnomer. And this is an internal debate going on between Muslims in this country. We've got to allow for scrutiny of our religion, like every other religion is scrutinised. So let's stop using the word Islamophobia, use the word Muslimphobia, which is more precise and accurate, and then recognise that a Conservative MP raising concerns around the disproportionate involvement of British Muslims in grooming gangs is not Islamophobia, it's pointing to facts that we all would do well and better to actually have a bit of self-reflection and introspection about.”

The main caveat to the above LBC clip of ours is that the grooming gang story has since evolved to become the global VIP grooming gang scandal run by the Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein.

That original Radical Dispatch is linked here. Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (stagename: Tommy Robinson) did not reply to our above response.

2) Farage is in their sights

Corporate media’s blaming of Farage for the actions of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (stage name: Tommy Robinson) and his neo-fascist cabal, has predictably affected Nigel Farage’s performance in the polls.

The below extract from last week’s Dispatch explains the aim.

Radical Meida reports 7th August 2024, extract:

Reminder, the above state of affairs is precisely what we cautioned was about to happen only days before it started, on 25th July 2024:

The above has been done to Britain deliberately by globalist agitators who are encouraging chaos in this country. It has been years in the making, with the Blair years being a catalyst, but has been ramped up in recent years and since the Covid era. Its purpose is to seed so much chaos that the public demands ‘order.’ This ‘order’ will be the WEF-inspired technocratic tyranny known as the Great Reset.

All of this - including these national riots and civil unrest - was forecasted by us in episode 1780 with Joe Rogan. Click through to watch full episode on Rumble:

It worked. Sky News reported a YouGov poll that would make for worrying reading at Reform Party HQ.

Sky News reports 8th August 2024:

According to YouGov, the Reform leader's favourability ratings have fallen since the start of the riots in the UK. He is viewed unfavourably by every voter group in the UK except Reform backers. This includes Leave voters - his score with them going from +7 to -4. The proportion of 2024 Tory voters that have a negative view of him has risen from 52% to 61% - and 47% of the public believe he holds some responsibility for the rioting.

The key issue here is the notable drop in support for Farage among Brexit Leave and Conservative voters. This is precisely the constituency he would need to win over to become PM.

Not content with the already surveyed damage to Farage’s ratings, globalists seeking to “Jan 6” Farage over these UK riots also drafted in the infamous security state asset Christopher Steele. Steele was the man who tried to set up President Trump by publishing his infamous and now disproven Steele dossier alleging Trump was allied to the Russians.

The Times reports 12th August 2024:

Steel, the involvement of Mi5 and allegations of Russian collusion, globalist finger prints are all over this obvious operation to “jan 6” Nigel Farage.

Beyond media hits, globalist assets also sought to mobilise outside Reform Party offices to blame Farage and Reform directly.

Click to play:

Femi: “You should see in 83, that's the secret Reform Party lair. And we figured we'd come and show up, given that the Reform Party, led by Nigel Farage, has been spreading all kinds of hatred across the country, which has led to a whole bunch of violence, including them trying to burn down a hotel that contained asylum seekers, people that came here in search of safety. So we're here, making the point that we won't stand for that kind of shit.” 

Protestors from the Socialist Workers Party (SwP) were in fact gathered outside a Reform Party P.O. Box.

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In truth, what globalists are worried about is the fact that a majority of the British public, including Labour voters, sympathised with those who protested peacefully and also felt that immigration was the top issue facing the country.

The Times reports 9th August 2024:

And while only 8 per cent of the public had sympathy with the unrest, 58 per cent (including over half of all Labour voters) said they had sympathy with those who protested peacefully. More than a third (42 per cent) said that the demonstrations had been justified, while most worryingly for the government more than half (51 per cent) said that immigration is the top issue facing the country.

This is why the top priority for globalists now is not to respond to the public’s desire to curtail immigration, but to marginalise the man who the public would trust to do the job, namely Nigel Farage.

But the mud will not stick. This is because Farage has a track record of specifically distancing himself from Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (stage name: Tommy Robinson).

Last week’s Radical Dispatch elaborates, extract:

Nigel Farage appears to understand that legitimate grievances cannot be left to fester and have to be addressed. Notably, and despite his known views on migration and the Palestine issue, he did not participate in the spreading of these online rumours. Here he is criticising the false rumours…

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Nigel Farage:

“..At the same time, the internet was awash with all sorts of theories, all of which proved to be unfounded. But that's what led to the riots last night. That's what led to people being outside that mosque in Southport. You know, sometimes, just tell the public the truth and you might actually stop riots from happening. Well, that doesn't matter because it's me.

…So there we are, there was Brendan Cox, the high priest of virtue. Alongside him, there was a representative of Hope not Hate. Yes, you would have thought to listen to these people that I was arm and glove with Tommy Robinson, which I never have been and never ever will be. You would also think I'd been insightful, encouraging people to head to Southport, none of which were true. And interestingly, a lot of Labour MPs attacked me, and I suspect that's because the Labour Party know there is a very deep sense of unease out there in this country as to what is going on…”

..Despite what one thinks of Nigel Farage’s views on Islam and immigration, the truth is that he did not participate in spreading those rumours that led to the lynch mob attacking a mosque in Southport…

In fact, Nigel Farage has been onto these neo-fascists from the start. He even resigned from his own party UKIP - which he had led through the Brexit years - over their desire to associate with Tommy Robinson.

The Guardian reports 4th December 2018:

Nigel Farage has quit Ukip after 25 years, saying the party he led to its greatest election successes was now unrecognisable because of the “fixation” with the anti-Muslim policies of its leader, Gerard Batten…Farage.. said he was dismayed by Batten’s policies and his decision to appoint the far-right campaigner Tommy Robinson as an adviser.

…Lois Perry, the immediately previous leader of UKIP did exactly the same thing. She suddenly quit as leader of the party a mere few weeks after being elected.

Lois Perry: “There was something a little bit more sinister, something quite a lot more sinister, and that was they felt or there were certain elements within the party once I took over as leader that felt that they wanted to go after quite an extreme viewpoint. Now, people have got different views about Tommy Robinson, some of, a lot of what he said has come true. But let's be honest, he has been convicted of immigration offences in the United States of America. They wanted to have a link up. There were strong elements, and that was at the very top of the party as well, wanted to have a link up with Tommy Robinson. There was a big march. I gave permission for my people to go, but I didn't attend. That says a lot. I was asked continuously. I felt railroaded to have allegiances with Tommy Robinson. I couldn't do that that wasn't where I wanted to go. When Nigel Farage took over as the leader of Reform that, I felt ‘what am I doing?’ I'm being railroaded into following a path that I don't want to follow, even to the point that on a zoom call I felt that I had to say ‘or maybe we'll look at it in the future having some sort of tie up with him’ even though I didn't feel it at all…

..I really really really felt that we could unite that we could merge right will unite and create a new opposition and um there was no way that that was ever going to be allowed if we teamed up with Tommy Robinson they were back channeling Andre. I told them I said, I said ‘no, no official contact with Tommy, or unofficial contact’ and I heard rumours that they were doing it. There was also some other stuff, homophobia. There was some dodgy stuff. There was... I'm not homophobic. I'm not anti-trans. In fact, as long as you're adults, I don't care what you get up to. I've got no problem with that. You know, I'm not anti-Muslim. But I am anti-radical islamism…The Tommy Robinson crew bring certain elements with them. Extreme anti-Semitism

Thank you former leader of UKIP Lois Perry

At this stage, readers should ask themselves, why would two former leaders of UKIP have left the group over the very same person: Stephen Yaxley Lennon (stage name: Tommy Robinson)?

What do former UKIP leaders Nigel Farage and Lois Perry know that we do not about UKIP’s desire to associate with Tommy Robinson? What has startled these two national leaders so much so that they quit their own party over Tommy Robinson?

3) Tommy Robinson is a Likudnik-Zionist paid asset

This all brings us neatly to the actual culprit who provoked these communal riots in the UK via his online following of anti-islam neo-fascists, Tommy Robinson.

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Maajid Nawaz, WARRIOR CREED Tuesday 6th August 2024:

Tommy Robinson lit the fire in the dry forest that was the social cohesion and society of our country, Great Britain. He lit the fire in a dry forest. And like the arsonist blamed climate change after doing so, he then blamed Islam and Muslims and migrants. And it's largely because of that man, Stephen Yaxley Lennon, a.k.a. Tommy Robinson, that the neo-fascists began their trouble in Southport when they began targeting a mosque like a lynch mob, which resulted in many police officers being injured protecting a mosque. Thank you, police officers.”

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reportedly looking into Tommy Robinson’s tax affairs. Robinson is likely to go the way of Al Capone, who was taken out over his tax affairs. Any HMRC investigation would likely involve a forensic audit. It is this forensic audit that would reveal who has been funding Tommy Robinson’s neo-fascist activities in the UK, thus exposing him as a paid agitator serving the interests of a foreign power. Provoking communal riots in our country on behalf of a foreign power would be an act of treason. Anyone proven to be taking funds from a foreign country to see our country burn would rightly be considered a traitor to Britain. And that is precisely what Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is.

The Times reports 9th August 2024:

Tommy “Robinson’s most loyal financial backers are said to include Robert Shillman, 78, an American tech billionaire who has supported Donald Trump. According to The Times of Israel, Shillman made headlines when he backed a contest in Texas for cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad. The tycoon sponsored Robinson as a “Shillman Fellow” from 2017-18 working for the Canada-based Rebel News Online, a right-wing website that hosts the British columnist Katie Hopkins. Rebel Media continued to support Robinson financially after his bankruptcy

..Robinson, who left the EDL in 2013, has long attracted supporters in North America such as Pamela Geller, a hardline anti-Islam campaigner who has been banned from Britain. Geller previously told The Times that she had sent money to Robinson’s family when he was behind bars. The Middle East Forum, a conservative think tank backed by Shillman, gave a five-figure sum towards legal advice and rallies to try to help get Robinson freed when he was jailed in 2018 for broadcasting outside a jury trial. Bethan Nodwell, a Canadian anti-vaccine campaigner, invited Robinson on a speaking tour in June and said he told her that he was being offered £40,000 by Ezra Levant of Rebel Media, adding: “I can’t say no, I’m skint, I need the money.

These same names appear in an older investigation.

The Guardian reports 7th December 2018:

Who are these above named donors and which interests do they serve?

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Maajid Nawaz WARRIOR CREED Tuesday 6th August 2024:

The David Horowitz Freedom Center, DHFC, a California-based think tank that describes itself as a school for political warfare, a school for political warfare, has published a series of pieces defending Robinson and has lobbied for him to address U.S. politicians. It is pretty clear by now that Sherman, Rebel Media, Ezra Levant, all of them hardcore Likudnik Zionists have been backing Tommy Robinson, which by the way, Mr. Levant, we know you personally. Unfortunately, we take it personally because instigating riots in the UK is an act of treason. Unfortunate for you, that is, because we're not going to back down. We are coming. Anyone that supported Tommy Robinson in an act of treason against this country, the neo-fascist Lawrence Fox, the Peter the Lector, Calvin Robinson, Carl Benjamin, all of you will face consequences for your acts of treason and for instigating or provoking at least sectarian and communal riots in Britain attempting to bring the Northern Ireland troubles to the mainland.”

Worker’s Party Leader George Galloway has made the same point.

George Galloway: “Tommy Robinson runs is a fully paid up asset of the Israel lobby in the United States, in Canada, in South Africa and in Israel itself. Tommy Robinson is a paid agent of Israel and has openly stated that in any war he would fight for Israel. He's never, of course, volunteered to join the British Armed Forces, and I wouldn't like him in any trench near me if he did, and our country needed the people to step forward to defend it. He is an Israeli asset. And of course, they fastened upon him as an asset because their intention was to make the Muslims in Britain so unpopular that Israel would accrue political benefit as a result. And that's what the last 20 years nearly of Tommy Robinson's life has been about.

Further investigation at the UK register of companies called Companies House reveals that Tommy Robinson’s EDL filings reveal similar such connections.

Mint Press News reports 9th August 2024:

Mint Press News reports 9th August 2024:

In June 2011, Robinson’s compatriots launched a company, the English Defence League. A month later, this was updated to the English and Jewish Defence League. Meanwhile, a firm known as EDL English Defence League LTD was registered in December 2010. Two years later, the company’s name became the Jewish Defence League and one of its directors, Roberta Moore, a belligerent Zionist, established links with Jewish Task Force, a far-right U.S. organization. Founded by Victor Vancier, it espouses a hardcore, fundamentalist Zionism. Despite raising money for illegal settlements in the West Bank and avowedly seeking to “save” Israel, Vancier was banned from entering Tel Aviv for his involvement in 18 bombings in New York and Washington, protesting Soviet treatment of Jews during the 1980s.

Here are those filings from the UK Companies House website.

And here is Professor David Miller claiming the same.

Click to play:

This is why none of his cabal can denounce him, because they are all owned by the same foreign power, probably kept in line with abundant Kompromat.

Piers Morgan to Andrew Tate: “Do you denounce Tommy Robinson?

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Yaxley-Lennon (Tommy Robinson) seems have realised that his fate may be sealed and is desperately posting online in an attempt to rally the British public behind him.

Here is the ongoing Change.Org petition to which he refers, click to see original:

Unfortunately for Mr Yaxley-Lennon, below is how events are likely to play out for him.

4) New horrific child stabbing in London stopped by a Muslim migrant

Despite ongoing and desperate attempts by neo-fascists to pin the blame on migrants and Muslims for the horrific triple child killing in Southport, the evidence continues to mount against them, in the other direction.

The second armed man arrested on the scene has now also been revealed to have not been a Muslim.

The BBC reports 9th August 2024:

A man who carried a knife as he went to join a "mob" after a vigil for the Southport stabbing victims has been jailed for two years and four months.

Jordan Davies, 32, was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court after he admitted possession of a knife in a public place in the seaside town on 30 July.

The defendant, who described himself as "neither right wing nor a Muslim", told officers he was in Southport for a "peaceful protest" after he was seen by members of the public carrying a knife while wearing a balaclava.

Instead, what happened after yet another brutal stabbing of a child in London’s Leicester Square, was that a migrant Muslim security guard emerged as a hero who disarmed the crazed attacker, a white European man.

GB News reports 12th August 2024:

This news was inconvenient for the anti-migrant and anti-Muslim neo-fascist narrative.

Here are the three men.

Turning Point UK reports 19th July 2024:

BBC reports 4th August 2024:

MintPress News reports 12th August 2024:

As should by now be clear, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (Tommy Robinson) is a paid asset for globalist Netanyahu’s Likudnik-Zionists. He is being used to incite communal riots in the UK in order to divide and conquer. This serves to further globalist control over British politics via the Blairite globalist PM Starmer’s domestic crackdown, while maintaining sympathy for Netanyahu’s war in Gaza. Likudnik-Zionists led by that maniac globalist Netanyahu are sponsoring the narrative that this war is about Muslims vs “Judeo-Christian” values. That is patently false. Do not fall for their divide and conquer. Considering all of this is only going to get worse for Netanyahu, President Trump would be wise to place some distance between himself and “America’s best ally,” Israel under Netanyahu. We are coming.

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