Analysing Trump and DeSantis After US Midterms, Evaporation of the UK Conservatives and Other Radical Reactions
1) The Radical Show 12 - On the Data that Pfizer Tried to Hide & the Exploitation of Emergencies By the State with Author and Investigative Journalist Dr Naomi Wolf
At the top of this newszine Resistance Radio presents the podcast version of The Radical Show episode 12: On the Data that Pfizer Tried to Hide & the Exploitation of Emergencies By the State with author and investigative journalist Dr Naomi Wolf.
This podcast is only for full members of Radical Media. Basic members are able to upgrade here:
2) Analysing the Trump and DeSantis Theatre
After a better-than-bad but not-as-good-as-they’d-hoped US midterm election the Republican party appears set to control the House and therefore the American legislative agenda until 2024.
Despite this, and instead of any soul searching among establishment voices over Biden’s abysmal impersonation of a living human being, corporatist media has leapt on the opportunity to stoke internal GoP rivalry between Trump and the popular ‘anti-Covid mandates’ governor of Florida Ron DeSantis.
The Murdoch empire in particular has leaned into rumours that DeSantis harbours ambitions to steal the 2024 Republican presidential candidacy from Trump, with obviously pro-DeSantis headlines lining up next to obviously anti-Trump ones in the same newspaper.
The London Times reports 9th November 2022:
10th November 2022:

And 11th November:
Of the two men, Trump has scheduled ‘a big announcement’ this Tuesday 15th November and many speculate that he will announce his nomination on that day. Meanwhile, DeSantis seems to be enjoying this drive-by rivalry in the media, which he may or may not have orchestrated. He is observing quietly as Trump lashes out by calling him ‘DeSanctimonious’ so many times that it is in danger of sticking. DeSantis’ silence in this regard only appears to be aggravating Trump even further, causing him to disturb his own base even more by lashing out.
On 11th November 2022 President Trump put out the below statement:
Trump supporters should note that it would make little political sense for DeSantis to replace Trump for the 2024 Republican candidacy. Recall that Trump has only one term remaining. By waiting until Trump has completed his second term the GoP would have two hugely popular and proven winning candidates to roll out back to back against any potential Democratic party recovery in the 2028 race.
It would make sense though for DeSantis to nominate himself in the primaries, and then lose to Trump, negotiating either a national position in 2024 or a promise of the candidacy in 2028 from the GoP, or both.
Despite the above obvious course of action, existing media-fuelled rivalry has nevertheless led to Make America Great Again (MAGA) camp allegations of a Republican in Name Only (RINO) insider plot:

Radicals should note that the above analyst and journalist Raheem Kassam is booked to appear on WARRIOR CREED exclusive to our Gettr page this Tuesday 6pm UK time / 1pm EST to discuss the issue.
Tucker Carlson too appears to be hinting at what’s going on in this video here below.
“…the obvious point is that the people whose job it was to win but did not win should go do something else now. We’re speaking specifically of the Republican leadership of the house and the Senate at at the RNC. This is nothing personal, no doubt some of them are nice people, but they took hundreds of millions of dollars to paint the map red and they didn’t, doesn’t mean they’re evil, it doesn’t mean they should be … jailed, it does mean they shouldn’t be promoted, no one should ever be rewarded for failure…”
Tucker Carlson 10th November 2022
Based on the above and if astute, the insurgent MAGA camp would have not run too strong a midterm campaign in the first instance, while allowing for the impression that they were expecting a landslide. Tucker Carlson was correct in saying that the camp responsible for this midterm race were the RINOs. By running a lukewarm campaign disguised as a hot one, MAGA would deprive the pejoratively named RINOs from any appearance of victory whatsoever, even over Democrats.
This is because if - as the very name RINO alleges - the establishment RNC are not really Republican, but are actually globalist infiltrators, then it would imminently suit MAGA to treat them with as much animosity and mistrust as they treat the Democrats. This would necessitate depriving RINOs of any claim to total victory until 2024, when Trump and only Trump is at the helm.
If our analysis stands, the GoP’s lukewarm midterm performance may now be weaponised by MAGA to complete their internal purge against RINOs and the consequent reclamation of the GoP for themselves. This analysis can go someway toward answering the question that Tucker Carlson posed about why MAGA won, but didn’t gain its anticipated landslide.
The above is probably how things should play out. That much should be obvious. Nevertheless, the political theatre will do as it must, and corporatist media will play their role in the meanwhile. By following the theatre closely Radicals will not only get to see who is really MAGA and who is really RINO, but will also get to see who their respective sleeper cells are. Such voices are already being activated online and off, and will increase over the course of this year until the primaries conclude. Remember Pence? Remember Mattis? Remember Remember.
3) As We Forecasted Two Weeks Ago the UK Conservative Party Looks Set to Evaporate

Two weeks ago Resistance Radio distributed the following members only podcast version of a WARRIOR CREED special livestream from 25th October 2022, forecasting this very scenario for the UK political landscape after PM Rishi Sunak “inevitably fails”:

In this podcast we even named Professor Matt Goodwin as someone who could confirm it with data in time, which he has now done.

Basic members of Radical Media may upgrade their membership to gain access to the podcast version forecasting what’s next for the UK political scene here:
4) On Tucker Carlson Today
A few weeks ago this author was invited to Portland in Maine to sit down with Tucker Carlson for his long form Tucker Today daytime show. Below are two clips from the full interview, which aired exclusively on Fox Nation.
And this one goes into some biographical background:

5) “Big Sav” in Prison
This author is proud to announce that “Big Sav” - his childhood best friend since age 11, has had his prison art curated and displayed by prominent political artist and critic of authoritarianism, Ai Weiwei. London’s Koestler Arts prisons charity has put on the exhibition at London’s Royal Festival Hall on the Southbank for incarcerated artists.
Play clip below:

Visitors are permitted to leave personal notes for the artists. If London-based readers are so inclined, please head down there and leave a note for “Big Sav” regarding his artwork “Rappers Don’t Kill” number N8. If you do so, kindly sign your and say “Maajid sends love”.
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