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Kuwaiti Minister Detained by Globalist Technocracy After Refusing to Provide Biometrics at Airport

Plus WARRIOR CREED podcast

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At the top of this post, Resistance Radio presents our WARRIOR CREED video/audio podcast from Tuesday 15th October 2024, with a transcript provided - Kuwaiti Minister Detained by Globalist Technocracy After Refusing to Provide Biometrics at Airport.

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Kuwaiti Minister Detained by Globalist Technocracy After Refusing to Provide Biometrics at Airport

- A Radical Dispatch

1) Kuwait deports a former minister for refusing to provide his biometric data

A new test case for the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) technocratic vision for 15-minute cities governed by a centralised state database with access to the combined private data of all citizens has arisen in Kuwait.

Former Kuwaiti minister Shuaib Muwaiziri was detained at Kuwait airport for four days after refusing to provide his biometric data upon entry, offering traditional legal forms of non-biometric identification instead.

Mr Muwaiziri then agreed to provide his biometric data at the airport border if the Kuwaiti government accepted two conditions: firstly, that they guarantee all citizens’ data would be kept secure and private on their centralised database, and secondly that they assure such data would not be used at a later date to coerce citizens into taking mandatory vaccinations.

The Kuwaiti government refused Mr Muwaiziri’s above conditions and instead deported him from his own country after a tense four day standoff. They Kuwaiti government also summoned and penalised all Kuwaiti citizens who expressed their support for Mr Muwaiziri.

The former minister summarised the situation in his own words as below.

My being prevented from entering my country, Kuwait, and my detention is a fact that no one can deny.

Upon my return to Kuwait on October 5th on Kuwait Airways flight number KU 164 coming from Italy, I arrived in Kuwait at approximately 8:30 pm. Immediately upon my arrival, I went to the passport counter and presented my passport to the passport officer. He refused to allow me to enter the country unless I agreed to provide my biometric fingerprints. I informed him of my refusal to have my biometric fingerprints taken. An officer came and I informed him that no one has the right to prevent me from entering my country according to Article 28 of the Kuwaiti Constitution:

‘No Kuwaiti may be deported from Kuwait or prevented from returning to it.’

I requested to be allowed to enter Kuwait and to take the legal measures against those who refuse to take fingerprints after my entry. I was refused entry and my request was rejected. I was taken to one of the halls before the passport counter and was detained after being prevented from entering. I was placed under heavy guard for more than three days (about 80 hours) from the time of my arrival in Kuwait. They informed me that I would not be allowed to enter Kuwait. I returned to the country I came from on Wednesday, October 9, at 8:25 in the morning.

Online campaigners posted photographs of Mr Muwaiziri being held at the airport.

Around 34 Kuwaiti MPs, media figures, influencers and colleagues who spoke out in defence of Mr Muwaiziri were rounded up by the state and fined. Some reports state that approximately 50,000 Kuwaitis have had their bank accounts and national identification cards frozen for refusing to submit to the compulsory biometric data system.

Mr Muwaiziri’s stance in refusing to provide his biometric data reflects an earlier speech he gave in Kuwait’s parliament on the matter.

Click to play:

Former Kuwaiti Minister Shuaib Muwaiziri: “At this time there is calm. Last year, the world around us was turbulent. But the state of affairs now will be much better than what is coming in 2025. The year 2025 marks the year of global lockdowns because of the next pandemic they will release. And this is one of the pretexts the Ministry of Interior will use to introduce the biometric fingerprint system.

I do not doubt brother Talal El-Khaled (Minister of Defence), he has his positives and his flaws. This is natural as he is not a prophet, nor is he free from flaws.

However, it is not possible for us to accept the application of the biometric fingerprint system to implement the plan of some Masonic individuals in the countries of the world, to create a pandemic in the year 2025 in order to enforce their theorised 15-minute city plans that restrict people from leaving their allocated areas. This state and its apparatuses must know of these plans and must know all the documented information.

Also, the climate crisis is coming. How are you going to face it? If we are now calm yet unable to solve our peoples’ problems, the simple problems such as jobs and housing, how will you face the looming global crises? You are unable to run a country. You are unable to improve the quality of life for your people. You are unable to challenge corruption. You have made the corrupt equal to the virtuous. A clean public servant and a corrupt public servant have become equal. You removed them both. Why? Do you not know the difference between the corrupt and the virtuous?

More detail about events that transpired have been provided by Mr Muwaiziri via his below three-post thread.

1 / 3 Details of everything that happened to me before and upon my return to Kuwait and my being prevented from entering and leaving my country: The Minister of Interior stated that he will not allow the entry of any citizen who does not take a biometric fingerprint, and he said, ‘No one will enter Kuwait without taking a fingerprint, no matter who he is.’

I responded to his statement on October 4 at 10:13 a.m., saying, ‘Neither the Minister of Interior nor anyone else has the right to prevent any Kuwaiti citizen from entering his country, nor does he nor anyone else have the right to deport any Kuwaiti citizen from his country.’ This is what is stipulated in Article 28 of the Constitution.

An official statement was issued by the Ministry of Interior and published on the same day (October 4) at 12:50 pm in the media, which included: ‘The Ministry of Interior confirms that no one can prevent Kuwaitis and no one can force them to leave their country…etc.’ The Ministry of Interior clarifies that the statement of His Excellency the Minister of Interior was taken out of context, as no order was issued to prevent any citizen from entering the country, etc.

On the same day, I announced on my official account on the X platform (Twitter) that I would be returning to my country on Saturday, October 5. On Saturday, October 5, I arrived on Kuwait Airways from Milan, Italy, at Kuwait Airport T4 at approximately 8:30 p.m. The airport authorities refused to allow me to enter Kuwait unless I had my biometric fingerprints.

So I asked the Ministry of Interior to issue a statement including the following guarantees:

⁃ A Guarantee that citizens’ information and data are not hacked and that their privacy is not violated

⁃ Not linking fingerprints to mandatory vaccination”

“2/3 I informed the authorities that I will take the fingerprints as soon as this statement is issued, which guarantees people’s rights.

The Ministry of Interior refused to issue any statement or pledge regarding these natural demands to guarantee the rights of citizens, both male and female. This is a legitimate request and should not be subject to dispute. I repeated the request more than ten times to the officials, stressing that I would take my fingerprints immediately upon the issuance of a statement with these guarantees, but the refusal was absolute, and I do not know the reasons for the Ministry of Interior’s refusal to issue a statement guaranteeing the rights of male and female citizens.

I was detained in the hall designated for biometric fingerprinting and placed under heavy guard in the hall. My mobile phone was confiscated and I was prevented from contacting my family to reassure them. I slept in the hall the first day and on the second day I was transferred under heavy guard to an office in the same building. I asked to return my mobile phone and my request was rejected. I tried several times to contact my family and my request was rejected. On Sunday evening, I was allowed to call my family for three minutes and I asked to bring my clothes for the entire detention period and my request was rejected.

As a point of information, I was detained and placed under heavy guard from the moment I arrived on the evening of Saturday, October 5, at approximately 8:30 p.m. until the time I left. 8:22 am on Wednesday, October 9th.

Everyone knows - and those who do not, should know - that there is a big difference between the biometric fingerprint that is performed at airports, and embassies. This is related to the entry and exit of people for a temporary and specific period to countries and destinations that do not have any information about the visitor and is linked to the period of his visit. These authorities in these countries do not have any information or data about the visitor, and therefore they are required to take some procedures because they do not have any information about the visitor except what the visitor provides when obtaining the visa and upon entering the country and residing in it temporarily.

As for Kuwait, then our life and livelihood in it is for the duration of our lives. Any procedure taken is linked to the citizen throughout his life as long as he is alive, which requires guaranteeing the rights of all members of the people, which obliges the government of the state to commit to preserving and guaranteeing these rights. Kuwait possesses the data of every citizen, male and female, from the moment of their birth until the last day of their life, such as the educational file, medical records, fingerprints, complete information about the family, housing, the car used, and even the names of the housemaids sponsored by them. It also possesses all the information about their financial accounts, salaries, property, civil ID, and everything related to their personal life.

These matters give us the right to demand a guarantee that they will not be hacked or that any official in the government agencies will exploit this data in a negative way. We are in a country with a constitution that regulates the work of all parties and is also within the rights of the people.”

“3/3 Is what I asked of the authorities a difficult or complicated matter? I merely asked to guarantee people’s rights. Merely to guarantee people’s rights. I informed the authorities that I will perform the biometric fingerprint as soon as the guarantees I mentioned are issued.

As a point information, I informed the officials that I am ready to perform the (non-biometric) fingerprint without any statement being issued by the Ministry of Interior, and the officials refused to perform the (non-biometric) fingerprint.

As for the face scan, I informed them of my request to issue a statement that guarantees people’s rights, because the face scan is a means that may be exploited to violate people’s privacy and monitor them, track them, and punish them by preventing them from moving and imposing a curfew on them, if they refuse to be forced to get vaccinated, or any decisions issued by the authorities to restrict their freedom. Is the Interior Ministry unable to implement this simple request to guarantee people's rights, or is it unable to provide any guarantees for people's rights?!

Unfortunately, the Ministry of Interior did not stop there, but rather summoned all those who expressed their opinion (in support of me) from former MPs, political activists and tweeters who expressed their (supportive) opinion - thank you and may God reward them on my behalf with the best reward for defending the constitution. Their interventions were in accordance with their constitutional right to express their opinion according to the text of Article (36) and their right to address the authorities according to the text of Article (45) and to remind them of the text of Article (28 ) of the constitution regarding what happened to me in terms of preventing me from entering my country, which the constitution guarantees in a clear, unambiguous and unconditional way.

Brother, Minister of Interior, there is no personal dispute between us. The issue only manifests in respecting the constitution, which is the contract and covenant with the people. Implementing and respecting its provisions is a duty upon us all.

As you know, it stipulates the organisation of the work of each authority and also guarantees the rights and duties of the people. As you and everyone else knows, the state has gone through several crises in which the constitution (after the grace of God Almighty) played a fundamental role in confronting. In fact, many countries in the world used to follow the example of the State of Kuwait due to the existence of the Kuwaiti constitution (although it is a minimal constitution). Kuwait gained the respect of the international community through the existence of this constitution, so it is incumbent upon us all to remain vigilant about this constitution and defend it.

God Almighty said: ‘And say, "Do [as you will], for God will see your deeds, and [so will] His Messenger and the believers. And you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen and the Witnessed, and He will inform you about what you used to do.’

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: ‘God Almighty loves it when one of you does a job that he does it well’.

Upon further investigation it appears that Kuwait has recently done a deal with Microsoft to develop AI chips, which could explain their decision to mandate biometric data collection.

2) The WEF’s 15 minute city plan

Radical Media has previously warned about the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) technocratic vision to create ‘15-minute cities’ around the world that herd citizens into defined zones and then restrict movement via programmable electronic services that cease working outside of the allocated zone.

Radical Media reports 10th February 2023:

Where this was implemented in Oxford, residents were monitored by a city-wide camera system and fined for driving outside of their allocated 15-minute zones. It is not difficult to see how such a scenario very quickly begins resembling a digital lockdown.

3) The Middle East is a test case for 15-minute ‘smart city’ technocracies

The problem is not new, and this is not the first time the Middle East is witnessing efforts to Build Back Better. The new Saudi dessert city of Neom is also planned to be what is known as a ‘smart city’. It appears that city redevelopment contracts in the Middle East are not being provided without this added feature.

Business Insider reports 24th March 2021:

Last month Joseph Bradley, Neom's head of technology, told ZDNet he wanted to collect 90% of available data from residents and smart infrastructure. Existing smart cities use about 1% of such data, Bradley added, without providing specifics. Bradley's interview is the first insight into how Neom will run. The Neom press office declined to comment for this story…Each resident would have a unique ID number, and Neos would process data from heart-rate monitors, phones, facial-recognition cameras, bank details, and thousands of internet-of-things devices around the city..For example, Neos would know if you had fallen over, and if you stayed down too long, it would deploy drones to your location and alert emergency services…You wouldn't need to check into your hotel room online or at a desk, as a door-handle fingerprint scanner will suffice… It is not clear whether Neom would require residents to hand over a minimum amount of data for basic functionalities.

The assumption that the state could weaponise citizens’ data against them and trample over their basic rights has already been bolstered in the very genesis of this planned city.

The Middle East Eye reports 7th October 2022:

Gaza too is slated for such redevelopment.

Radical Media reports 9th October 2024:

During his trip to Israel last year after the October 7th attack when he was summoned by Netanyahu, Elon Musk directly asked for a piece of the planned Gaza reconstruction pie.

Here is a recording of that exchange between Netanyahu and Musk, broadcast on Twitter.

Click to play:

4) Gaza as a ‘smart city’ reconstruction & Peter Thiel’s AI spyware firm Palantir

As Radical Media has previously speculated, any Gaza reconstruction is likely to follow the ‘smart-city’ blueprint that the region’s Arab leaderships seem to have surrendered to already.

Musk’s Paypal co-founder and major Trump donor, Peter Thiel is the founder of AI data spyware firm Palantir. Yes, that is named after the Palantiri spy stones in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings where Saruman uses the Orthanc-stone to commune with the evil Sauron, who had the Ithil-stone.

Peter Thiel’s centralised AI database company Palantir will be crucial in providing these centralised citizen data collection services for the state, as they have already provided the Israeli military with AI targeting capability in Netanyahu’s Gaza war.

Bloomberg reports 12th January 2024:

Palantir Technologies Inc., the data analysis firm that provides militaries with artificial intelligence models, has agreed to a strategic partnership with the Israeli Defense Ministry to supply technology to help the country’s war effort.

Recently, Julian Assange used his first public appearance since his release to raise this very concern.

Click to play:

Assange: “I see that artificial intelligence is being used to create mass assassinations. Where before there was a difference between assassination and warfare, now the two are conjoined. Where many, perhaps the majority of targets in Gaza are bombed as a result of artificial intelligence targeting. The connection between artificial intelligence and surveillance is important. Artificial intelligence needs information to come up with targets or ideas or propaganda. When we're talking about the use of artificial intelligence to conduct mass assassinations, surveillance data from telephones, internet, is key to training those algorithms.

Radical Media reports 9th October 2024:

Palantir owner Peter Thiel has also ensured that he has influence with soon to be President Donald Trump by bankrolling JD Vance.

Politico reports 5th March 2022:

Tech billionaire Peter Thiel had already donated a record-breaking amount of money to support J.D. Vance in the Ohio Republican Senate primary — but last week, the Silicon Valley tycoon decided he wanted to give even more…Thiel had given $15 million in total to bolster Vance — the largest amount ever given to boost a single Senate candidate..

Peter Thiel is also a confirmed and known former associate of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The Radical Dispatch reports 11th January 2024:

This means that Peter Thiel is open to having been leveraged by kompromat in Epstein’s known Mossad operation, or that he may have been involved in doing the leveraging. Neither is a good option.

With Peter Thiel’s heavy involvement in domestic US politics (and via contracting countries such as the UK) and after having provided Netanyahu with software to target Palestinians using AI, Palantir Technologies may well play a role in Gaza’s planned smart-city reconstruction. What is certain is that the likes of ‘vaccinate the world’ Bill Gates, ‘microchip your brain’ Elon Musk, ‘shoot them using artificial intelligence’ Peter Thiel and ‘wipe them off the face of this earth like Amelek’ Benjamin Netanyahu would have no qualms in creating digital prison cities if they could get away with it.

Kuwait looks like it has already taken a sharp turn in that direction. Saudi Arabia plans to do the same in its flagship Neom development. And Gaza could be next. Beware.

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