1) The Radical Podcast Episode 16
At the top of this newszine Resistance Radio presents the podcast version of The Radical Show episode 16: ‘On Flying While (Un)Vaccinated.’ In this episode we speak to JetStar and Qantas Captain Alan Dana, Virgin pilot and flight instructor Captain Glen Waters, President of US Freedom Fliers Captain Joshua Yoder, and United States Airforce veteran and pilot Captain Bob Snow who were all pilots that stood in opposition to vaccine mandates for airline staff.
This podcast is for full members of Radical Media. Basic members may upgrade here:
The rest of the Radical Dispatch is free for all members. Do read on.
Former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock Shifts Focus to Campaigning for... Euthanasia (!)
Being Responsible for the Death of Thousands of Elderly in Care Homes, He Now Wants to Make It Allowed to End the Life of the Elderly in Care Homes
A Radical Dispatch
The former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock has outdone himself. Let us recall that this is the Health Secretary blamed for sending thousands of elderly to care homes, where they ended up dying in circumstances yet to be fully understood by most.
Sky News reports 27th April 2022:
Despite the now infamous callousness with which he was revealed to be behaving at the time - an issue that triggered his resignation in disgrace due to his violating every rule that he himself had imposed upon all of Britain - by having an affair with his lover in government offices while instructing everyone else to observe social distancing:
Mr Hancock vehemently refuses to apologise for these care home deaths.
The Independent reports 28th April 2022:
On this note, full members may recall the Radical Show podcast 6 that addressed the topic of the UK’s controversial End of Life Protocols involving death row drug Midazolam combined and morphine, which featured eye-witness testimonies about serious allegations surrounding the state’s use of involuntary euthanasia on elderly patients in hospitals. In that episode we spoke to Freelance Investigative Journalist Jacqui Deevoy, Health Scientist Dr Kevin Corbett Phd, Retired Nurse Celia Jones (witness and widow to Brian Boulton), Practising Nurse Elena Anamaria (witness and widow to Stuart Nisbet) and Medical Researcher Stuart Wilkie.
Readers may also remember the recent police investigation opened into this topic at the UK’s Gosport hospital:

With all this in mind, what does your gut tell you about Matt Hancock’s moral compass as he now wades into campaigning for Euthanasia?

While deciding what to think, recollect that our Radical Reaction from 1st December highlighted the worrying direction that Canada has also taken on Euthanasia.
We reproduce the section below.
Why is Canada Euthanising the Poor?
“…when the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, a sweeping euthanasia law which repealed the ‘reasonably foreseeable’ requirement – and the requirement that the condition should be ‘terminal’. Now, as long as someone is suffering from an illness or disability which ‘cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable’, they can take advantage of what is now known euphemistically as ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAID for short) for free.
Soon enough, Canadians from across the country discovered that although they would otherwise prefer to live, they were too poor to improve their conditions to a degree which was acceptable.”
..Canada is surely fallen.

Consider how our Covid era policies appeared eerily synchronised with other Western nations.
Now consider Canada’s worrying stance on euthanasia above, and ponder again why the UK’s former Covid era Health Secretary Matt Hancock is pushing for euthanasia in Britain.
What does your gut tell you now?

The UK’s end of life protocols involve death row drug Midazolam combined with morphine and agents of the state are now seeking to legalise medically assisted dying.
Do you see it yet?
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