Radical Media - by Maajid Nawaz
Labour Implosion: 72 Islington Committee Members Resign to Back Expelled Former Leader Jeremy Corbyn

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Labour Implosion: 72 Islington Committee Members Resign to Back Expelled Former Leader Jeremy Corbyn


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At the top of this post, Resistance Radio presents our WARRIOR CREED analysis from yesterday Tuesday 2nd July 2024, with a transcript provided - Labour Implosion: 72 Islington Committee Members Resign to Back Expelled Former Leader Jeremy Corbyn.

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Labour Implosion: 72 Islington Committee Members Resign to Back Expelled Former Leader Jeremy Corbyn

- A Radical Dispatch

1) UK Labour is imploding.

In a major election development that has effectively been ignored by corporatist media, the previous leader of the UK’s main opposition party - Jeremy Corbyn MP - has been expelled by his party for restanding as an independent in his own Labour heartland seat of Islington North in London.

This came after current leader Keir Starmer withdrew the whip from Corbyn, meaning he removed his right to represent the Labour party. Corbyn stood anyway.

The Evening Standard reports 24th May 2024:

Jeremy Corbyn was on Friday stripped of his Labour membership as he confirmed that he will stand as an independent candidate against the party he used to lead.

This development alone should be a national headline story so close to a General Election, which is set for tomorrow July 4th. The fact that the current leader of the second largest parliamentary party in the UK has expelled his own former leader is interesting enough. But this week, the much neglected story grew even more fascinating.

Just five days ago, seventy-two executive committee members quit the Labour party in Islington North in order to support their expelled former leader Jeremy Corbyn, and to campaign alongside him against their current leader Keir Starmer.

Many would be forgiven for not knowing that such a hugely significant development has occurred less than a week out from such a decisive and historic general election in Britain. Corporatist press buried this story online, while it remains conspicuously absent from any front page headlines, all in the interests of aiding Starmer’s Labour.

ITV reports 28th June 2024:

More than 70 executive committee of Islington North's Labour Party have announced they will be resigning to campaign for exiled former party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The background to all this is that since the premiership of Boris Johnson, Labour leader Keir Starmer has been locked in a battle against the left of his party. In this pursuit he has been working with former Blair advisor and Jeffrey Epstein confidant, Lord Mandelson. The sales pitch is to remould the party in the fashion of globalist Tony Blair and his 90s heyday, in order to supposedly make the party electable again.

In pursuit of this bland centrist and centralising aim, Starmer has been ruthlessly clamping down on the progressives within his own party. Making it clear to them that they are not welcome under his leadership.

Labour leader Keir Starmer: “If you don’t like that, If you don't like the changes that we've made, I say the door is open, and you can leave.

It turns out that advising the left of his own party to leave has only led to them actually leaving, en masse. Starting with their former leader and his stronghold seat of Islington North.

Here is the - now former - Chair of Labour’s Islington North chapter explaining why she has quit Labour and is now campaigning against her own former party, in favour of the sitting MP and her former leader, the expelled and now independent, Jeremy Corbyn MP.

Click to play:

Former Chair of Islington North for Labour, Alison McGarry: “I would urge local Islington North voters to go out and support Jeremy. Hi, I'm Alison McGarry. I'm the ex-chair of Islington North constituency Labour Party. I've been the chair for nearly eight years. I've been in the Labour Party since I was 16 for over, actually nearly 50 years since I joined the Labour Party. I've resigned to campaign for Jeremy as an independent MP, so have the majority of constituency officers and the majority of the constituency delegates over 100 plus. We weren't able to have any influence or any selection process for the Labour MP, is a democratic deficit that shouldn't have happened. But what’s worse is the way that we as party members have been treated, the way that Jeremy's been treated and this is now desperate. We need Jeremy to be our local MP. He's been here for 41 years, but most importantly he is part of our community. He understands about our community, about poverty and joblessness and kids without shoes.

I've always, since I was 16, worked every election, voted in every election for Labour. You know, it's like a rock through me, my family. However, Jeremy needs to be in Parliament because he needs to hold this Labour government, and it will take power, to account to make sure it puts in place policies for the many and not the few.”

Here is the full open letter, signed and published by the seventy two former Labour party executive committee members from Islington North.

What’s worse, the phenomenon is not confined to Labour’s historic stronghold of Islington North.

Here is long term Labour councillor Areeq Chowdhury submitting his own resignation from the party in the London borough of Newham, after serving Labour for 13 years.

Here is Chowdhury’s open letter of resignation.

In fact, in almost every safe Labour seat the party has been pursued by committed independents and former voters who are furious at Starmer’s Labour Party for not supporting an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

We here at Radical Media had already stated last month that the Labour party would not do as well as corporatist press would have us believe.

Radical Media reports 12th June 2024:

It seems that Labour is not destined for its coveted super majority after all. Even if Starmer wins, as he is likely to, his position will be significantly weakened and his government may not last that long. July 4th really will bring with it many surprises, including sight of a Nigel Farage premiership.

2) Reform continues its surge

As well downplaying the Labour implosion story, corporatist media has been focused instead on a story about alleged racism in Nigel Farage’s Reform Party, which may actually have been a set up all along, played by a man who is proven to have advertised his services for “undercover roles” as an actor.

The BBC reports 27th June 2024:

Homophobic and racist comments apparently made by Reform UK members have been recorded by an undercover Channel 4 journalist while they campaigned for Nigel Farage to become Clacton's MP.”

Farage responded directly on BBC’s Question Time.

Click to play:

Audience member: “I’d like to know what is it about you and your party that attracts racists and extremists, whether you say you want them or not?

Reform Party leader Nigel Farage: “Well, I've done more. I've done more. I've done more to drive the far right out of British politics than anybody else alive. I took on the BNP just over a decade ago. I said to their voters, if this is a protest vote, but you don't support their racist agenda, don't vote for them, vote for me. And we destroyed them.

I've never allowed in parties I've led anybody who was even a member of an extremist organisation to join our parties. What happened over the last weekend was truly astonishing. A tirade of invective abuse directed at the Prime Minister. The whole thing was unbelievable. It didn't ring true. So I checked it out. It turns out the man that did this is an actor. He was contacted by The Telegraph this morning, he denied he was an actor. We then found out, yes actually he is an actor. He's worked in the past for Channel 4. On his own site he says: ‘I'm a well-spoken actor with an alter ego. I do rough talking’. Let me tell you, from the minute he turned up in that office in Clacton and I saw him, he was acting from the very start. He even says on his website: ‘Hire me, I do undercover filming’.

Broadcaster: “Shall we just...”

Farage: “No, let me finish.”

Broadcaster: “No, just in case people are totally familiar with what you're talking about.

Farage: “Well, this is, these are the comments, and Rishi Sunak's reacted to them today. This is a total and utter set-up that has been leapt on, of course, by our political opponents, leapt on by most of Main Street.”

Broadcaster: “Let me just explain, for those who might not have seen the Channel 4 report, so let me just explain.

Farage: “Well, I expect you have.

Broadcaster: “But just in case there's anyone at home who hasn't seen it, there was a report on Channel 4. where a man saying he was a canvasser for you said some absolutely extraordinarily racist comments. What you are saying now is that he's an actor and that it's a setup.

I can just say, Channel 4 say: ‘We strongly stand by our journalism’…well, I have to put their point of view. They're not here to answer...’We met the man, Mr. Parker, for the first time at Reform UK’...hang on, let me..I have to put their right to reply, as I would have to put yours. ‘We met Mr Parker for the first time at Reform UK Party headquarters, where he was a Reform Party canvasser’. They say they didn't pay him, they didn't know him, and that he was filmed covertly. So if it was a set-up, and you're saying it was, very clear, you've been saying that all day, how, who set it up? Are you saying that Channel 4 paid this guy? They're denying it. Paid this guy to set you up?

Farage: “Channel 4 used a production company, which of course gives them deniability. What I have no doubt about is this guy was in his alter ego. I've even found now on TikTok this guy doing sort of Alf Garnett type stuff. This was a comedy act. It was designed to hurt us. And sadly, sadly, some people believe it.

Here is the apparent man in question, Andrew Parker, appearing to advertise his acting services while demonstrating his skill in impersonating a ‘rough voice’.

Click to play:

Here is his (now deactivated) acting jobs profile.

Farage has summed up the conclusions of his own investigations below:

Do ponder. If it is that easy to hire actors to shape national stories, what else in our “news” headlines is nothing but paid for PR? Hospitals being overrun during Covid, anyone?

Soon after this storm in a tea cup, Reform UK held their national convention at Birmingham’s NEC. No less than 5000 supporters attended at short notice, in what became this election cycle’s largest political rally.

Click to play:

At this convention, one of Reform UK’s largest donors, British Muslim Zia Yusuf electrified the crowd with his speech introducing Farage. Yusuf’s proudly British speech put any spurious media allegations of racism to bed once and for all.

Click to play:

Zia Yusuf: “This is a movement for British people of all races and faiths who love their country, a movement for those who want to see British values protected, who wish to see our culture celebrated. But let us be under no illusions. This mission will not be easy. Quite the opposite. We will have to face down the entire political and media establishment who hate us for what we love. As they see our movement grow, they will roll out the heavy artillery and they will come after us with everything they've got. In fact, they already are. Thankfully for us, thankfully for us, we have an ace up our sleeve. We have a real leader. In Nigel Farage, we have a real leader. We have someone to inspire us in the belief that victory is possible. He inspired me. He has inspired you. He will continue to inspire millions across this great country. We have a leader who loves this country, who spent his whole life campaigning for the interests of British people. And now he has come out of retirement by popular demand to lead us out of despair and into a state of hope for this country. He will face down, he will face down those who seek to destroy us. He cannot be deterred by slurs or milkshakes. And just as he took on the banks and won, just as he took on the mighty European Union and won, now he will lead us as we take on the elite political class and we will win.

3) Biden implodes as Trump continues to surge

Across the Atlantic, Biden debated Trump on CNN for their first televised face off this cycle. The result was nothing short of catastrophic for Biden and his Democratic Party.

Some rather funny debate lowlights for Biden are shown in the below clip.

Click to play:

Biden: “Making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person err..eligible for erm.. what I've been able to do with the COVID, excuse me, with erm dealing with everything we have to do with, err..look, if we finally beat Medicare / We finally provided housing for black Americans. / The impact of the, the choice, the idea that they're gonna, I'm not even proposing it, everybody, they pay, the millionaires pay 1%, 1%. So no one after, I've not raised the cost of social security for anybody / I got my handicap when I was vice president down to a six. / And get rid of the ability of Medicare for the ability for us to be able to negotiate drug prices with the Big Pharma companies. / What I'm going to do is fix the tax system. For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America. I mean billionaires in America. / No one was hurt, no one is really was accidentally killed and it just stopped. / And I'm going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers.”

Corporatist media received this all in utter panic.

And the CNN talking heads promptly began suggesting that Biden should stand down to make room for a stronger candidate.

Click to play:

CNN host 1: “There is no two ways about it that was not a good debate for Joe Biden.

CNN host 2: “That was painful. I love Joe Biden. I work for Joe Biden. He didn't do well at all. He did not do well at all. And he looked, I'll give you the analysis, kind of have the old man versus the con man. I can walk you through how I'm supposed to see it and say it, but I just want to speak from my heart. I love that guy. That's a good man. He loves his country. He's doing the best that he can. But he had a test to meet tonight to restore confidence of the country and of the base, and he failed to do that. And I think there's a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now. We're still far from our convention, and there is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that. But that was not what we needed from Joe Biden, and it's personally painful for a lot of people. It's not just panic, it's pain, after what we saw tonight.”

4) Elections are not going to the globalist plan: beware a black swan event

Where there are currently elections, the US, UK and France, things are not going to the globalists’ plan. Antiwar populists, of the left and right, are surging everywhere. France concluded the first round of its own elections, and serves as a case in point.

The Guardian reports 1st July 2024:

Marine Le Pen’s far-right, anti-immigration party is in reach of becoming the biggest political force in the French parliament after a historically high showing in the first round of snap parliament elections…

..Official results showed that RN and its allies received 33% of the national popular vote, with the leftwing New Popular Front in second with 28%. President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist bloc was third on 20% of the vote.

We here at Radical Media forecast exactly this scenario last month:

Radical Media reports 12th June 2024:

The current election cycle’s seemingly unstoppable rise of populist parties will disturb globalists. It indicates that their long reign is almost over. As such, globalists will do whatever they can to preserve their power and their empire, including provoking WWIII instead of simply accepting defeat, in order to hold onto their position.

As Radical Media reported 17th April 2024:

Like Pearl Harbour and 9/11, any declaration of war requires a major black swan pretext as justification. Globalists seek to spark WWIII by facilitating a false flag operation in Europe in order to make going to war against Russia inevitable. This further serves to prevent a domestic victory for anti-globalists, while exhausting the energy of their own populations so that any effective domestic opposition is brought to a complete stand still.

Three days ago, US Colonel Douglas Macgregor raised the alarm about just such a potential threat being faced by US military bases in Europe.

The Hill reports 30th June 2024:

Multiple U.S. military bases in Europe are under a heightened state of alert for a terrorist attack against U.S. military personnel or facilities, multiple media outlets reported Sunday.

We have been worried about exactly this development for a while.

Radical Media reports 12th June 2024:

Trump’s rise has been unstoppable. His win in November would effectively end the last four years of hybrid civil war that we have been experiencing in Western nations, pitching globalists against anti-globalists. Just as Zelensky cancelled elections due to war, it would suit US globalists very much not to allow this November’s election. no matter the provocation, we must resist a call to war at all cost. Our reward would be the long overdue end of globalist hegemony and a global rebalancing of power.

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