The Radical Dispatch
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Liar Liar
What's causing this sudden rise in heart attacks?
A previous Radical Dispatch called Big Pharma and Dataphobia touched on the topic of potential vaccine-induced myocarditis. Since then, we have noticed a sudden rise in unique and counter-intuitive press reports attributing hitherto unknown reasons for why men in particular may suffer sudden cardiac arrest.
Trigger warning: though these reports are somewhat unorthodox, challenging them may soon see you sent to prison. To avoid future crimes of wrongthink, readers are advised to read the below reports in full credulity and with sublime submission to The Narrative (TM). Readers are also advised to read any critical analysis of the official narrative contained herein, in the spirit that it is intended - using a light hearted approach dashed with a pinch of salt. Nothing else will suffice.

1) Novel Causes for Sudden Death
Some may already know - and therefore do not require experts to tell them - that shovelling snow is among those reasons listed that cause sudden death. For those who did not know, here is an expert to relieve them of their ignorance:
If this reason didn’t suffice, then that’s quite okay. Keep the faith. Here are some other experts explaining why a newly discovered condition called Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder may also cause heart-related illnesses.
If this apparently new disorder - let’s call it PPSD - leaves anyone suffering a fear of missing out (FOMO) because they were among the unlucky ones for whom the pandemic did not lead to losing their job, losing a loved one or even spending much time indoors because their work life balance was already sadly flexible, then they should not worry. They may still be included among those who can experience sudden death by heart attack, if they eat healthily.
And if there still remains concern for anyone else, who may eat unhealthy food and does not shovel snow, then there are other alternative facts at our disposal. Here is an entire menu of options that readers may choose from in order to join the sudden death club, from skipping breakfast through cold weather to higher energy bills:

Of course, true to this social justice age, it appears that the club of sudden death is an equal opportunities membership club, allowing all and sundry to join, for any number of reasons.
Any reason, that is, except ‘That Which Shall Not Be Named’. But credit where credit is due: to be fair to corporatist media shilling, shovelling snow has been known to induce sudden death, sometimes.
2) ‘That Which Shall Not be Named’
Here is an extract from the aforementioned previous Radical Dispatch, explaining this mysterious phenomenon of a sudden and detectable rise in all-cause, non-covid mortality in some detail, and with copious amounts of data:
Sadly, when looking at deaths there is a particular concern. The Telegraph reports:
“Daily reported Covid death figures are too high because people are dying from conditions unrelated to the virus after testing positive” UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid admitted
If Covid deaths attributable to no other cause have been vastly over-reported in the UK, and if according to the Office for National Statistics the grand total of those who died solely due to Covid is 17,371 (as explained in previous editions of the Radical Dispatch and Resistance Radio - Lies, Damn Lies and the House of Cards) then what explains the observable spike in UK all-cause mortality? The London Times reports:

“the evidence indicates a spike in all cause mortality shortly after the vaccination”
Here is my interview with Professor Fenton about his latest research on this topic:
No, that was not a mistake. Censorious and conflicted youtube took the interview down. So here it is again on youtube. The interview is very alarming, and is worth a listen in full:
They have very clearly taken the view that vaccines are what’s causing this observable spike in all-cause mortality. Such a conclusion is by no means unique to Professors Fenton and Neil. The BMJ had previously published (this hyperlink takes you to the archived copy), and then subsequently removed without explanation, a doctor who raised the very same alarm:

But it has been a year since that shameful BMJ debacle, and by now more doctors are beginning to speak out, making this debate impossible to ignore. Here is orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik on why he's against compulsory Covid vaccines for NHS staff:
“There is data showing that people are dying, having serious side effects from this. It isn’t well established. It is experimental. The phase-3 trials run until 2023 and we are now forcing individuals to give up their bodily autonomy and take this vaccine. And if we’re now gong to go down this route where we say, ok, let’s override bodily autonomy in the interest of others, where does that lead us? Because that’s opening a really dangerous Pandora’s box and why not have compulsory organ donations? You’ve got two healthy kidneys, you don’t need two, why not give one away? Where does it end?”

Another doctor, Dr Steve James - even famously confronted Health Secretary Sajid Javid on live television about why he wished to remain unvaccinated:
"We've seen three relatively young, healthy people come into King's College Hospital post-vaccination, who've died".

And of course, consultant cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra has long been raising the alarm with us:

Beyond the UK, international evidence is also beginning to emerge:

And of course, we have long known that this could be why:

Indeed, the UK government has started to admit as much itself, on it’s own website:

3) Definitions Matter
For those seeking to understand how such an alarming rise in non-Covid, all-cause mortality could stay out of our news cycle for this long, they should note that definitions matter. See the below - again - from Professor Norman Fenton, on his fully referenced explanation of official Covid death definitions. The last example given is what directly relates to our topic here, but all of the below should disturb any human among our readers:
Once this is understood, the only fact that remains is to consider the conflicts of interest involved. GPs were paid per jab. The below is from the BMJ.
Fear not, in these times of inflation and higher energy bills, if the pitiful amount per jab troubles you, then that’s also since been addressed. GPs got a raise per jab. Routine quality control was also apparently stopped, to speed up the process.
We here at The Radical Dispatch cannot say for certain what is causing this by-now documented spike in non-Covid all-cause mortality and heart illness. But one thing that we absolutely condemn and unequivocally disavow is if any scientist, expert or journalist were to apply the scientific or critical method, develop a hypothesis and interrogate this question until a thesis were to emerge. The reason we disavow such an approach is because everybody knows that the scientific method has been historically developed only through consensus and official state narratives, while the best scientists reject doubt, curiosity and critical thinking. Obviously.
All that remains is to recall the sage words of Friedrich Hayek, who wrote his seminal ‘Road to Serfdom’ in 1944. How alone he must have felt.