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Covid Jab Lowers Sperm Count
Good news: it might be temporary. Bad news: it might not.
1) The Charge
As readers will recall from previous Dispatches, the much hailed “100% effective” Covid jabs are not fairing very well at all.
In fact, beyond ‘mere’ heart attacks, every single one of them has either had to issue a warning against use to large parts of the population (Astrazeneca), withdrawn over a million vials from the market due to “foreign contaminants” (Moderna) had its regulatory recommendation rescinded (Johnson & Johnson), or had to be taken to court to force them to publish data showing 1200 deaths in the first three months of trial use (Pfizer).
Such is the nefarious history of Big Pharma medical experimentation on human subjects that the US Congress is even now demanding an investigation into whether weaponised ticks caused Lyme disease.
Not that Brits should be too surprised:
No wonder attempts to silence dissidents have ranged from blatant medical coercion to outright attempts at hysterical demonisation of the unjabbed.
Now it appears that the Covid jabs mess with our sperm count. Yes, you read that correctly.

2) The Denial
Of course, the usual censors - disguised as fact-checkers - had already issued copious denials of this claim last year.
Here is Reuters policing conversation while cloaking it as a “fact-check” back in August 2020:
“According to Phoenix’s “insider”, a male-specific COVID-19 vaccine has also been developed using GnRH, and “results in decreased testicular size…drop of testosterone levels, and marked atrophy of the prostate.” This, he alleges, leads to the death of DNA inside sperm – and, therefore, results in fertility problems.”
In May 2021, Reuters opined again:
“A video message by an osteopath known for her anti-vaccination campaigns and conspiracy theories says that mRNA-based COVID-19 shots may affect sperm and cause infertility. As of this fact-check’s publication, there is no evidence to back up these statements.”
But no “fact check” opinion-issuing is complete without the censors over at Snopes weighing in. And so they did in September 2021:
“Now, let’s pivot to sperm…As of this writing, reputable medical institutions, including the CDC, were refuting rumors about male infertility”
While in June 2021 had their say:
“A new study found there was no negative effect on sperm levels in men after receiving the COVID-19 vaccines, undercutting suggestions that the shots affect male fertility. But social media posts have made the baseless claim that vaccinated men “are effectively sterile.”
3) The Paper
And yet here we are, now, in June 2022, with this:
And this:

With corroborating evidence available around births too:

4) The Power
Mass mandating of Covid jabs - with all their now proven side effects - should be the scandal of the century.
Alas, nothing.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that the gun lobby is the problem. In truth, it is nowhere near the problem. But then, money can even buy your ignorance of who pays the most to buy your ignorance.
Do you ever think Big Pharma will see justice?
Further reading on vaccine harms:
1) Vaccine Coercion & Medical Fascism
2) Hide the Vaccine-Free Under Your Floorboards