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President Biden Suddenly Quits Race by Tweet(!) & Disappears After Endorsing VP Kamala Harris


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At the top of this post, Resistance Radio presents our WARRIOR CREED video/audio podcast from Tuesday 23rd July 2024, with a transcript provided - President Biden Suddenly Quits Race by Tweet(!) & Disappears After Endorsing VP Kamala Harris.

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President Biden Suddenly Quits Race by Tweet(!) & Disappears After Endorsing VP Kamala Harris

- A Radical Dispatch

1) Plan B: the ‘switcheroo

On Monday 22nd July President Biden suddenly announced by twitter, from his personal account, that he was quitting the race against Trump to be president for a second term. This came alongside Biden’s endorsement for Vice President Kamala Harris to stand in his place.

The Times reports 22nd July 2024:

President Biden has abandoned his campaign for re-election and endorsed Kamala Harris, the vice-president, to succeed him after mounting pressure from his Democratic Party to pass the torch to a younger generation. Biden, 81, posted a letter on social media saying he believed it was “in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term”.

Just like that, the president of the United States of America quit the race. Biden did not hold a press conference. He did not broadcast a video address to the nation from the Oval Office. And he did not speak to the press. He quit, by tweet, on a note without official letterhead, and just walked away.

Just as swiftly, without even putting it to the vote, Biden’s Democratic National Convention (DNC) ‘elite’ have decided that his replacement will be Kamala Harris. And the nation is yet to even hear from Biden.

Events moved fast. First, there was a failed assassination attempt on President Trump.

Radical Media reports 15th July 2024:

Five days later, Biden declared through his personal twitter account that he was sick.

Four days after that, he suddenly quit - over twitter - without so much as a photo opportunity.



Here’s the tweet.

Biden’s own staff went from vehemently insisting that he would never stand down to suddenly finding out via social media that he’s out.

Politico reports 21st July 2024:

And none of your corporate media talking heads think this is highly unusual?

After days of online speculation, Biden is finally scheduled to apparently address the nation and explain himself. Many people certainly think something is up.

The truth is, in the event that Biden is no longer able to perform cognitively, his exit feigning illness appears to have been a long planned DNC strategy.

CNN reports 4th December 2020, click to play:

Biden: “And like I told Barack, if if I read something where there's a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign. We don't have that. And we discussed it.

The idea would be to get Biden out of the way before a Trump victory becomes inevitable (it already is).

Click to play:

Kamala Harris certainly seems by her own words to be unburdened by how she got to the lofty position that she now holds.

Click to play:

VP Harris: “…have a sense of vision about what can be, unburdened by what has been

Yes, this appears to be a DNC coup against their own base, and against the American people, in order that their own selection can continue to rule on their behalf.

The DNC appears to have ‘disappeared’ Biden swiftly, orchestrating a back to back public endorsement and astro-turfed online campaign for Harris, so that the public has little time to process and question their blatant ‘switcheroo’ tactic.

Endorsements by key globalists such as the late George Soros’ son and heir, Alex Soros have already started rolling in.

This would also explain why VP Harris was scheduled to speak at the White House before Biden himself had been provided with the opportunity to explain his sudden withdrawal.

The Times reports 22nd July 2024:

The DNC appears to have pulled Biden unceremoniously out of the picture while placing Harris front and centre of every major corporate media outlet, in order to allow time for the public to be nudged into believing that she is the natural choice, allowing time to bed her in, without the distraction of Biden’s resignation getting in the way.

In fact, so rushed is the process that Kamala Harris’ campaign is already reportedly focusing on what Harris would run against Trump on, and settled with her record as prosecutor versus Trump’s as a felon.

This would be unadvisable. Former Democratic Party presidential nominee Tulsi Gabbard reminded us in the 2020 debates of the perils of this approach for Harris.

Click to play:

Gabbard: “Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president, but I'm deeply concerned about this record. There are too many examples to cite, but she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California. And she fought to keep cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way. When you are in a position to make a difference and an impact in these people's lives, you did not. And worse yet, in the case of those who were on death row, innocent people, you actually blocked evidence from being revealed that would have freed them until you were forced to do so. There is no excuse for that. And the people who suffered under your reign as prosecutor, you owe them an apology.”

This does appear to be a hasty, emergency strategy by the DNC. Little time has been given to think through its trappings. Presumably, the idea would be to move so fast that the gaping holes in the DNC’s approach are not noticed. But such a play by the DNC carries with it constitutional, state level and DNC level legal complications.

Constitutionally, it is likely that the questions around Kamala Harris’ eligibility to stand for the office of president will be resurrected from the 2020 debates.

Newsweek reports 12th August 2020 an opinion by constitutional scholar John Eastman:

“..Article II of the Constitution specifies that "[n]o person except a natural born citizen...shall be eligible to the office of President." Her father was (and is) a Jamaican national, her mother was from India, and neither was a naturalized U.S. citizen at the time of Harris' birth in 1964. That, according to these commentators, makes her not a "natural born citizen"—and therefore ineligible for the office of the president and, hence, ineligible for the office of the vice president.

So controversial was this view in 2020 that Newsweek had to tag it with a trigger warning.

But this caveat does not resolve the legal question, which remains regardless of any politically correct way in which the question is put. A well known axiom in English common law states: ‘the law is an ass.’ Meaning, it does not care for your feelings. As a matter of law, is Kamala Harris eligible to be president?

Back in 2020, when lobby reporters actually did their jobs, President Trump was asked about this very issue.

C-Span, 2020 click to play:

Reporter, 2020: “There are claims circulating in social media that Kamala Harris is not eligible to run for vice president because she was an anchor baby. Can you definitively say whether or not Kamala Harris is eligible, meets the legal requirements to run as vice president?

Trump: “So I just heard that, I heard it today. That she doesn't meet the requirements. And by the way, the lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, very talented lawyer. I have no idea if that's right. I would have assumed the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for vice president. But that's very serious. You're saying that they're saying that she doesn't qualify because she wasn't born in this country?

Reporter: “No, she was born in this country, but her parents did not, the claims say that her parents did not receive their permanent residence at that time.

Trump: “I don't know about it. I just heard about it. I'll take a look.

Fast forward to 2024, and this time around - for the office of president - there may well be a legal challenge.

Beyond the constitutional challenge, there are clear impediments on the state level. The key swing states of Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin categorically appear not to allow their ballot to be changed under any circumstances, except death.

The Daily Mail reports 21st June 2024:

Further, beyond the legal issues on a constitutional and state level, there is growing discomfort at the DNC level. This sentiment has been expressed by former Democrat, now independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr.

Click to play:

RFK Jr: “the illusion of a democracy. But in fact, it's a cabal that is choosing the same way the Soviet Union did. Russia has elections. Vladimir Putin wins with 88% of the vote because he controls who can be his opponents. And he controls the media. And the same is true now of our political parties in this country.

Even (long diminished but still meaningful for the DNC) Black Lives Matter have announced their concern:

We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs. Any attempt to evade or override the will of voters in our primary system—no matter how historic the candidate—must be condemned. We demand an informal, virtual snap primary now that the incumbent president is no longer in the running.

From the above, it is clear that VP Kamala Harris’ ascension to the presidency remains legally and politically crippled with many problems.

This may be why we have started to witness frantic attempts to shore up defence for Harris against any criticism. MSNBC seems to have already taken the view that she is to be treated with kid gloves. Even the mispronunciation of her name is deemed ‘hate speech’.

MSNBC reports 22nd July 2024, click to play:

MSNBC broadcaster: “And I've heard from inside Republican circles and right-wing media that the hate campaign against Kamala Harris has begun. You'll notice they purposefully pronounce her name wrong. They say Kamāla. They do it all the time. It is on purpose. But the talk is to start that hate campaign and get it going and start it churning.

The BBC are at it too, click to play:

BBC broadcaster: “ try and get this pronunciation right once and for all. I'll tell you what it's not. It is not ‘Kamla’ Harris. It is not Kamāla Harris. It is Komala Harris. According to her own memoir in 2019, Komala Harris says, it's like the punctuation mark, comma, Komala. Komala Harris, Vice President of the United States. Thank you.”

The twitter Community Note on this last one is hilarious.

Their desperation is understandable. Even with the DNC’s sudden and hasty ‘switcheroo,’ Trump remains reliably ahead of Kamala Harris in the polls.

The Times reports 22nd July 2024:

Considering the above, there is little a Kamala Harris campaign will be able to do in attempting to stop the Trump train. She was always and only ever the globalists’ plan B.

Click to play:

2) Plan A: a black swan event

This brings us comfortably to plan A: a black swan event. The aim would be to prevent the free and fair reelection of Trump in November by orchestrating some form of ‘unexpected’ event on a global scale, such as a global cyber black out The recent global I.T. outage by CrowdStrike demonstrates what is possible on this scale.

And though the issue is now reported as fixed, the disruption that would be possible has been shown to the entire world.

The Times reports 20th July 2024:

Thousands of travellers are struggling with the fallout of the global IT outage, as experts warned the issue could take weeks to resolve fully.”

The company behind this recent global cyber outage is called CrowdStrike. Crucially, and as related to the US elections, CrowdStrike was the company that the DNC used instead of the FBI to download Hilary Clinton’s server after all her files were leaked during the 2016 election that Trump won. Crowdstrike blamed Russia for the hack, which led to the Muller Report claiming that Trump was elected by ‘Russian collusion,’ hence his impeachment.

AP reports that during a call with Ukrainian President Zelensky in 2019, Trump made explicit reference to CrowdStrike.

AP reports 26th September 2019:

I would like to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike . I guess you have one of your wealthy people . The server, they say Ukraine has it.” Trump added that he’d like to have Attorney General William Barr call “you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it.

Here is the original unclassified file:

Here is Trump stating the same on record, click to play:

Trump: “…that was incensed at the corruption that took place during that election. Pure corruption. For instance, I still ask the FBI, where is the server? How come the FBI never got the server from the DNC? Where is the server? I wanna see the server. Let's see what's on the server. Let's see what's on the server. So the server they say is held by a company whose primary ownership individual is from Ukraine. I'd like to see the server. I think it's very important for this country to see the server. Nobody wants to see it. The media never wants to see it. But I'll tell you, Republicans want to see it. So Republicans aren't treated right. Here's the problem, I think we're going to take the house based on what's happening with the impeachment stuff. And the Republicans can do the same thing, in reverse if they ever have it. I hope it's going to be a long time because nobody's done a better job with the economy, with our military. I've rebuilt the military. Our economy is the best it's ever been. We have numbers that just came out where, not including taxes, the median household income for the average American has increased $5,000 in a very short time since I've been president. Nobody's ever heard of numbers like that. So people want to find out why was it so corrupt during that election? And I want to find out more than anybody.

The implications of this are beyond horrific. A private individual from Ukraine - and apparently not the FBI - owns and has access to the entirety of the DNC hacked emails of Julian Assange and Wikileaks infamy, which sat on Hilary Clinton’s private server.

This means that criminal information on everything from the Anthony Weiner laptop affair, information on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, the Podesta emails and trafficking scandals are all in possession of this unnamed wealthy Ukrainian individual, and not in the hands of the FBI.

The potential for blackmail and election interference here is huge. This same unnamed wealthy Ukrainian individual - who has access to this extremely compromising DNC information - is also apparently able to shut the entire world down at the push of a button. This is too much power for any one company, let alone one individual, to have.

There is little doubt about CrowdStrike’s power and globalist allegiances. Here they are announcing their selection as World Economic Forum (WEF) ‘Technology Pioneers’ on their own website.

CrowdStrike 5th August 2015:

CrowdStrike Inc., provider of the first true Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based next-generation endpoint protection platform, today announced that it has been recognized as a Technology Pioneer by World Economic Forum (WEF).

Here is Dmitri Alperovitch listed as CrowdStrike co-founder and CTO on the WEF agenda contributor website.

CrowdStrike’s major shareholders are reportedly as below.

The CrowdStrike CEO was recently asked about their power. He literally choked on his own words.

Click to play:

Broadcaster: “It was a single content update that has managed to shut down air travel, credit card payment systems, banks, broadcasts, street lights, 911, emergency around the globe. Why is there not some kind of redundancy or some sort of backup? How is it that one single software bug can have such a profound and immediate impact?

CrowdStrike CEO: “Well, when you look at the complexity of cybersecurity, you're always trying to stay one step ahead of the adversaries…excuse second, please.

Broadcaster: “Oh, yeah. Take a drink of water.

CrowdStrike CEO: “Yeah, sorry”.

With this in mind, it is curious that the World Economic Forum’s next ‘training’ event (read: dry run) for a “cyber polygon” (read: blackout) is due on September 10th-11th 2024, two months before the US election.

Will the people who sit on this much information and power allow for Trump to expose them? They are preparing for a global cyber blackout, sold to you as a hack, maybe even blamed on Russia again.

3) Plan C: containment of Trump

Meanwhile, globalists will seek to contain Trump by surrounding him with their loyalists. The idea would be to accept the inevitability of a second Trump term as president, but seek to contain him, just as globalists sought to do via (his disloyal) first term VP Mike Pence and his (former CIA chief) Secretary of State Pompeo.

Valid concerns have been raised about Trump’s selection for VP, Senator Vance.

The Radical Dispatch reports 16th July 2024:

Even Robert Kennedy Jr. has openly stated that Senator Vance is the CIA’s candidate. With his absolute financial dependency on Peter Theil, Senator Vance is clearly a security-state containment measure hoisted upon Donald Trump, just like Pence and Pompeo were thrust upon him by the same globalist security state.

Click to play:

RFK Jr: “(Vance) is a salute to the CIA and to the intelligence community and to the military industrial complex. And their gravy train is going to continue.

Vance’s connections to the globalist security state are not hidden.

AF Post reports 22nd July 2024:

Click to play:

Question: “…supporting Donald trump, would that change if he selected JD Vance as his vice presidential candidate?

Peter Theil: “And I'm always I'm always tempted to go back I am so determined to try to stay out of it, but I think I'm not going to make an announcement of my political intentions here at Cambridge today. So, you know, I think Trump will win.”

More concerning are the ‘Dark Enlightenment’ ideas of the man who seems to have inspired both Theil and Vance, Curtis Yarvin.

The New Republic reports 22nd July 2024:

In 2008, a software developer in San Francisco named Curtis Yarvin, writing under a pseudonym, proposed a horrific solution for people he deemed ‘not productive’: ‘convert them into biodiesel, which can help power the Muni buses’. Yarvin, a self-described reactionary and extremist who was 35 years old at the time, clarified that he was ‘just kidding.’ …However, it helps us describe the problem we are trying to solve. Our goal, in short, is a humane alternative to genocide.

He then concluded that the ‘best humane alternative to genocide’ is to ‘virtualize’ these people: Imprison them in ‘permanent solitary confinement’ where, to avoid making them insane, they would be connected to an ‘immersive virtual-reality interface’ so they could ‘experience a rich, fulfilling life in a completely imaginary world.

This all sounds very Yuval Noah Harari. Interestingly, as Radical Media has previously reported, Yarvin was also cited approvingly by PM Boris Johnson’s former de facto chief of staff Dominic Cummings.

Theil and Vance have also both expressed views deferring to support of Netanyahu’s war in Israel.

Question: “So what do you think about the use of artificial intelligence or lavender by the IDF in identifying Hamas targets? And secondly, do you agree with Elon Musk about that the population decline is a risk for humanity?”

Peter Theil: “Um, look, I'm not, you know, without going into all the details, I'm not on top of all the details of what's going on in Israel because my bias is to defer to Israel. It's not for us to second guess everything. And I believe that... broadly the IDF gets to decide what it wants to do, and that they're broadly in the right. And that's sort of the perspective I come back to. And if I fall into the trap of arguing you on every detailed point, I would actually be conceding the broader issue that the Middle East should be micromanaged from Cambridge. And I think that's just simply absurd. And so I'm not going to concede that point. And what was your other question?

As valid as these above concerns are, with Vance serving as his deputy Trump would still have the ability to steer the White House in a different direction. A vice president does not set foreign policy. He merely sells it. These concerns also ignore the fact that Kamala Harris (or anyone else the DNC puts forward) is an even more deeply compromised globalist asset. This is why Senator Vance won’t cost Trump MAGA votes.

Instead, the MAGA base will be looking for Trump to hold the line on certain key issues, such as his stated desire to ‘drain the swamp’ and initiate ‘no more wars’. If Trump does this, his popularity will soar. If he doesn’t, he’ll rapidly lose support regardless.

Trump would hence be advised to heed his MAGA base. Indications that he intends to do so are already present. Netanyahu has just landed in the US, and has made it clear that he expects both Houses to continue backing his war.

Click to play:

Netanyahu: “To the United States at a time when Israel is fighting on seven fronts and when there's great political uncertainty in Washington. I will address for the fourth time both houses of Congress as the Prime Minister of Israel. I will seek to anchor the bipartisan support that is so important for Israel. And I will tell my friends on both sides of the aisle that regardless who the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains America's indispensable and strong ally in the Middle East. I plan to see President Biden, whom I've known for over 40 years, this will be an opportunity to thank him for the things he did for Israel in the war and during his long and distinguished career in public service as senator, as vice president, and as president. It will also be an opportunity to discuss with him how to advance in the critical months ahead the goals that are important for both our countries achieving the release of all our hostages, defeating Hamas, confronting the terror axis of Iran and its proxies, and ensuring that all Israel's citizens return safely to their homes in the north and in the south. In this time of war and uncertainty, it's important that Israel's enemies know that America and Israel stand together today, tomorrow, and always. Thank you.”

But Biden is AWOL, and will not see him.

The New York Post reports 22nd July 2024:

And Kamala Harris has stated that she will not preside over his speech at Congress.

The Washington Post reports 23rd July 2024:

This leaves Trump.

Remember, the two of them are reported as having fallen out. Trump is on record stating that Netanyahu does not want peace.

The Times of Israel reports 17th July 2024:

Today, Trump posted that he will indeed meet Netanyahu, accompanying his announcement with a letter from the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, reiterating his desire for peace, and adding a personal note to thank Abbas, with the words “everything will be good”.

That’s some top trolling of Netanyahu by Trump.

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