WARRIOR CREED Podcast Dave Rubin & Shabnam Palesa Mohamed
At the top of this Newszine, Resistance Radio presents the WARRIOR CREED podcast for full members of Radical Media featuring Dave Rubin and Shabnam Palesa Mohamed.
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MIDAZOLAM Series: Homicide Police Investigating Scotland's Covid-Era First Minister Nicola Sturgeon For 5500 Deaths In Care Homes
- And Other Radical Reactions
1) Nicola Sturgeon Investigated For 5500 Care Home Deaths
Scotland’s Covid-era First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is being criminally investigated by homicide police for over 5500 deaths in care homes during Covid. This would be Scotland’s largest ever mass-death investigation in its history.
Regular readers will recall that this isn’t the first such ongoing UK investigation into what happened with hospital and care home deaths during the Covid era. The UK Office for National Statistics death figures do point to some incredibly worrying data.
Radical Media reports 15th September 2022:
Many survivor families have united from all over the country alleging that - shockingly - the British state implemented a policy of mass involuntary state euthanasia of the elderly using death row drug Midazolam with morphine, under the cover of “covid-deaths”.
Radical Media reports with audio from family testimonies in Parliament, 15th June 2023:
It is therefore only natural at this stage to wonder whether what happened to victims in Scotland is similar to what is being alleged happened to victims in England.
Scottish Daily Express reports 15th July 2023:
“Scotland's crack cold case unit is involved in the investigation into claims that Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman broke the law and were responsible for avoidable deaths during the Covid pandemic…. The allegations have been folded into Operation Koper, the long-running Crown Office probe launched into Covid deaths in Scottish care home…Prosecutors are examining around 5,500 fatalities and Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC has said it is "without doubt the single largest investigation of deaths in Scottish history..”
One of the concerns raised by whistleblowers and complainants is the state’s placing of elderly patients onto ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ (DNR) orders arbitrarily, which would effectively be a death sentence.
“...Ms Roberts has been working alongside former health and safety prosecutor Roger Livermore and fellow NHS whistleblower Rab Wilson. Their complaint has three key points: the deadly policy of moving hospital patients untested into care homes, the efficacy of face masks for health and social care workers and the use of Do Not Resuscitate forms...’We know there was a 'blanket' use of Do Not Resuscitate orders and we know the order came from the very top’…”
In fact, one such tasteless comment had already been made by Professor June Andrews, the former director of the Scottish Government's Centre for Change and Innovation, pointing to what the victim families are now alleging, that Covid would be a convenient way to “kill off” patients.
“…Ms Roberts said she had cited the infamous example of Professor June Andrews, the former director of the Scottish Government's Centre for Change and Innovation, in her evidence. In March 2020, she told a Holyrood committee the pandemic could be "quite useful" in clearing bed blocking in hospitals by killing off patients. She admitted her remarks to MSPs could be seen as "horrific" and later insisted she had been speaking ironically…Ms Roberts said: "I think there was something very sinister going on and the lives of the elderly and the most vulnerable were taken as a result, that's why I went down the route of taking this to the police…."Instead of protecting the vulnerable, the powers-that-be at the start of the pandemic were discussing how to get rid of them. Going into Covid they didn't have a clue and they even tried to do away with Freedom of Information, with the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Human Rights Act.”
And this wouldn’t be the first such ongoing UK criminal investigation into care home and hospital deaths.
Radical Media reports 15th June 2023 (extract):
The Liverpool “Care” Pathway (LCP) was an NHS end of life care death protocol that UK care facilities implemented to kill off elderly patients once they were deemed no longer worth saving. No, this statement is not even controversial anymore.
The LCP was banned after the fact.
This has precedent. In the Gosport War Memorial Hospital it is even the subject of a prolonged criminal investigation.

Radical Media reports January 27th from Portsmouth News:
Indeed, Andrew Bridgen MP (Reclaim) has endorsed victim family complaints and has previously confirmed on air that it these allegations appear to be true.
Note: due to Elon Musk’s ongoing social media war with Substack, video via tweets can no longer be embedded into Substack. Readers must click on the image to view all video clips. It is our view that the sound on this particular clip was maliciously interfered with, at the time of broadcast.
Mr Bridgen has been seeking to attract Parliament’s attention over what would evidently be Britain’s worst mass-death scandal in history, perpetrated by the state, under the cover of “covid-deaths”, potentially globally.
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And despite the shameful boycotting of this story by Britain’s corporatist media and their chosen mouthpieces, evidence supporting the victim-family allegations continues to embarrassingly mount.
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Registered Nurse Zandra Lewis:
“…they put all of them apart from two patients on what I call TLC, tender loving care, which basically means Liverpool kinda Care Pathway to them, it didn’t to us, because TLC is you still give somebody fluids and food until they really can’t take it anymore. Erm.. even if somebody’s dying you still, you don’t deprive them because, you know, thirst and that feeling of being ‘nil by mouth’, that’s, that’s horrible. So, erm, they basically went round and did that, put everybody on TLC. They wrote a lot of people up for Midazolam and for Diamorphine, and started giving it to some of the patients. Now rather than trying to give fluids and you know food, erm.. because that’s what most people need to sustain life, they didn’t bother. They basically, the ones that put TLC were written up for morphine and Midazolam and then they overdosed them..”
Interviewer: “..So irrespective of Covid or no Covid at that point, whether they had a virus or not, they were going to die from the End of Life Pathways?”
Registered nurse Zandra Lewis: “Yeah”
Interviewer: “And therefore it’s accurate to say the Department of Health and Social Care..killed a number of people at Abbots Wood, up to 20 people?”
Registered nurse Zandra Lewis: “Yeah.. and when we.. our lawyers sent a thing to the police to investigate it, we were told there was nothing to answer to“
Here is the full interview on youtube.
As more and more such evidence piles up, other doctors are beginning to notice:
Despite this clearly being a major story, national editors do not seem to want to run with it, nor will broadcasters touch it. Instead, all those who raise it have been ridiculed as ‘conspiracy theorists’.
But, just as with every other story we have paid attention to over the months in Radical Media, and have been vindicated for - the story of state mandated mass killing of elderly patients using Midazolam and morphine will soon become incredibly difficult to ignore.
Because The Shadow knows.
2) Shiny New Globalist Supported ‘Child’ Labour MP
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This is Keir Mather. And in a time of great crisis and global upheaval, this is who UK Labour decided to nominate as their now newly elected MP for Selby & Ainsty.
Mather is a 25 year old Oxford University graduate with two years of “work” experience inside the Westminster bubble, as a public affairs adviser. As well as appearing woefully under-qualified and terribly inexperienced in life though, Mather is backed by the Blavatnik School Political Leadership Programme at Oxford.
“‘Speaking to people all over the world about their understanding of being ethically motivated to run for office has opened my mind, and it’s only at the Blavatnik School that you get this unique opportunity. If you’re thinking about applying to the MPP, you will never regret having the courage to put yourself forward’.
Meet Keir, current student and one of our first Political Leadership Scholars! These fully funded scholarships are open to individuals who want to run for elected office in the UK or Republic of Ireland in the future. We hope they will contribute to improve the diversity, calibre and training of the next generation of politicians in both countries.”
So who backs the Blavatnik School? You won’t be surprised to learn that it’s more of the same.
Blavatnik funding from their website:
Welcome to ‘democracy’.
3) WEF False Prophet Yuval Noah Harari Gets Defensive About ‘Globalist Conspiracy Theories’
Hilariously, the false prophet Yuval Noah Harari mounted a long-winded and incredibly defensive attempt to rebut widely spread concerns of a globalist cabal directing the WEF’s Great Reset, which he seems to have forgotten is the title of Klaus Schwab’s book anyway.
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“The global cabal theory… this is a very well known story, it’s not new it’s been there for thousands of years. It’s very attractive, erm, because first of all it’s simple. You don’t need to understand everything that happens in the world you just need to understand one thing: the war in Ukraine, the Israel / Palestine conflict, 5G technology, Covid-19, it’s simple, there is this global cabal, they do all of it. And also, it enables you, erm, to shift all the responsibility, to all the bad things that are happening in the world, to this small cabal: ‘It’s the Jews,’ ‘it’s the Freemasons,’ ‘it’s not us!’ And also it creates this fantasy, utopian fantasy, ‘if we only get rid of this small cabal, we solve all the problems of the world, salvation! The Israeli / Palestinian conflict, the war in Ukraine, the epidemics, poverty, everything is solved just by knocking out this small cabal. So, and it’s simple, it’s attractive, and this is why so many people believe it. erm.. it’s again, it’s not new. nazism was exactly this. Nazism began as a conspiracy theory.. ”
Perhaps Harari should let Time Magazine know, as they appear not to have gotten the internal Globalist memo from their false prophet.
As previously raised here for WARRIOR CREED:
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We remain unsurprised. Harari is a globalist technocrat masquerading as a liberal philosopher and critic of national governments. His aim is to dupe the naive into believing that he speaks for our benefit. The truth is, he is just another WEF mouthpiece.
Radical Media reports 6th June 2022:
4) US Military Confirms 151% Myocarditis Spike After Covid ‘Vaccine’
The US military has confirmed a 151% spike in myocarditis (heart inflammation) after their internal Covid ‘vaccine’ roll out.
Epoch Times reports 20th July 2023:
“Cases of myocarditis soared among U.S. service members in 2021 after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, a top Pentagon official has confirmed.
There were 275 cases of myocarditis in 2021—a 151 percent spike from the annual average from 2016 to 2020, according to Gilbert Cisneros Jr., undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness.
..Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who has been investigating problems with the database, questioned how the military came up with the figures.
..It is unclear whether or how it accounted for service members who had a prior COVID-19 infection and received a COVID-19 vaccination,” Mr. Johnson wrote to Mr. Cisneros…
..Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist and president of the McCullough Foundation, looked at the newly disclosed data.
“The large increase in myocarditis cases in our military in 2021 was most likely due to ill-advised COVID-19 vaccination,” he told The Epoch Times via email, pointing to a study from Israel that found no increase of myocarditis in COVID-19 patients.
..’Without the whistleblower’s disclosure, I doubt DOD would have ever acknowledged that it provided incomplete information to my office in February 2022 and again in July 2022,’ Mr. Johnson said.”
After everything that has transpired, there are clowns who still actually defend this Covid “vaccine.” Then there are the snakes who pretend that they never supported forced mass-injection - that’s literally what they supported. But they all exposed themselves. We know every single one of them. And we have the receipts.
We Are Coming.
5) Don’t Forget About Hunter Biden Anthony Weiner
On 27th June 2023, we commented:
And again on 15th July 2023 we said:
And on July 20th 2023 when Patrick Bet-David took up the issue to ask Weiner himself. Weiner’s incredibly defensive and desperate posturing says it all.
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6) Canadian Pastor Commends Muslim Allies
Canadian pastor Henry Hilderbrandt has commended Muslim allies for protesting the teaching of LGBTQ+ curricula at schools in Canada.
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This pastor has been an original anti-Covid mandate activist too.
Global News reports 31st May 2021:
“Superior Court Justice Bruce Thomas on Monday ordered $66,000 in new fines and costs against the Church of God and two of its leaders after he ruled they have continued to defy a court order to avoid gatherings despite the provincial stay-at-home order..
..Pastor Henry Hildebrandt can also be heard making comments that Brost said showed his defiance to the court order.
“I am not locked down this morning. … (What) we are facing behind me are the locked doors that somebody thought they had the authority to lock and we are here because we have the authority of God on our side,” Hildebrandt said during service…”
Well done, sir.
Perhaps - as with Elon Musk - this sort of common purpose and unity emerging is why we are witnessing a renewal of War On Terror era division being stoked against Muslims. The security services appear again to have gotten in on the act.
The Independent reports 20th July 2023:
“The security services anticipate more attempted terror attacks over the coming months, with the home secretary warning on Tuesday that the threat to Britain was rising as terrorists become “increasingly unpredictable”.”
We now know that underage Shamima Begum was trafficked to join ISIS by those working for Canadian intelligence.
Prepare for incoming false flags, designed to scare the public into ever more repressive laws. That’s all Globalists have left. But it no longer works.
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