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One Year On & Born on October 7th - Will They Ever Know Peace?

Plus the WARRIOR CREED podcast

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At the top of this post, Resistance Radio presents our WARRIOR CREED video/audio podcast from Tuesday 8th October 2024, with a transcript provided - One Year On & Born on October 7th - Will They Ever Know Peace?

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One Year On & Born on October 7th - Will They Ever Know Peace?

- A Radical Dispatch

1) One year on

It has been a year since Israel and Hamas went to war in Gaza. For some refugee children, their entire lives have been spent in the shadow of Netanyahu’s bombs.

AP reports 5th October 2024:

NUSEIRAT, Gaza Strip (AP) — Ali Al-Taweel was born as Israeli warplanes started to pound the Gaza Strip after Hamas’ surprise cross-border attack on southern Israel. Now, the Palestinian child will celebrate his first birthday as the Israeli-Hamas war reaches its one-year mark. For his family, it’s been a year filled with uncertainty and anxiety as they moved from place to place amid widespread destruction and limited resources. ‘I had arranged another, very sweet life for him,’ Ali’s mother, Amal Al-Taweel, told The Associated Press in an interview. ‘The war has changed everything’.

Netanyahu marked the day - no doubt followed by much of the corporate press -by seeking to eulogise Israeli sacrifices made since October 7th, weaving the day into a national narrative that would shape Israel’s future character.

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Israeli PM Netanyahu: “Citizens of Israel, a year ago on October 7th we were all hurled into a critical battle. That day, the Sabbath of Simchat Torah, will be etched into the history of our nation as a day of grief and loss, of unimaginable agony. On that day, the Hamas monsters attacked at our communities, our brothers and sisters, who are so dear to our hearts. They murdered and kidnapped babies and children, adults and elderly. They tortured, maimed, raped, burned and destroyed. The memory of our citizens who were killed in the terrorist attack and the memory of all our fallen heroes from the ranks of the IDF and the security forces will be cherished forever.

On the 7th of October, we were all hurled into a critical battle, but we were not defeated. On the contrary, we are the ones who act to defeat and deter our enemies. And as has happened more than once in the history of Israel, especially in difficult times, we exude great inner power. We stood together to defend our country, to defend our homeland. We unleashed tremendous spirit. We have defined the goals of the war and we are achieving them. Toppling the rule of Hamas, bringing all the hostages home, the living and the deceased alike, this is a sacred mission and we will not stop until we achieve it.

Eliminating any future threat from Gaza to Israel and the resettlement of residents in the South and North to the safety of their homes. All of this we do in solidarity, unlike what is in any other nation. When put to the test we proved yet again that we are the eternal people. A people who fought to bring light to the world, spread good and prevent evil. A people that rises like a lion, pounces like a lion.

Every time my wife and I meet with our soldiers, our wounded, with the bereaved families, we hear the same message over and again: do not stop the war prematurely. As long as the enemy threatens our existence and the peace of our country, we will continue to fight. As long as our hostages are in Gaza, we will continue to fight. We will not give up on any one of them. I will not give up. As long as our citizens have not returned to their homes safely, we will continue to fight. We will continue to fight, and together we will win. And when we win, not only for our sake, but for the sake of future generations, for the sake of humanity as a whole, we will rebuild the Tkuma region, even bigger. When we hold onto the roots, the tree of life will grow back.

Lali Derry, the mother of Saadia, may she rest in peace, who fell in the battle, said: the shadow is not darkness, the shadow is a sign that there is light behind. Even if a mountain of grief hides the light, we must all, as a nation, climb the mountain, because the light exists. The direction is always upwards, towards the light.

Citizens of Israel, my dear brothers and sisters, victory is the light. Victory guarantees eternity. October 7th will symbolise for generations the cost of our revival, and it will symbolise for generations the magnitude of our determination and the power of our spirit. Together we will continue to fight, and together, with the help of God, we will win. Am Yisrael Chai.

President Trump marked the day by visiting the grave of Rabbi Schneerson in Queens, NY. Accompanying him was the pro-Netanyahu asset Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire.

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2) What really happened on October 7

Netanyahu’s claims of a uniquely horrific day, and his comparison to ISIS-style horror, made repeatedly during the immediate days and weeks after October 7th, were all narratives designed to muster as much international support as possible for his eventual invasion and ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

Unfortunately for Netanyahu, the internet exists.

Radical Media has already chronicled the multitude of ways in which, according even to Israeli press, Netanyahu’s narrative around October 7th falls apart.

In our 25th September Radical Dipsatch we provided specific examples.

i) Netanyahu’s claim around “murdered babies” in his speech above, appears to have been reference to the now thoroughly debunked 40 beheaded babies story.

ii) The Israeli Prime Minister’s reference to “rape” above, has been subject to much scrutiny since.

If serious allegations of “rape” and “torture” on October 7th are to be used by Netanyahu as justification for the invasion and ethnic cleansing of Gaza, then Netanyahu would be advised to also look closer to home.

Radical Media reports 1st August 2024:

iii) Most of the civilian casualties on October 7th were most likely caused by Israeli army (IDF) helicopters in accordance with Israel’s Hannibal Directive.

This has been since corroborated by eye witness IDF testimony.

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Hence Israel beginning a formal probe into this matter of ‘friendly fire’.

Reuters reports 6th February 2024:

JERUSALEM, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Israel has begun investigating possible breaches of the law by its forces during the Hamas attack on Oct. 7, the military said on Tuesday, following reports some Israeli civilians may have been killed by friendly fire in the fighting.

iv) The CCTV footage from the Gaza border that could have proven that most of the civilian casualties were caused by IDF helicopters shooting into the crowds has, mysteriously and very conveniently, gone missing.

v) Netanyahu and many other Israelis knew about these attacks in advance, and had been repeatedly warned to expect them, specifically by the Egyptians.

This would explain why Israel is now investigating those who appear to have profited by trading Israeli securities ahead of the October 7th attack.

vi) The combination of the above and more - such as Netanyahu being involved in funding Hamas right up until October 7th - has led to raising suspicion that Netanyahu turned a blind eye, facilitating the attack on October 7th in order to use it as a pretext for Israel to invade Gaza and prevent the rise of a Palestinian state.

President Trump has also raised this concern about Netanyahu not stopping the October 7th attacks, despite being forewarned.

Which could explain why the head of Israel’s military intelligence has resigned over the issue.

vii) Netanyahu’s propaganda, designed to provoke outrage and so bolster American and Western support for continuing to fund for his ongoing war, has had help from the UK military’s infamous ‘psychological operations’ unit the 77th Brigade. Yes, this is the same 77th Brigade that got caught peddling Covid mandates, and anti-Russia war propaganda.

Declassified UK reports 8th October 2024:

The 77th brigade uses psychological operations and social media to help fight wars “in the information age”. It specialises in “non-lethal forms of psychological warfare” such as cyber-attacks, propaganda activities, and counter-insurgency operations online. Israel’s own information operations have involved using fabricated videos and fake social media accounts to defend the bombing of Gaza. Two exchanges with the IDF took place at the 77th brigade’s barracks in Hermitage, Berkshire, between 2018-19...The department refused to clarify whether psychological warfare collaboration with Israel was ongoing.”

Considering the above it is difficult to see how October 7th can be remembered as anything but a tragedy that Netanyahu was forewarned about, failed to prevent and then exacerbated due to the IDF’s own involvement in the majority of civilian deaths from that day.

2) Pressure against Israel mounts

As the world watches on, more and more people are raising questions about the way in which Netanyahu treats allies.

UK PM Keir Starmer is facing pressure from his own MPs in Parliament for not doing enough to stop the ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

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Zarah Sultana MP: “On the anniversary of the horrific October the 7th attacks. I again repeat the call for the immediate release of all hostages. And in light of Israel's genocidal assault in Gaza, the violence in the West Bank and the invasion of Lebanon, I asked the Prime Minister if he believes that Israel's right to self-defence justifies a death toll - according to research by US medical professionals who have worked in Gaza - has now surpassed 118,000, as well as the 2,000 people killed in Lebanon. And will he do what is morally and legally right and end the government's complicity in war crimes by banning all arms sales to Israel, including F-35 fighter jets, not just 30 licenses, yes or no?

UK PM Keir Starmer: “No. And I...But it is a really serious point. Banning all sales would mean none for defensive purposes.

Zarah Sultana MP: “F35 fighter jets?”

UK PM Keir Starmer: “None for defensive purposes on the anniversary of October the 7th. And days after a huge attack by Iran into Israel would be the wrong position for this government. I will not take it.

Such pressure to stop the war is not restricted to Parliament. Many US government employees have resigned, with others likely to follow.

The iPaper reports 8th October 2024:

Former US Army Major Harrison Mann has not had time to relax until now. Fresh from his holiday in Puerto Rico, he appeared in good spirits while talking about his decision to quit his role at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in protest over the US’s support for Israel

The decision to quit on 1 November was not made lightly, he said, and he worried about the potential consequences not only for himself, but also his family.

‘We are all Jewish, including me,’ he said. “Before I decided to publicise my story, I consulted with my family a lot, mainly because I was worried about blowback on them.

‘I’ve never done something like this before and I was incredibly scared of the consequences.’

Major Mann is one of a dozen high-profile resignations within the Biden administration in the past year, reflecting a growing rift between senior and rank-and-file US officials opposed to the White House’s approach to the war.

3) Netanyahu seeks war against Iran

But Netanyahu has no intention of allowing for peace. Turkish media reports that the since assassinated leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah had agreed to a ceasefire shortly before he was killed.

Only if the aim is war, does it makes sense to kill those ready to make peace. Many Palestinians and Arabs, such as the voice below, are beginning to notice this curiosity, and are demanding peace.

Strong words from a Palestinian. The project of Islamist inspired global violent uprising that has so plagued the Islamic Awakening (al-Sahwatu al-Islamiyyah) since the 1990s has demonstrably failed both in its Muslim Brotherhood as well as Salafi manifestations. The end of its path was ISIS, which was a CIA and Likudnik-Zionist backed operation to try and oust the Assadists in Syria, beginning in the CIA black sites of occupied Iraq as it did.

It is time more people called all this out. On all sides. Jihadism has been used by various intel agencies over the years, and has consequently destroyed the Middle East leaving only regression in its wake. Hamas in Gaza itself was co-founded and funded by these same Likudnik-Zionists, just like ISIS in Syria was backed by them.

In this respect Iran is guilty of working with a Likudnik backed operation, which controls people like that ‘dead-eyes’ Hamas operative Yahya Sinwar - through whatever kompromat the Israelis have on him from his time in their prisons.

Do ponder why Sinwar has not been assassinated by Israel, but everyone else in the Palestinian camp, such as Hassan Nasrallah, has been.

If the aim is indeed war, not peace, then the presence of such a hardliner to lead Hamas would suit Netanyahu.

The Times reports 8th October 2024:

After his release, Sinwar went on to lead Hamas in Gaza while planning an attack on Israel that — so he imagined — would bring down the temple on his former captors. In the year since the October 7 attack, Sinwar’s plan has brought ruin to his people instead, with 41,000 dead in Gaza and counting, while much of the territory has been destroyed.

Hamas itself has suffered devastating losses. Hezbollah, Hamas’s ally in Lebanon that painstakingly built up an arsenal of missiles and rockets, is in tatters, with its leaders — including Hassan Nasrallah — dead…

Western diplomats say neither Iran nor Hezbollah had been looped in on the timing or scale of the plan — something publicly confirmed by a US intelligence assessment, which said Iran had no “foreknowledge” of the attack. Hezbollah had scrambled to open a “support front” for Hamas a day after the October 7 attack, but was publicly criticised by Hamas for not doing more.

At a terse meeting between Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader at the time, and Ayatollah Khamenei, the Iranian leader said his country was not prepared to go to war for Hamas, which had not given them advance warning of the attack, and asked that they temper their criticism of Hezbollah. Iranian officials later denied the account…

The Iranians, however, would have reason to be incensed, having lost decades worth of deterrence against Israel in less than a year, while Sinwar, the architect of the attack, remains standing while showing no signs of changing his tactics

Sinwar had in effect been calling the shots even before Haniyeh’s death, but the assassination removed a countervailing voice, one diplomat said. Sinwar’s strategy now is brutally straightforward: let Gaza, Lebanon, Israel, and Iran burn.

It is curious that the architect of October 7th, leader of Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar has been the only leader not killed by Israel. The case of Sinwar perhaps exposes just how Netanyahu benefits by allowing jihadists to do his dirty work for him.

As discussed in previous Radical Dispatches, knowing that he risks losing everything, Netanyahu seeks to provoke WWIII. The aim is to provoke war with Iran, and then to force the US to defend Israel against Tehran.

Last week, Russia raised this very concern at the UN.

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Russian Ambassador to the UN: “Another dangerous solution is that Israel, having a considerable military supremacy, it plans to deal with the crises they provoked on themselves. It is becoming increasingly clear that the plans of the Israeli leadership is to pay any price so as to trigger a conflict between their main adversary Iran and the United States. It's difficult to say whether Washington understand this, but so far this show has been going on following the Israeli script. And if it reaches its finale, the conflict can reach an unimaginable level of escalation and will threaten not just the Middle East, but the entire world. We are convinced that it is in our interest to prevent such a scenario. We would like to believe that our American colleagues will also finally see the light and will fully realize their responsibility they shoulder as permanent members of the Security Council.”

Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert has also made this point to UK Channel 4.

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C4 Broadcaster: “Do you think that Prime Minister Netanyahu wants to draw the United States into a confrontation with Iran?

Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert: “Oh, yeah, I suspect that he does.

C4 Broadcaster: “That he does?”

Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert: “Yes, I suspect.

C4 Broadcaster: “And you think that's reckless?

Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert: “I think that's reckless. I'm afraid that if Israel will start a war, a comprehensive war against Iran, and it will expand...and Israel will not be in a very comfortable situation, America will join in to help Israel. And that is what Netanyahu believes to be the case. Therefore, he can afford himself, he thinks, to do no matter what they say or he thinks he should do.

C4 Broadcaster: “And does that make this the most dangerous moment of a very dangerous year?

Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert: “Yes.

C4 Broadcaster: “Yes?

Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert: “Yes. I'm afraid so, yes.

And even ‘anti-war’ Trump has placated this very obvious foreign policy ‘Israel lobby’ objective.

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President Trump: “They asked him, what do you think about Iran? Would you hit Iran? And he goes, as long as they don't hit the nuclear stuff. That's the thing you want to hit, right? I said, I think he's got that one wrong. Isn't that what you're supposed to hit? I mean, it's the biggest risk we have. Nuclear weapons, the power of nuclear weapons, the power of weaponry. You know, I rebuilt the entire military, jets, everything. I built it, including nuclear, and I hated to build the nuclear but I got to know first hand the power of that stuff and I'll tell you what, uh we we have to be totally prepared, we have to be absolutely prepared, but when they asked him that question the answer should have been: hit the nuclear first and worry about the rest later.. and uh that's why they should.. that's what, if they're gonna do it, if they're gonna do it they're gonna do it, but we'll find out whatever their plans are, but great question. Thank you very much, thank you, thank you.

4) Peace is inevitable

Despite the evident pro-war, anti-Iran sabre-rattling from Trump and others, and though Israel is likely to strike Iran soon in response to last week’s Iranian missile strikes in Tel Aviv, at this stage any Israeli action is unlikely to spark a nuclear conflict.

This would be consistent with our previous analysis that this will be a limited war between Iran and Israel, and is unlikely to expand beyond these two countries and their proxies.

Radical Media reports 2nd October 2024:

Our view that this conflict will remain contained is further supported by the reaction of Sunni Arab countries of the Middle East. The Saudis in particular are seeking to end the regional war between them and Iran.

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And the region has remained not only passively neutral, but actively so, by denying the US access to their regional bases in order to strike Iran.

Incentives for peace also seem to interest President Trump, because there is money to be made in reconstruction. Trump is, first and foremost, a real estate developer.

It is this reconstruction that Netanyahu alluded to in his meeting with Elon Musk last year.

Radical Media reports 29th November 2023:

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Netanyahu: “The destruction of Hamas, and we have to deradicalize Gaza, and that will take some time. Especially work on the mosques and on the schools that's where children are, you know imbibe their values. And then we have to also rebuild Gaza and I hope to have our Arab friends help in that context.

Musk: “Yeah and you know, I'd like to help as well. So I think it's it's it's important to pair firmness in taking out the the terrorists - those who wish, who are intent on murder, and then at the same time to then help those who remain.”

The idea would be to rebuild Gaza into a WEF-inspired 15-minute smart city using the sort of AI that Musk’s former Paypal co-founder, and Trump campaign donor Peter Thiel has already provided the IDF for military targeting.

Recently, Julian Assange used his first public appearance since his release to raise this very concern.

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Assange: “I see that artificial intelligence is being used to create mass assassinations. Where before there was a difference between assassination and warfare, now the two are conjoined. Where many, perhaps the majority of targets in Gaza are bombed as a result of artificial intelligence targeting. The connection between artificial intelligence and surveillance is important. Artificial intelligence needs information to come up with targets or ideas or propaganda. When we're talking about the use of artificial intelligence to conduct mass assassinations, surveillance data from telephones, internet, is key to training those algorithms.

As Radical Media had already reported 16th July 2024:

Regardless, the economic incentive for peace is clear. What remains is to ensure that Palestinians retain rights to redevelop their own land and offer contracts to whichever developers they choose, instead of Israel and Netanyahu providing the contracts on their behalf to build technocratic smart surveillance cities in which to permanently imprison Palestinians.

Despite the best efforts of the Iranian regime, Netanyahu and the jihadists he’s been propping up and funding for war, events in Gaza and Palestine overall have reached a point where peace is the only option remaining. Eventually, peace is inevitable.

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Palestinian Amnesty UK activist: “Don’t let anyone tell you this all started on the 7th of October 2023. 76 years ago my own family were displaced during the Nakba of 1948 when more than 700,000 Palestinians became refugees. They were displaced again in 1967 by the Israeli military, this time from the Golan heights. And today, many of my friends live under Israeli military rule and illegal apartheid in the West Bank in places like Jenin and Nablus. So yes, the hundreds of thousands of people marching today in London at this national demonstration are calling for an immediate ceasefire, but also an end to 76 years of displacement, discrimination, and devastation. And when there is no accountability, there's no reason to change or to stop. And that's why one year on, Israel has escalated its attacks on Lebanon, leading to more devastation and death. The UK government must act. We won't stop until there's an immediate ceasefire, a ban on all arms sales to Israel, and the end of apartheid against Palestinians.

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