Midazolam Series: On The Curious Death of Eric Levy & His End of Life "Care" Pathway
The Radical Show Podcast 18
At the top of this newszine Resistance Radio is pleased to present full members of Radical Media with the Radical Show podcast 18.
On August 21st August 2022 we explored a case study - the curious death of Eric Levy in a UK hospital, and his end of life “care”. This episode forms part of our Midazolam Series for the Radical Show. All those we spoke to are alleging UK state mass-murder of elderly patients in care using Covid as cover.
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Here is a basic introduction from the Radical Show summarising allegations around how the UK state is engaging in democide of elderly patients in care using Covid as cover.

Podcast episode 18 of the Radical Show follows on from our Midazolam Series.
Full members will already have received podcast episode 17 (originally aired on 14th August 2022) in which we conducted a special investigation into the UK’s End of Life “Care” protocols featuring the whistleblowing former global Head of Respiratory Illnesses at Pfizer Dr Mike Yeadon, and medical researcher Stuart Wilkie.

Full members will also have received podcast episode 6, featuring freelancer Jacqui Deevoy, nurse and clinical researcher Dr Kevin Corbett, retired nurse Celia Jones, Dr Sam White, nurse Elena Anamaria.
Since recording these episodes, there have been some news developments around this story. Sky News reports that police will be interviewing Gosport hospital staff under caution as part of their criminal investigation into the end of life “care” provided at this hospital.

And Portsmouth News 12th June 2022 reports:
In the US, similar allegations have arisen around the end of life “care” protocols in hospitals using Remdesivir to achieve the same.

Full members would also have received podcast episode 11 of the Radical Show in which we asked British doctor Sam White about his view on the use of Midazolam.

For our Christmas day special, we raised this topic and specifically the Gosport Hospital case with British archaeologist & broadcaster, Neil Oliver.

For our New Year 2023 special we raised the story with British esoteric commentator David Icke:

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