BREAKING: Senior Coroner Confirms Full Medical Inquest into Midazolam Death Case Next Month

Senior Coroner Sets Inquest Date for March 17th - March 21st


BREAKING: Senior Coroner Confirms Full Medical Inquest into Midazolam Death Case Next Month

Senior Coroner Sets Inquest Date for March 17th - March 21st

- A Radical Podcast

1) BREAKING: full medical inquest confirmed for Midazolam death case

A senior British coroner has confirmed the date next month for a full medical inquest into a precedent-setting case for deaths involving the use of the end of life drug Midazolam plus an opioid. The inquest is due to begin 17th March 2025 and will last five days until 21st March.

The wider allegation being made by victim-families is that during Covid the British state implemented a deliberate and systemic policy of involuntary mass euthanasia of the elderly in hospitals and care homes by administering the end of life protocol drug Midazolam plus an opioid, while using Covid deaths as cover for this mass killing.

If ruled by the senior coroner as ‘unlawful killing’ in this precedent setting case, the United Kingdom will be rocked by the worst mass killing scandal in its history.

After having been granted official independent press access to last Thursday’s 5th pre-inquest review hearing (PIRH), Radical Media is now able to report the following:

i) A senior coroner has confirmed a full medical inquest into a worrying precedent-setting case of death involving the use of Midazolam plus an opioid.

ii) After the conclusion of five Pre-Inquest Review Hearings (PIRH) the coroner has agreed to hear this inquest for five days, beginning 17th March 2025.

iii) During last Thursday’s fifth PIRH the senior coroner admitted an additional witness, taking the total number now serving as official witnesses to seven nurses and four doctors.

iv) The senior coroner again acknowledged his duty to consider issuing a Preventing Future Deaths (PFD) instruction, which is an order to halt the systemic use of Midazolam in end of life protocols across the country until the coroner’s verdict is reached in this specific case.

v) This case involves a bereaved family from among the 50 victim-families who attended Committee Room 5 in the House of Commons to make their voices heard in June 2023.

vi) Claims that the Midazolam scandal is a ‘crazy conspiracy theory’ are now entirely debunked, as the senior coroner has ruled that there is a serious case to be heard and has ordered a full medical inquest.

vii) All media platforms and voices are now duty-bound to do their job and report this ongoing story as it develops.

viii) If the senior coroner rules ‘unlawful killing’ in this inquest, it will impact hundreds of thousands of such cases across the country and the British state would stand accused of implementing a mass-culling, using Covid deaths as cover.

Hector: I am so sorry / Dracula: No more Hector. They must be stopped, culled. / Hector: Is this genocide, Dracula? / Dracula: Would that concern you? / Hector: My fellow humans have never treated me with love, and I’ve punished them for it. But I wouldn’t have them suffer. And like any animal, I think the world would be poorer with their extinction. I would just see to it that they couldn’t harm anyone else. / Dracula: Then that is how it shall be. / Hector: Vampires feed on humans. I understand this. If humans became livestock I would have no concern over that if conditions were.. / Dracula: Humane? / Hector: I was going to say merciful / Dracula: Oh yes, I can promise a merciful end to the human plague, Hector. Will you join me? / Hector: A cull? Controlled population? Making sure they cannot harm anyone else? Yes.”

Castlevania, Season 2 Episode 3

2) 50 bereaved families in Parliament

Radical Media attended Committee Room 5 in the UK House of Commons in June 2023 to hear from 50 victim-families who believe that their loved ones had been involuntarily euthanised.

Radical Media reports 15th June 2023:

Radical Media provided a free raw audio file of the family testimonies in Parliament from last June.

Radical Media’s Maajid Nawaz also addressed the families directly in Parliament at the time.

Click to play:

Maajid Nawaz addressing Committee Room 5, UK House of Commons:

“…this is a policy of involuntary state euthanasia…those people who were administering this cannot hide behind ‘following orders’…this is an act of killing and if legally judged, murder.

A summary of the case up until last Thursday was provided by us to Neil Oliver on GB News.

Click to play:

Full interview with Neil Oliver on GB News can be found on youtube as Part 1 and Part 2.

Maajid Nawaz on GB News with Neil Oliver: “there's now a formal inquest into a specific case of death, which would be a groundbreaking case because it's precedent-setting then the death involves the use of an end-of-life protocol Midazolam and an opioid, I've been granted independent press access to this inquest Neil, I can confirm that for you. I have the audio recordings of the last four pre-inquest review hearings. Today in a week, that's next Thursday coming, right, is going to be the fifth pre-inquest review hearing, known as a PIRH, and then there will be a formal inquest. The Senior Coroner, in the first pre-inquest review hearing, has already said he's considering issuing a preventing future deaths or (PFD) document, which would mean that the Coroner, the Senior Coroner, has granted formal recognition that this is a problem of a systemic nature involving the use of Midazolam plus an opioid in the end-of-life protocols. It would be systemic. There are witnesses, six nurses and four doctors, who are already serving as witnesses to give evidence in this inquest. And if the inquest finds ‘unlawful killing’ in this precedent-setting case, it would confirm, Neil, the research you're already aware of, of Dr. Wilson Sy, that the spike in excess deaths in 2020, in April 2020, as his peer-reviewed paper has already said, I'll quote it for you: "‘wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020. It was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was largely absent, but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections, which was statistically very highly correlated, coefficient over 90%, with excess deaths’. There's no correlation with COVID jabs and those excess deaths, just as there's no correlation with COVID cases and those excess deaths, there is a correlation with Midazolam injections and those excess deaths. This is a scandal of huge proportions.”

News of these developments spurred Reform party Chairman Zia Yusuf to promise a “proper Covid enquiry” once in government.

Latest evidence indicates that it was not Covid that caused the officially confirmed excess death pattern in the UK from April 2020 onwards, rather it was the administration of Midazolam injections.

We are not saying that Covid ‘vaccines’ did not cause any excess death. They likely did, and this writer was cancelled from his own LBC radio show for opposing these ‘vaccine’ mandates after publicly boycotting the booster jab live on air. On the evidence, it is possible that both Midazolam and ‘vaccines’ acted concurrently.

However, we are specifically saying that the April 2020 UK excess death - which occurred prior to UK vaccine roll out and therefore could not be due to ‘vaccines’ - also does not correlate to Covid cases, and therefore could not be caused by Covid. In other words, neither covid cases nor ‘vaccines’ correlate to the acknowledged excess death pattern of April 2020.

Only Midazolam does.

3) Midazolam deaths: the evidence

Covid had a confirmed Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.096% which is similar to the flu, as confirmed by ministers at the time in parliament.

A similar flu-like IFR for Covid has been found all over the world.

Radical Media reports 30th October 2022:

And so, Covid would’ve only killed people at a similar rate to the flu. But curiously, there were no recorded flu deaths that year.

To break this logic down: any national death pattern left by Covid in 2020 would have looked similar to a flu death pattern. And while no flu deaths were recorded that year, if a patient died from any cause after having tested positive for Covid, it was systemically marked on the death certificate as a Covid death, regardless of cause.

There was a huge spike in excess death that year - way beyond flu - which was officially attributed to Covid. But regardless of what was erroneously marked on the death certificates, Covid cases do not correlate to April 2020 excess death. And ‘vaccines’ had not yet been rolled out.

This begs the question: if not Covid or ‘vaccines’, what was killing all those people in April 2020?

This is the shocking part: the only intervention that correlates with excess death in April 2020 is the systemic administration of Midazolam injections by the state.

As Dr Wilson Sy’s peer reviewed statistical analysis demonstrates, excess death in April 2020 correlates (with over 90% co-efficiency) to the administration of Midazolam injections plus an opioid, using the NHS end of life protocols, such as NHS protocol NG163.

Click to play:

Dr Wilson Sy on WARRIOR CREED: “Midazolam and excess death now overlap each other almost perfectly. And that's the one that gives you 91% correlation…right...So particularly in 2020…the explanation that excess deaths are caused by Midazolam is just very, very strong.

Maajid Nawaz on WARRIOR CREED: “If I can summarise what I think I've just heard from you, for listeners to put it into digestible language for them, even though it's not any less shocking, what you just argued, if I've correctly understood you, is that according to the data, In 2020, the UK Covid case fatalities do not match the Covid cases. There isn't a correlation between the people that had Covid in 2020 and the people that died. And therefore to say that they died of Covid is spurious, because the data doesn't support that. Whereas there is a high degree of correlation, 90% range, between the administration of Midazolam injections in 2020 and the people that died. Is that a fair summary of what I've just heard you say?

Dr Wilson Sy: “You’ve done very well.

To listen to Radical Media’s free, two-hour long podcast interview with Dr Wilson Sy click here:

Dr. Wilson Sy pulls no punches, stating that these excess deaths were “wrongly attributed to Covid” but statistically correlate instead to health professionals injecting patients with death-row drug Midazolam, in what appears to be “a possible policy of systemic euthanasia” of our elderly and disabled in care homes.

Here is the new research paper in question by Dr Wilson Sy.

And here is Dr Wilson Sy’s summary from the paper’s abstract:

This paper shows that the UK spike in deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was largely absent, but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections which were statistically very highly correlated (coefficient over 90 percent) with excess deaths in all regions of England during 2020.

As if that part wasn’t shocking enough, Dr Sy continues:

Importantly, excess deaths remained elevated following mass vaccination in 2021, but were statistically uncorrelated to COVID injections, while remaining significantly correlated to Midazolam injections. The widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in UK suggests a possible policy of systemic euthanasia.

Here is a screen-grabbed image of the abstract, with the relevant parts highlighted in yellow for any who may doubt what their eyes are reading right now.

The worrying thing is that - as depicted below - this unusual correlation between Midazolam and UK excess death - and crucially without corresponding Covid cases - only appeared during the state-declared “pandemic”. What was the “Covid pandemic” used to conceal?

April 2020 is a huge outlier in terms of deaths. The isolated red dot in the top right corner represents the period in question.

Dr. Sy summarises his findings in the following words:

The extraordinary spike in UK excess deaths in April 2020 was not due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, because there were relatively few infections and there was no ‘high consequence infectious disease’ as officially declared in March 2020.”

The statement that there was “no high consequence infectious disease as officially declared in March 2020” may surprise some, but this was the official line from the UK government’s own Health Security Agency.

The statement that there was “no high consequence infectious disease as officially declared in March 2020” means: there was no Covid pandemic in April 2020.

This leaves the question as to what killed all those people glaringly open.

Dr. Sy answers this query immediately, and candidly, in the very next paragraph:

The UK COVID-19 pandemic was iatrogenic (ie: deaths caused by the medical intervention itself - Ed.), created with widespread and persistent use of Midazolam injections in all regions of England, particularly in care homes, under a systemic policy of euthanasia. The nature of the euthanasia needs further investigation. Statistically, Midazolam injections were highly correlated with UK excess deaths throughout the pandemic, overwhelming COVID-19 disease or vaccination as other possible explanations for excess mortality.

Dr. Sy does not exclude other possible causes for UK excess death, such as vaccination, though he presents Midazolam as the highly correlating, statistically significant factor.

Midazolam was the common proximal cause of excess deaths in the pandemic, but there were likely many other primary causes including comorbidities, infections and vaccination. The data available are not sufficient to measure the precise impact of vaccination on excess deaths. Vaccination was unlikely to have saved many, if any, lives because the unreliable early data grossly exaggerated COVID deaths, inflating the extent of the SARS-CoV-2 threat which was subsequently assumed and projected in computer models which created illusory benefits.”

Finally, Dr. Sy seems aware that his findings totally disrupt most of what the world thinks it knows about the Covid “pandemic” that never was.

Most global investigations of COVID-19 epidemiology, only based on the relative impacts of COVID disease and vaccination, are probably inaccurate, because their assumptions are generally false due to the significant presence of confounding factors in some countries, such as the UK.”

Is this why Dr Luke Evans MP confirmed with then Health Secretary Matt Hancock in parliament that they had ordered sufficient supply of Midazolam?

Click to play:

Dr Luke Evans MP, April 2020: “…a ‘good death’ needs three things. It needs equipment, it needs medication and it meeds the staff to administer it. So in terms of equipment, a few quick questions. Do you have enough syringe drivers in the NHS to deliver medications to keep people comfortable when they're passing away?

Matt Hancock MP: “Yes, we do. There was a challenge raised about this about eight days ago, and we resolved that actually it wasn't as big a challenge as as was made public, and we've resolved that. So yes, right now we do”.

Dr Luke Evans MP: “And the second one is with that, that's the syringe drivers deliver medication, particularly things like Midazolam and morphine. Do you have any precautions put in place to make sure we have enough of those medications to be delivered?

Matt Hancock MP: “Yes, we've got a big project to make sure that those sorts of medications, as well as the ITU medications that I spoke about earlier, that the supply chains, the global supply chains for all those medicines are clear. They are, in fact, those medicines are made in a relatively small number of factories around the world. So it is a delicate supply chain and we are in contact with the whole supply chain.”

Dr Luke Evans MP: “And in line with that, morphine is currently prescribed per patient. The reason to do that is to stop it being abused. So I have to prescribe it for Mr. Hancock. However, in this situation, if you're going into a healthcare home, you may not want to waste precious things like morphine. Have you considered relaxing the laws around morphine prescribing for doctors and healthcare professionals so that there isn't waste?

Matt Hancock MP: “That’s something that we keep under review. I’ve looked at that particular point to reduce wastage of key medicines, and it’s something that he supply chain, the supply team sorry, in the department and the clinical team talk about all the time. I don't know if that's JVT's part of the clinical team and he may want to say more.

To access the Parliamentary source transcript for above video dated April 2020 click here:

The implication here is horrific.

The Daily Mail reports 12th July 2020:

The number of prescriptions for a powerful sedative that can kill the frail doubled at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, raising fears it was used to control elderly residents in stretched care homes – or even to hasten their deaths. Official figures show out-of-hospital prescribing of the drug midazolam increased by more than 100 per cent in April compared to previous months.

The Sun reports

CARE homes have been accused of using powerful sedatives to make coronavirus victims die more quickly. Prescriptions for the drug midazolam rocketed during the height of the pandemic, with some claiming it has ‘turned end-of-life care into euthanasia’. Official figures show 38,352 out-of-hospital prescriptions for midazolam were issued in April - more than double the February figure. The monthly average for the past five years in England was about 15,000.

For those who are still digesting the severity of what Dr. Sy’s peer-reviewed statistical analysis implies.

4) The fact-checkers were wrong, again

The Midazolam scandal has been met with incredulity among mainstream corporate press, who are still unable to digest the fact that the state lied to them about absolutely everything during Covid. Only a few journalists, such as independent voice Jacqui Deevoy have been bold enough to persist with this story. The fact checkers ran into overdrive.

A 2022 Full Fact entry attempts to correct the record as follows:

“…claims that midazolam as well as morphine were prescribed in greater quantities, and used to deliberately kill elderly patients.

The increase in midazolam prescriptions in April 2020 was covered by the Daily Mail and the Sun in July 2020, though both newspapers said they could not verify claims that the drug was being used to speed up deaths.

As evidence the video says there was a spike in deaths among elderly people coinciding with the increased prescribing of midazolam.

The video goes on to claim: ‘It is grievously logical to deduce that the sudden spike in deaths, which was used to justify the UK government’s COVID policies, was largely the result of lethal midazolam and Morphine [another drug used in palliative care to treat pain] injections.’

The number of deaths did increase in April 2020, at the point at which midazolam prescriptions increased (though the video is wrong to claim both happened in March 2020).

But a correlation between midazolam prescriptions and death figures is not proof one caused the other, and this ignores the main reason deaths were increasing in April 2020: Covid-19 itself. In April 2020, there were 29,377 deaths in England (and 33,854 in the UK) where that person’s death certificate would go on to list Covid-19 as one of the causes.

By saying: “…the main reason deaths were increasing in April 2020: Covid-19 itself” Full Fact has chosen Covid as their explanation for this spike in excess deaths.

Unfortunately for Full Fact, Dr Wilson Sy’s peer-reviewed statistical analysis went on to show that Covid cases simply do not correspond to Covid deaths.

Couple that with the concern raised early on about NHS protocol NG163 in May 2020 by 11 medical experts and the picture becomes clear.

The British Medical Journal reports 20th April 2020:

Another concern is that the recommended doses for morphine and midazolam are sometimes higher than current guidelines state for non-specialist use; and moreover there are inconsistencies between the maximum doses recommended by the oral or subcutaneous routes. In summary, we welcome NICE’s rapid production of practical guidelines to help community practitioners prescribe medication to ease the distress of people with serious COVID-19 infection. However, as current or retired consultants in palliative medicine, we respectfully suggest that some recommendations in NG163 should be revised to prevent inadvertently adding to that suffering.”

Among those who were early to raise the alarm were British esotericist David Icke of Ickonic media. Many other experts have gone on the record making the same claim.

Click to play:

Maajid Nawaz to medical researcher Stuart Wilkie: “Very disturbing concerns were raised about the systemic use by the state of Midazolam in its end of life protocols”.

Medical researcher Stuart Wilkie: “Yes, well I'd studied an audit on the amount of Midazolam that was used, and I'd also found a study that gave them very much higher death rate whilst patients were on Midazolam, and particularly with morphine. I found a very alarming study that showed that 83% of elderly people that were dying - purportedly of COVID were - actually receiving morphine and Midazolam in the last 24 hours of their life. So five-sixths..of elderly patients were dying on morphine and Midazolam.”

Maajid Nawaz to Dr Mike Yeadon: “As somebody whose PhD focused on morphine, as somebody who was the head of respiratory illnesses for Pfizer globally, having looked at Stuart Wilkie's evidence on Midazolam, that your personal conclusion is that the state deliberately put people on Midazolam and morphine for the purposes of terminating their lives”

Dr Mike Yeadon: “Yes. Yes, there’s no question. Neither of those drugs would ever be appropriate in an open airway breathing patient. You would not repress their respiration which Midazolam and morphine would do. The doses that we used were between 3 and 5 times the recommended initial starting doses. Those are doses that you would expect would lead to a fading away of people. I personally am convinced that the excess deaths in care homes is explained by this procedure.

Dr Sam White: “And that's when, if you look at some of the data from Midazolam, you have this huge increase in procurement by the health service for the end-of-life drug Midazolam.”

Maajid Nawaz to Dr Sam White: “In your experience, was the amount of Midazolam acquired by the government, was it out of the ordinary? Was it completely extraordinary?”

Dr Sam White: “Yeah, absolutely. It was. And of course it wasn’t needed given the actual survival rate was incredibly high. We’re talking 99.7% of people survive. And that’s a figure that exists without any treatment, and by ‘any treatment’ I don’t just mean Ivermectin or HCQ, the national guidelines that GPs had were not to give vitamin D for the treatment or prevention of COVID.”

Dr Wilson Sy: “There are about eight regions in England with data on excess deaths in individual regions. And there's also data on doses in each of those regions. And they are all very highly correlated. Well, some of them is actually higher than 91%, 97-96%. The reason why I say ‘it appears to be a systemic policy’ is that normally, if it were a natural contagion process, it doesn't have that sort of uniformity and regularity. So the fact that over such a large geographical area, they simultaneously had this spike and the dose response relationships are all very similar. Seems to me, not an accident of nature. I mean, it looks like something coordinated.

Culminating in youtube health educator Dr John Campbell releasing a video titled: “Euthanasia in the pandemic?”

Is it any wonder then, considering the above, that former Heath Secretary Matt Hancock is now campaigning for euthanasia?

Radical Media reports 12th December 2022:

The Times reports 12th December 2022:

No matter how uncomfortable this conclusion is, all evidence points to a deliberate state-policy of involuntarily euthanasia of our senior citizens: a culling.

That this happened is - by now - obvious, and the evidence for it is overwhelming. After being made aware of the evidence, anyone rejecting this conclusion is either in deep denial, or is criminally complicit.

Matt Hancock and Dr Luke Evans are wanted for questioning.

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