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Iranian Missiles Strike Israel After Netanyahu Decapitates Hezbollah Leadership & Invades South Lebanon

Plus WARRIOR CREED podcast

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At the top of this post, Resistance Radio presents our WARRIOR CREED video/audio podcast from Tuesday 1st October 2024, with a transcript provided - Israel Decapitates Hezbollah Leadership & Invades South Lebanon (note: this podcast was recorded before last night’s Iranian reprisal strikes on Israel).

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Iranian Missiles Strike Israel After Netanyahu Decapitates Hezbollah Leadership & Invades South Lebanon

- Radical Dispatch

1) Iranian missile strikes on Israel

Last night, Iran launched roughly 200 ballistic missiles at Israel after a week in which Netanyahu assassinated Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut and Israeli troops crossed into Lebanon.

The Times reports 2nd October 2024:

Iran fired a barrage of missiles at Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other Israeli cities on Tuesday night in response to Israel’s first military incursion into Lebanon for 18 years.

About 180 Iranian missiles and Israel’s interceptor rockets, fired to bring them down, lit up the sky just before 8pm local time.

The Chief of Staff for the Iranian Armed Forces has said that the targets for their strikes were military sites only.

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The below is a round up of the various sites that Iranian missiles hit inside Israel.

i) Near Mossad HQ, Tel Aviv

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ii) Tel Aviv, Near Mossad HQ

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iii) North Tel Aviv

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iv) North Tel Aviv

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v) Nevatim Airbase

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vi) Gedara

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vii) Near Ort Tel Nof airbase

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No Israeli casualties have been reported.

2) Iran is responding to Israeli strikes in Lebanon

These strikes by Iran were in response to Israel’s exploding pager and walkie talkie operation in Lebanon, and their decapitation of the entire Hezbollah leadership in a strike on Beirut. They were launched after Israel began a “limited” ground incursion into Lebanon.

The Times reports 1st October 2024:

Israeli troops have crossed into Lebanon, beginning ground operations after two weeks of devastating airstrikes against Hezbollah…The operation, codenamed “Northern Arrows”, appears for now to be targeted on southern Lebanese villages close to the border, as Israel has told residents from 20 of them to evacuate immediately.

Israel asserts that its Lebanese operations are solely aimed at stopping Hezbollah attacks into Israel. Hezbollah has been launching its missiles into northern Israel from Lebanon since the Gaza operation.

Radical Media reports 14th April 2024, click to play:

Israeli PM Netanyahu appears to have green lit the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah while addressing the UN in New York. Multiple countries’ delegations walked out on Netanyahu’s speech.

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After the Israeli strikes in Beirut, PM Netanyahu warned Iran not to intervene directly and attempted to differentiate between the Iranian regime and its people.

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PM Netanyahu: “I speak a lot about the leaders of Iran. Yet at this pivotal moment, I want to address you, the people of Iran. I want to do so directly, without filters, without middlemen. There is nowhere in the Middle East Israel cannot reach. There is nowhere we will not go to protect our people and protect our country. With every passing moment, the regime is bringing you, the noble Persian people, closer to the abyss. But you know one simple thing. Iran's tyrants don't care about your future, but you do. When Iran is finally free, and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think. Everything will be different. Our two ancient peoples, the Jewish people and the Persian people, will finally be at peace. Our two countries, Israel and Iran, will be at peace.  Don't let a small group of fanatic theocrats crush your hopes and your dreams. You deserve better. Your children deserve better. The entire world deserves better. I know you don't support the rapists and murderers of Hamas and Hezbollah, but your leaders do. You deserve more. The people of Iran should know Israel stands with you. May we together know a future of prosperity and peace.

Soon after this address, Iran launched its missiles into Israel.

3) This war will be limited & will not expand beyond Iran and Israel

But as we stated in yesterday’s WARRIOR CREED livestream, this will be a limited war that will not extend beyond Israel and Iran. Globally, there is very little appetite for a wider World War.

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Maajid Nawaz for the latest WARRIOR CREED podcast: “So that understanding of the regional background is important because it helps us understand the dynamics for what's going on now. Because what we're going to say to everybody in our analysis is as bad as this looks, and it is looking very bad, the fact that Israel has gone into South Lebanon, it's important to understand the regional context that we've just provided, because by understanding that regional context, it will help us realise that though we are precariously close to a World War III scenario, I don't think it's going to hit. I don't think it's going to get to World War III. We don't think that the danger has passed the point of no return. So despite, back to that Radical Dispatch we showed you from April, despite us including Trump's warning in that April dispatch, where Trump warned that we could go to World War III, we don't think we're quite there yet.”

Our view that this war is unlikely to expand beyond Israel and Iran is supported by some facts, below.

i) Iran warned the US and Russia of these strikes in advance

The Times reports 2nd October 2024:

One disputed fact will be scrutinised above all for its significance. Multiple reports claimed that the reason the US was able to issue its warning to Israel was that Iran had notified Washington and Moscow in advance that the ­missiles were ‘imminent’. Iran’s representative office at the United Nations in New York, effectively its embassy to the United States in the absence of diplomatic relations, issued a denial. However, it admitted that there had been a ‘notification’ later.

The Times reports 2nd October 2024:

Iran said it had notified Russia in ­advance of its missile attack, an indication that it does not want the ­assassination of Nasrallah and his senior leadership to escalate into a full-scale war…The United States had knowledge of the attack, although Tehran denied telling Washington. The warning was passed to Israel, allowing the IDF to send alerts that missiles were on their way.”

ii) The Iranian missile strikes caused no Israeli casualties, due to the Iranian warning

iii) Israeli strikes have been limited to regional Iranian proxies

Since previous strikes by Iran on Israel last April, any exchange of fire between the two countries has not expanded to involve third parties.

Radical Media reports 14th April 2024:

Israel may now be facing multiple attacks from all sides as Iran launches drone missiles towards Israel, and Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah reportedly initiates simultaneous operations against Israeli interests, joining the already active & effective Houthi operations from Yemen shutting down major resupply routes, with Hamas to the South continuing to demand Israeli attention, and Hezbollah in Lebanon to the North being the most dangerous.

Radical Media reports 14th April 2024:

All of the above militia are deemed Iranian proxies. Their involvement in the conflict does not imply that the war has expanded beyond Iran and Israel directly.

iv) Regional Sunni Muslim leaders have refused to get involved

This was the case in April the last time Iran struck Israel, and it remains the case now.

Radical Media reports 14th April 2024:

...Reports of several Gulf countries "increasingly restricting" US ability to use local bases on Iran proxies:

Jordan has yet again asserted its sovereignty and neutrality by preventing Iranian missiles from flying through its own airspace to reach Israel.

The Times reports 2nd October 2024:

“Jordan also said it had shot down ­missiles over its territory, as it had done in April.”

v) The US leaked Israel’s invasion plans to limit the war

The US has signalled that it will acquiesce to Israel degrading Hezbollah infrastructure in the south of Lebanon.

The Times reports 1st October 2024:

But despite the public gestures of support, the US appears to have leaked Israel’s invasion plans in order to avoid a wider war and limit the impact of Israeli troop movements.

The Times reports 1st October 2024:

The Times reports 2nd October 2024:

The United States still believes that the war Israel is waging on two fronts, Gaza and Lebanon, remains containable. While the White House has urged Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, to agree a ceasefire, it has done little to apply pressure to that end and has made clear it supports the ­Lebanon incursion.”

It is clear that this war has been planned to be limited and contained.

vi) The Lebanese army has pulled back to allow Israeli troops 3 miles into Lebanon

The Times reports 1st October 2024:

Israel’s military said that they were carrying out limited, localised, and targeted ground raids based on precise intelligence against Hezbollah terrorist targets and infrastructure in southern Lebanon…

..Significantly, the Lebanese army pulled back troops stationed on its southern border to at least 5km (3 miles) north, according to Reuters news agency, which cited a Lebanese security source. This suggests that the Lebanese army will not fight the Israeli forces should the operation be confined to limited strikes.

vii) There have been no meaningful or signifiant clashes between Hezbollah and Israel at the Lebanese border and over 10,000 UN peacekeepers remain in place

Hezbollah has claimed that Israeli troops are not inside their country.

The Times reports 1st October 2024:

Meanwhile, Israeli security officials have corrected an earlier report that claimed ‘fierce clashes.’ They now claim that there have been no clashes between them and Hezbollah fighters.

The Times reports 1st October 2024:

The presence of over 10,000 UN peacekeepers also serves to mitigate the risk of a wider escalation.

The Times reports 1st October 2024:

viii) Iran may have betrayed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

Iran may have betrayed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in order to arrive at at longer term deal for the region. How else would anyone explain the fact that this Lebanese critic of Nasrallah appeared to have known that he was going to die?

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ix) The UK has reasserted its desire to avoid a wider regional war

The Times reports 1st October 2024:

This is despite the increasingly desperate noise by certain warhawks in British politics.

The Independent reports 30th September 2024:

Robert Jenrick has said the Star of David should be displayed at every point of entry to the UK to show ‘we stand with Israel’. The Tory leadership frontrunner told a Conservative Friends of Israel event he wanted Britain to be ‘the most welcoming country in the world for Israelis and the Jewish community’.

Nigel Farage has recognised them.

4) A regional compromise is inevitable

In our final analysis, we believe that this current round of Iranian / Israeli strikes were planned to be limited, contained and - once exhausted - will inevitably lead to a wider, regional peace deal. The below analysis sums up matters well.

We will only add that a regional grand compromise seems inevitable. Despite Netanyahu’s best efforts to provoke a wider war in order to force Western countries to fully back him, recently Jordan’s Foreign Minister spoke on behalf of a delegation of 57 Arab and Muslim countries, stating that they are ready for peace.

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Jordanian Foreign Minister: “The Prime Minister came here today and said that Israel is surrounded by those who want to destroy it, an enemy. We're here, members of a Muslim Arab committee, mandated by 57 Arab and Muslim countries, and I can tell you here, very unequivocally, all of us are willing to, right now, guarantee the security of Israel in the context of Israel ending the occupation and allowing for the emergence of a Palestinian state, independent state, along the 1967 borders. He is creating that danger because he simply does not want the two-state solution. And if he does not want the two-state solution, can you ask Israeli officials, what is their endgame? other than just wars and wars and wars. I'm telling you, all of us in the Arab world here, we want a peace in which Israel lives in peace and security, accepted, normalized with all Arab countries in the context of ending the occupation, withdrawing from Arab territory, allowing for the emergence of an independent sovereign Palestinian state on June 4, 1967, lies with occupied Jerusalem as capital. That is our narrative. And we will guarantee Israel security in that context. Can you ask Israelis what's their narrative other than, I'm going to continue to go to war, I'm going to kill this and kill that and destroy this and this that. The amount of damage that Israeli government has done, 30 years of efforts to convince people that peace is possible, this Israeli government killed it. The amount of dehumanization, hatred, bitterness, will take generations to navigate through. So ultimately the question is, we want peace, and we've laid out a plan for peace. Ask any Israeli official what is their plan for peace, you'll get nothing because they're only thinking of the first step, we're going to go destroy Gaza, inflame the West Bank, destroy Lebanon, and after that they have no plan. We have a plan, we have no partner for peace in Israel, there is a partner for peace in the Arab world.

And Spain is already there.

The Times reports 1st October 2024:

While the direction of travel for the next US administration is against further war, not towards it.

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President Trump: “Under my administration, we had no war in the Middle East. We had no war in Europe. We had harmony in Asia. We had no inflation. We had no Afghanistan catastrophe. Instead, we had peace, peace, peace. We had a lot of peace. Thank you very much.”

Even in Ukraine, the grift is winding down.

It is hoped that we will soon see a wider peace.

5) Islam is Not the Enemy: Maajid Nawaz interviewed for new podcast

Recently we accepted another interview request, this time with host Peter McCormack.

Here is a brief clip:

Peter McCormack: “Do you believe the goal here is to create anti-Islam, anti-Muslim sentiment in the West to encourage people to be more supportive of Israel continuing the war in Gaza?

Maajid Nawaz: “Yes, but that's a primary objective, and that is that if you've got a very large anti-Muslim sentiment across the West, then the funding stream you need to go for Israel's war in Gaza is easier to acquire politically.

Now, you need to generate anti-Russia sentiment to continue the funding stream into Ukraine for that war. You need people to think Putin is a boogeyman, that he's nasty, and he's a dictator tyrant, for people to be willing to tolerate the fact that we in the meanwhile are cutting winter fuel allowance for our elderly while our successive governments, not just Starmer but before him the Tories, have been promising literally unlimited funding for the war in Ukraine.

So you've got to you've got to generate that sentiment so that the public is pacified to accept the fact that we're going to fund war. So in the case of Ukraine, that's anti-Russia sentiment. In the case of Israel, it's anti-Palestinian sentiment. But of course, there aren't many Palestinians in the West. They are stateless people living in refugee camps. So their strongest supporters in the West are the Muslim diaspora. So you've got to generate an anti-Muslim sentiment to continue, and more than just anti, a fear of Muslims and generally a fear of migration and brown people because a lot of our migration was coming from countries that we were involved in wars in which were Muslim-majority countries to muddy the waters between a pro-Palestine sentiment and a pro-terrorism the equivalent is me sitting here now talking to you Peter and saying Jews this and Jews that, instead of Likudnik-Zionists led by Netanyahu.

Why am I saying that, because the largest protests in Israel's entire history - a country found in 1948 - its entire history has never witnessed as large as it's currently witnessed in terms of protests against its prime minister Netanyahu, who refuses to go. So think UK anti-Iraq war protests, yeah? So we understand that most of Israeli society is against Netanyahu, but because of the nature of their political system, he's in a coalition government without majority support. But to muddy those waters and say ‘Jews’ helps if somebody wants to paint all Jews with the same brush, for the purposes of marginalizing the Jewish community.

So if you want to marginalise an entire cause, that's what's going on. It's like, oh, these are pro-Hamas protests. Absolutely ridiculous. The evidence used, by the way, is that some of them chant ‘from the river to the sea’ as a terrorist chant, and anyone posting it will be banned from Twitter under its terms of service, right? It's bullshit. That phrase began in the Likud party's own constitution. They're talking about Israel from the river to the sea.”

Peter McCormack: “Palestinians have been treated terribly for decades we know land has been stolen we know you know Gaza is an open prison camp we know uh the health system has broken down and it's very hard not to be sympathetic I just I don't understand.

Maajid Nawaz: “Because we're not being allowed to sympathise the people that control the narrative channels and the platforms are deliberately promoting voices that sow division so that war can continue, and they're engaged in psychological operations to encourage it. One of the things they're doing is making sure that only those voices that promote division and a lack of nuance and war are heard online and promoted by the algorithm. Now, if you look up Tobias Elwood this week, he's on air saying, let's ignore the Americans and allow our missiles, NATO's long-range missiles, to strike into the heart of Russia. They want war.

There's a global compromise network that is involved here, and it was run by Mossad. Epstein was a Mossad operative. And the British press have also started reporting on that. You can look it up. Look up Epstein, Mossad. It's all in the news now.”

The full interview is available to listen via Spotify:

Or to watch via Youtube:

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