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At the top of this post, Resistance Radio presents our WARRIOR CREED video/audio podcast from Tuesday 11th March 2025, with a transcript provided - Reform Leader Nigel Farage Suspends Rupert Lowe After Failed Coup as Police Investigation is Launched Against Him.
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Reform Leader Nigel Farage Suspends Rupert Lowe After Failed Coup as Police Investigation is Launched Against Him
- A Radical Dispatch
1) Rupert Lowe and the aborted coup
Tipped as the next Prime Minister of Britain, Nigel Farage’s Reform Party in the UK has been struck with its greatest internal challenge yet as one of its five elected MPs Rupert Lowe has publicly challenged Farage’s leadership by labelling him messianic. Lowe has since lost the party whip, no longer sitting as a Reform affiliated MP.
The Times reports 6th March 2025:
The Times reports 6th March 2025:
“A Reform MP has accused Nigel Farage of acting like a ‘messiah’ and warned that he could quit the party before the next election. Rupert Lowe, a multi-millionaire businessman who was elected MP for Great Yarmouth last year, said that Farage was a ‘fiercely independent individual’ who needed to learn to delegate and put proper party structures in place. If this did not happen, he was ‘not going to be by Nigel’s side at the next election’ as the party would be letting down its voters.”
Farage responded to Lowe’s attack by penning his own column in the papers to reveal that Reform had already launched an internal disciplinary investigation against Lowe over alleged threats of violence. The timing of Lowe’s move couldn’t be worse, considering the upcoming local elections on May 1st.
The Telegraph reports 8th March 2025:
The Telegraph reports 8th March 2025:
“…he has also managed to fall out with all his parliamentary colleagues in one way or another. We did our best to keep a lid on things but, in the end, containment strategies invariably fail…Until we know more, I must return to the crucial job of getting 1,500 vetted Reform UK candidates out into the field for the local and mayoral elections on 1 May. It is essential that they stand for public office with a united team foursquare behind them.”
Lowe seems aware that such internal strife at this time could jeopardise the party’s electoral chances and yet he carried on regardless.
The Times reports 9th March 2025:
“Lowe suggested that his party risked going the same way as the Tories who, having been plagued by internecine warfare for years, tanked to their worst ever election defeat in July. ‘This spectre of infighting will leave the party looking unserious and turn voters off,’ he said. ‘Infighting failed the Tories – and it’s failing Reform’.”
It’s as if Mr Lowe is unhappy with the lightening rise of Reform as the main party of opposition to the current globalist Labour government.
The Times reports 3rd February 2025:
Though Lowe’s attempted coup has failed. Farage remains the bookies’ favourite to be the next prime minister of Britain.
The Times reports 9th March 2025:
“Reform remains neck and neck with Labour in the polls, and Farage is still the bookies’ favourite to be the next prime minister.”
In fact, for those who follow Radical Media closely, Lowe’s move would have been predictable.
For the remainder of this Radical Dispatch, we provide a detailed analysis with receipts on exactly who is behind this attempted coup against Nigel Farage, and expose what they want.
2) Rupert Lowe is being used by divide & conquer globalists
Soon after news broke of the Reform Party’s public spat we made our position clear in eight bullet points.
Below we take each numbered point in this analysis one by one, and provide the receipts.
i) Last January, Netanyahu’s anti-Muslim network pushed all their globalist assets to insist that the Reform Party admit “Tommy Robinson”
Here is a reminder of last January’s incident when Elon Musk attempted to cajole Farage into accepting paid anti-Muslim agitator “Tommy Robinson” into the Reform party.
Farage rightly flat-out refused.
Click to play:
Nigel Farage: “As for Elon, well you know, he changes his mind. He said what he said. We had a disagreement. As you know, he wanted me to come out strongly in support of ‘Tommy Robinson’. My view was whilst many things ‘Robinson’ has said has been right, and it's wrong that he's in solitary confinement, I certainly don't want ‘Tommy Robinson’ in my party, and so Elon wasn't very happy with me, but you know what? Since then he's retweeted me several times. I don't think there’s any long term rift with Elon Musk at all.”
Correspondent: “Okay, so what did you say to him when you spoke to him this week?”
Nigel Farage: “Do you know what? We absolutely agree that we don't want to be at war with each other in any way at all, and we have very similar aims.”
Correspondent: “So is that an answer to the question, what did you say to him?”
Nigel Farage: “Nope, because I don't disclose private conversations, but let's put it like this: we’re on very good terms”
Matters have clearly moved on even since January.
ii) Anti-Muslim fire starter “Tommy Robinson” is funded by Likudnik-Zionists
Before we get to Elon Musk’s role in this failed coup against Farage, it is worth noting that anti-Muslim fire starter “Tommy Robinson” is a paid agitator on behalf of Netanyahu’s Likudnik-Zionists. Just as to continue war in Ukraine one must stoke anti-Russia sentiment, to continue war in the Middle East, one must stoke anti-Muslim sentiment across Europe.
The Times reports 9th August 2024:
Tommy “Robinson’s most loyal financial backers are said to include Robert Shillman, 78, an American tech billionaire who has supported Donald Trump. According to The Times of Israel, Shillman made headlines when he backed a contest in Texas for cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad. The tycoon sponsored Robinson as a “Shillman Fellow” from 2017-18 working for the Canada-based Rebel News Online, a right-wing website that hosts the British columnist Katie Hopkins. Rebel Media continued to support Robinson financially after his bankruptcy…
..Robinson, who left the EDL in 2013, has long attracted supporters in North America such as Pamela Geller, a hardline anti-Islam campaigner who has been banned from Britain. Geller previously told The Times that she had sent money to Robinson’s family when he was behind bars. The Middle East Forum, a conservative think tank backed by Shillman, gave a five-figure sum towards legal advice and rallies to try to help get Robinson freed when he was jailed in 2018 for broadcasting outside a jury trial. Bethan Nodwell, a Canadian anti-vaccine campaigner, invited Robinson on a speaking tour in June and said he told her that he was being offered £40,000 by Ezra Levant of Rebel Media, adding: “I can’t say no, I’m skint, I need the money.”
Some of these same names appear in an older Guardian investigation.
The Guardian reports 7th December 2018:
Further investigation at the UK register of companies called Companies House reveals that Tommy Robinson’s EDL filings reveal similar such connections.
Mint Press News reports 9th August 2024:
Mint Press News reports 9th August 2024:
“In June 2011, Robinson’s compatriots launched a company, the English Defence League. A month later, this was updated to the English and Jewish Defence League. Meanwhile, a firm known as EDL English Defence League LTD was registered in December 2010. Two years later, the company’s name became the Jewish Defence League and one of its directors, Roberta Moore, a belligerent Zionist, established links with Jewish Task Force, a far-right U.S. organization. Founded by Victor Vancier, it espouses a hardcore, fundamentalist Zionism. Despite raising money for illegal settlements in the West Bank and avowedly seeking to ‘save’ Israel, Vancier was banned from entering Tel Aviv for his involvement in 18 bombings in New York and Washington, protesting Soviet treatment of Jews during the 1980s.”
Here are those filings directly from the UK Companies House website, with the original name for the English Defence League listed as the English and Jewish Defence League Ltd from between 2011 and 2014.
iii) Elon Musk even offered hundreds of millions in funding to Nigel Farage if he accepted “Robinson”
Now to the role of Elon Musk, who is also beholden to Netanyahu’s Likudnik-Zionists. Musk sought to dangle the carrot of millions in funding to Reform on condition that Farage admit “Tommy Robinson” into the party.
Farage promptly told Musk that he is not for sale.
The Times reports 6th January 2025:
The Times reports 6th January 2025:
“Nigel Farage has said he was prepared to sacrifice any donations from Elon Musk in order to defend Reform UK’s principles over who is admitted to the party. The Reform leader said he had been surprised when Musk claimed on Sunday that he ‘doesn’t have what it takes’ to be the party chief. Musk, who had allegedly been considering a large sum to the party, did not explain the reasoning behind his intervention, but Farage, the MP for Clacton, suggested it was because of his refusal to endorse the far-right figurehead Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.”
Farage elaborated that he must keep the Reform Party free from all links to extremism.
The Times reports 6th January 2025:
“Farage said on Monday: I’m not giving up principles. I do not allow former BNP [British National Party] activists into this party. That’s a golden rule...We want no links with extremism of any kind at all. It’s not going to happen under my leadership. I’m sorry, but Mr Robinson is not suitable for our party…He’s not somebody that we’re going to endorse. And if defending that principle means that I have to forego donations or whatever else it may be, well I’m sorry but for me, principle comes first.’ He added that that if Musk ‘knew the full story of Tommy Robinson, he might have a slightly different view’. He said Robinson, who has been jailed for contempt of court, ‘puts himself up for martyrdom’ and ‘on the back of it, there’s a list as long as your arm of convictions..Frankly, we have to have the rule of law,’ Farage said. ‘He is not a hero figure to me.’ He added: ‘All over America there are prominent Republicans who think Tommy Robinson is a hero because they’ve heard Tommy Robinson’s side of the story. There is a lot, lot more to it that many in America don’t understand’.”
iv) Farage refused “Robinson”, and Musk began a process of trying to oust Farage to punish him for this refusal by publicly posting that he’s not fit as leader & endorsing Rupert Lowe instead
As revenge for Farage rebuffing him over the “Tommy Robinson” affair, Musk then went public with his criticism of Farage and endorsed Rupert Lowe instead.
The Times reports 5th January 2025:
“Elon Musk has said that Nigel Farage should be replaced as the leader of Reform UK because he ‘doesn’t have what it takes’ in a dramatic collapse of their relationship…Musk suggested that Rupert Lowe, the Reform MP for Great Yarmouth, could succeed Farage. ‘I have not met Rupert Lowe, but his statements online that I have read so far make a lot of sense,’ he said.”
Musk’s support for Lowe implies that he believes Lowe would support accepting the anti-Muslim agitator “Tommy Robinson” among their party ranks.
The Times reports 9th March 2025:
“In January Elon Musk backed him (Rupert Lowe) to take over Reform after a spat with Farage over his refusal to defend the far-right convict Tommy Robinson”
v) Rupert Lowe is too inexperienced to understand anything & has allowed globalist manipulators to play with his ego
Interestingly, and though this point is a matter of opinion, Lowe has himself conceded that he doesn’t have the political experience to navigate through the viper’s nest of politics. Lowe believes that’s a good thing.
vi) Netanyahu’s Likudnik-Zionist anti-Muslim network’s main objection is that Reform has a Muslim Chairman Zia Yusuf, which they cannot tolerate.
As stated above, stoking domestic anti-Muslim sentiment helps to ensure that the public continue to support funding the globalist’s permawar against muslim-majority nations abroad. With this in mind, it is clear to see why Lowe’s backers take specific issue with Reform’s British Muslim Chairman, Zia Yusuf.
The Times reports 9th March 2025:
“Several sources believe Yusuf is ultimately the problem, pointing to the purge of long-serving staff in party headquarters as part of his professionalisation drive, and his highly defensive approach to dealing with media and internal criticism. This view is shared by Habib: ‘I personally don’t think there’s any future for Rupert and Reform,’ he said. ‘Nigel would have to embrace Rupert and his criticisms and address them — and he would have to sack Zia Yusuf’.”
Lowe has made his disdain for Yusuf known.
vii) This is why Rupert Lowe’s other ousted former Reform member & main ally Ben Habib argued against this author at an Oxford Union debate that Islam - as a whole - is incompatible with being British and has no place here. He lost the motion.
Rupert Lowe’s main ally is yet another former Reform party grandee Ben Habib, who was forced out by Farage over similar concerns around insubordination.
Habib too is openly anti-Islam, arguing against this author at a recent Oxford Union debate by taking the line that Islam in its entirety does not belong in Britain at all.
Watch this debate on youtube.
Thankfully, Habib lost the motion.
viii) This Reform spat is about the place of Muslims in Britain, because there is a nasty cabal doing everything they can to provoke a Muslim vs non-Muslim civil conflict in the UK, along the lines of the national riots that “Robinson” provoked after the Southport massacre.
With all the above in mind it should become clear what this Reform spat is really about. Certain factions refuse to tolerate the presence of Islam in Britain. They seek to undermine that presence by promoting divisive policies in order to provoke civil disturbances.
Such divisive and provocative stances serve to rile up British Muslims, in turn feeding further anti-Muslim sentiment, increasing the chances of yet more national sectarian riots.
By bringing the communal ‘Troubles’ to mainland Britain, globalists are handed the the perfect pretext for increasing more and more state power in order to control us all through divide and conquer.
We will not allow them to turn the Reform Party into a branch of the English Defence League (EDL). Let them go and join the dead end that is UKIP, if that’s how they feel.
3) Victory for Farage will rely on Muslim electioneering
A look at the constituency margins from the UK’s last General Election does seem to indicate a potential of depriving Labour of its thin majority in each seat, by targeting anti-war Muslim and minority voters.
Contrary to Labour hype of a landslide, the last General Election was the most marginal seat-by-seat result since 1945. This by and large due to Muslim voters abandoning Labour.
Radical Media reports 11th July 2024:
If Nigel Farage were to take a leaf out of Trump’s book, he would target these thin margins in every winnable constituency, by refusing to alienate British Muslims and other minority communities, despite what certain ethno-nationalists would have him do.
Radical Media reports 30th October 2024:
In a recent interview on the Winston Marshall podcast, Farage appears to have understood this.
Click to play:
Nigel Farage (on Trump’s win) “Hispanic voters, growing black voters, even some Imams.”
Broadcaster: “Well, he won the Muslim vote. He didn't win the Jewish vote, but he won the majority of Muslims.”
Nigel Farage: “Because he believes in family values, and I mean, he may not be a perfect example himself of all of them.”
This is how Farage denies Labour a majority at the next General Election in the UK, and he appears to know it.
Click to play:
Nigel Farage MP: “...but the nub of it is, we have a Muslim population of Britain growing by about 75% every 10 years. Right? That's just where we are. If we politically alienate the whole of Islam, we will lose. We'll lose.”
Broadcaster: “So how does one include them...”
Nigel Farage MP: “We will lose. By 2050, goodness knows what kind of a terrible state we're going to be in.”
Regular readers will be aware that we have been forecasting this great political shift since January 2022 on episode 1780 of the JRE with Joe Rogan:
Click to play:
Maajid Nawaz on Joe Rogan’s JRE episode 1780: “Before the invasion of Iraq, Muslim Americans used to generally vote Republican. And the reason was largely, again, there's always exceptions, the reason was largely because of the social conservative family values. Muslims are very socially conservative. Believe in family, believe in community, and…all the debates you hear today about liberals and the whole kind of, you know, LGBT and all that stuff, you can imagine coming from a religious background, Muslims are a lot more conservative on that stuff. They used to vote for Republican Party, and then Iraq happened, and they switched to the Democrats. And I think we're in a moment now where that switch is going back from the Democrats, back very slowly back to the Republicans again...It is interesting to see the results that he got in these elections. His share of the Muslim vote went up and his share of the African-American vote went up, not down, this last 2020 election. And I think that's the beginning of something that's happening where people on the social stuff, these communities, and the same for Latino votes, by the way, these communities, I think they're beginning to prioritise their social conservative once more because when you look to foreign policy, there's not really too much that Biden redeems himself on. So I think that vote’s gonna switch back again.”
Watch Maajid Nawaz’s full episode 1780 with Joe Rogan from January 2022.
Only with all this laid out does the sheer idiocy of Elon Musk’s “Tommy Robsinson” fixation become clear. Adopting Musk’s position on the Muslim question in Europe is the surest way to ensure a defeat for Farage’s Reform party and continued Labour government. By willingly acting as Musk’s surrogate, Rupert Lowe is either knowingly seeking to further globalist aims or he is too naive to realise it. Neither is a good scenario.
4) Rupert Lowe’s call for the deportation of “hundreds of thousands” cannot be achieved without internment camps
Rupert Lowe’s support for a ‘divide and conquer’ approach does not stop with his anti-Muslim rhetoric. He is on record calling for the deportation of every single undocumented migrant who has already arrived in Britain. This means hundreds of thousands of them, if not over a million.
This ambition is politically impossible. It is designed to undermine Farage from the right. It can only even begin to be achieved by dispatching law enforcement stormtroopers to round up suspected migrants en-masse and then detaining them for extended periods in internment camps while they are being checked for documents or appeals, and processed for deportation. Such camps would end up housing entire families with children being born and raised in detention, as already happens at camps under coalition control in Syria. They would be a black stain on this nation forever.
We already warned about globalists seeking to undermine Farage from the right, after last summer’s anti-Muslim communal riots that were provoked by “Tommy Robinson”.
Radical Media reports 14th August 2024:
Farage at least seems alert to the dangers of Rupert Lowe’s approach.
Click to play:
Nigel Farage: “It’s a political impossibility to deport hundreds of thousands of people. We simply can't do it. At the moment, it's a political impossibility.”
Correspondent: “But is it your ambition?”
Nigel Farage: “No. No. I'm not going to get dragged down the route of mass deportations or anything like that. I mean, people are always going to come and go, and we are a country that's engaged in international trade, and we have relationships around the world through the Commonwealth etcetera. But yeah, we have to aim at a balanced migration policy.”
Correspondent: “But net zero still means hundreds of thousands of people coming into Britain, immigrants coming into Britain. Isn't that too many?”
Nigel Farage: “It may well be, but we have to start somewhere.”
Correspondent: “Trump says in America that he wants mass deportations. We're talking about hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are in Britain at the moment. Some estimates say the number could even be in, you know, a million plus. So do you support deporting all of those people?”
Nigel Farage: “It's impossible to do. Literally impossible to do.”
Correspondent: “In terms of the atmosphere in Britain, are you concerned that there is a rising level of anti-white hatred?”
Nigel Farage: “I'm just concerned about a deeply divided society.”
5) Police investigation launched into Rupert Lowe
In a more surprising twist to this story Reform had earlier referred Rupert Lowe to the Metropolitan Police, alleging violent threats made by him against the party’s British Muslim Chairman, Zia Yusuf.
Details of the police investigation, the precise allegations made and Lowe’s response to them, are provided below for premium members of Radical Media, which also grants access to the WARRIOR CREED podcast and other member benefits. Upgrade your membership to continue reading….
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